Different Ways to Make Money on Modern Basketball Cards

Welcome to The Sports Card Strategy Deep Dive Series with Hosts Chad Guell and Conner Barnett, an extension of the Monday show designed to help further elaborate on our guidelines used to build strategies to make profits.

Today we discuss:

A free online centering tool to help with purchasing raw cards, as well as Chad’s recent pickups of Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Brock Purdy, & Darius Garland

Which January releases will devalue current NFL rookie prints

Why you should grade & sell different Giannis prints

How to Make Money Cracking Vintage Cards of Mike Tyson, Wayne Gretzky, and Julius Erving

Why you should be fading fliers like Keegan Murray

We’d love your questions and comments!

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Hey I’m Gary from hoops and cards and you’re listening to the noof sportscard content Network be sure to subscribe to all of our podcasts including sports card strategy football card Quest and my show hoops and cards we’re helping you make money to fund your PC and enjoy the hobby because

There is no off [Applause] seon [Applause] What’s going on everybody Paul hickey here with no off you are consuming the sports cards strategy show brought to you by gryo Sports Cards grybos sports cards is a local hobby shop owned by gray Bernett Ryan Fitz and Duke de any onetime Dodson and is located in the arts district in Richmond

Virginia grybos sports the best selection of raw and graded singles in the Mid-Atlantic and a wide variety of wax grybos breaks on whatnot Andor drip five nights a week listeners of sports card strategy can receive a 10% discount from grybos on drip whatnot or their website at grow. by entering the code

Strategy 2023 you can follow all of grybos news and updates on Instagram at grosor cards don’t forget to go premium at nooffseason docomo 30-day trial today to help you build your sports card Investment Portfolio we have just launched sportscard school at noof check it out at sportscard all of the data we use on the sports card strategy show is from Market Movers get a free 14-day trial followed by 20% off for Life by using the promo code no offseason at Market Movers today all right you’re about to enter a Wednesday Deep dive with the Dr crack

Chad Gil and Connor Barnett our head of content at noof Connor and Chad take it away what’s what’s going on good evening everyone we are back with another deep dive Connor Barnett here head of content at no off alongside Dr crack himself Chad Gil Chad how we doing this

Evening sir we’re doing awesome thanks uh the holidays are upon us and we’re talking cards it doesn’t get you better than this they sure are excited for our segments today um I’ve got some interesting things to throw your way as I continue to try to learn and level up

Uh my own uh Bank of knowledge so I’m excited to get your feedback today before we hop right into things just another reminder for those of you that did listen to The Deep dive this morning uh you’ve already heard this however what not singles auction hosted by

Grybos live right now started at 7 pm eastern time um the a teams hosting this one so gybo and Cole it’s over 150 singles for auction mostly basketball and football as well as some baseball uh from a local sports agents massive collection they’re going to have some

Fun and interesting giveaways uh so be sure to head over there keep us tabbed of course but head over there give them some love look for some deals on auctions and tell them we sent you I’m going to go ahead and drop uh the link uh to their hosting over at whatnot

Right now in the chat uh so be sure to check our guys out give them some love and hop back in here after all right Dr crack we got good segments per usual we got some buying process talk we’re going to talk about your recent pickups some cash flow

Management things uh to grade or not to grade I’m going to try to crack the code and we’re going to get uh some of your crack and submit plays uh and then we’re going to round things off of some audience Q&A so listeners as you have questions throughout the show be sure to

Drop them in the live chat and we will get to as many as possible at the end of the show Chad let’s start things off with the buying process and some tips from Dr crack what’s your tip this week sir all right uh my tip is uh I’m gonna

Be talking Connor I I’ve never I have never let anybody in under the hood here before so to speak uh I am going to show you the tool that I use um when I am buying singles online this works if somebody messages you sends you a text

Message and says hey what do you think about this card if you’re looking on Facebook mylabs uh eBay whatever the website is comc and you want to find out does this card look centered is this a card that I think I should buy uh I am going to show you um

What it is so this is this is the tool that I use um it’s it’s a very simple process first of all you would you would take the picture that you want and save it to your to your desktop on your computer I’m goingon to skip that step

Um for everybody here Connor just to save a little bit of time so you save save it to the desktop now I’m going to um go in and show you how this works so first of all the the website if you want to drop this in the comments Connor is Edge grading

Docomo website doesn’t cost anything I’m going to show you some really cool usages of it so the first thing you’re going to do is select the image I’ve got a uh Justin Fields card here um that I’m going to select I thought this card to the naked eye

Looked really good so once it pops in I’m going to click use this image this always pops up when I get rid of it um now you’ve got this uh tool here there’s two lines that you get to drag for centering on every card so you take

The inside one and you put it on a place so put it on the inside black line there take the outside one and put it on the edge of the card you’re going to do that for all four sides of the card and this is going to give you an idea of whether

This card is centered or not now I picked this card because I thought to the naked eye it looked like the centering could be tens it looked really well centered we’re going to find out if it is or not so you take and you drag it

To to the edges it’s very important that you get accurate because if you’re off just a little bit it can affect the uh the outcome of the centering so try to make sure that you’re right on the lines all right so that seems pretty easy would you agree Connor sure does

All right here is the coolest part so it gives you a little breakdown of the left to right top to bottom but here’s the part I like about this website you hit view grades Conor and this is going to give you a breakdown when you scroll down of the top three card manufacturers

PSA I’m sorry of grading companies PSA SGC and bgs so I did this earlier with Connor and um and it showed a 10 PSA a 10 SGC and a 95 bgs I purposely if you scroll back up here you can see that these lines don’t exactly meet I did

This because I wanted to show Connor everybody that you can you have to be accurate with these in order to get see how that line doesn’t quite hit the black there um but by doing that that gave us this is saying that the centering on this card is a PSA 10 and

SGC 9 or bgs uh 8 on the front um so kind of interesting PSA is a little bit more forgiving on centering and this tool kind of shows that so I’ve never shown that with it for anybody before but this is a great tool that I use a

Lot um when it comes to trying to determine is that card centered and is this a card that I should buy to try and grade love it I think that’s a fantastic tool um for those of you that were are listening uh and not necessarily watching uh it’s super it’s a super

Simple process really I think Chad outlined it pretty well but it essentially gives you two lines for each Corner that you just draw to the appropriate points on the card um and then it immediately I’m talking immediately gives you feedback as to what it thinks the card will grade as I

Know that Chad was talking to me before the show that this is a tool he’s been using for a while um and has been pretty accurate is that right Chad you think it’s been really accurate it’s incredibly accurate as long as you get the lines lined up perfectly like you

Just saw beforehand Connor I showed you how how it was a 101 n and now here it was a 1098 um but I purposely made that line on the right hand side not line up perfectly just because I wanted to show you and the audience that um it’s really

Important that you line up the lines perfectly um if you do that this tool is incredibly accurate so Chad I’m assuming you can just download photos straight from eBay listings and import them wow that’s fantastic yeah all you got to do is save save any any image of a card

Whether it’s somebody that text it to you and you can put it on your laptop or on your phone um eBay any any website just save it to your desktop and then select the image uh it says select image and then when you’re done you can you

Can uh delete um that image and select another one you can do as many as you want it’s free so there’s no fees involved which is super cool and it’ll give you a leg up on your competition as far as uh if you’re trying to buy raw

Cards and um centered raw raw cards you know it won’t won’t help you with surfaces or or corners or anything like that but it will give you a a real good idea for centering awesome yeah great tool there Chad thanks for sharing um like you mentioned it’s going I think it’s very

Helpful for people trying to buy raw cards online very quick very easy and very effective speaking about buying cards let’s go right into your recent pickups of the week and talk about some of the cards that You’ picked up and why all right so within this last week I’m

Going to talk about three cards here Connor and as we uh do every week we’re going to break them down into the three categories that you hear us talking about all the time uh goat hero and flyer the first one I’m going to talk about might be a little controversial

Connor because my goat is SGA Shay gilgas Alexander he is not a goat per se he is probably a hero but as we’ve talked in previous episodes a card of a person may be a goat right the reason I put this in the goat category is because

I believe that this is one of the safest plays out there right now it is and and I just purchased it matter of fact since I’ve purchased it this card is climbing already I bought this card uh full disclosure I don’t have this card in hand yet that’s how

Recently I’ve bought this card uh I bought this card on Saturday night uh so it’s five days ago um and I haven’t gotten it yet it’s in transit um but anyways this card is a 2018 optic Hollow rated rookie sgaa card number 162 in a PSA 10 it’s only a pop

210 so it’s a pretty low pop count um so there’s not a ton of them on the E on eBay um and even though this is this was super surprising to me um the card is down 48% in the last 30 days Connor he is playing as well as he has ever played

Before and his card this specific card is down 48% in the last 30 days I purchased this card for $95. on Saturday night um this is the type of Rapid decline that you typically see from a season enging ending injury or uh or a suspension like you saw last year with

Johnar um it’s really odd that you would see this type of 48% decline on a player currently playing on a winning team and he’s the star and he’s playing great so it was a little bit weird and here’s the reason why I picked this card counter

His silver prism PSA 10 which I think my opinion is the silver pretty much sets the market when a silver goes up or down that is the leading indicator as to what all of the the players other cards are going to do so I kind of look that the

Silver is kind of like the uh the NASDAQ ticker as far as I’m concerned his silver prism is up 15% in the last 30 days so why would his silver be up and the hollow be down 48% I thought it was an anomaly because the previous sale before mine at

$95 was three days it would have been last week Wednesday there was a sale for $114 and I thought that you know because it was such a sharp decline I thought well there’s no way that another one’s going to go this cheap so when I sniper bided this I typed in 150

Bucks it was only at like7 some dollars with a couple minutes to go I typed in 150 bucks because I’d have been happy at $150 I won the bit at 9550 I was ecstatic wow um but also full disclosure I looked this morning um and this card uh there

Was another one that just sold uh actually it’s selling in about uh let me look I got on my watch list it’s selling in about 2 and half hours it’s already up over $110 with three hours to go um so I expect that one to be in that 125 to 150

Range I was going to buy another one if it was going to be if it’s under 125 bucks I was going to buy another one so if anybody’s here watching this and gonna and bid you’re gonna have to go over 125 because I’m I’m gonna snipe

That the in about three hours at 125 so gotta go over that if you want that card from me um so that’s my goat play that was my goat pick I like this pick a lot Chad uh real quick I got I got a question for

You related to kind of the fallof that we’re seeing uh here uh based on some of the research I’ve done I’ve actually feel like I’ve seen this for a few players um I believe Tyrese Maxi has a lot of cards that have kind of fallen off too we obviously know he’s been

Having a great season there’s a lot of those like mid to high tier guys um that they’re seeing a lot of cards fall off uh despite still performing well I was curious to see your thoughts on if the inseason tournament obviously this is the first year of the NBA inseason

Tournament is there a chance that we could be seeing a potential like small period of a dip or lull Market wide for NBA cards if you look at Ultra Modern cards 2018 to 2020 um as of Monday from the past seven days Monday last Monday to this Monday um it was down roughly

12% as a whole so I was curious to see if you thought that kind of like the the mid-season dip in the NFL while the NFL playoffs are about to heat up we’re waiting for the allstar game to start do you think that that right after the NBA

N Season tournament could really be like a good buying point for NBA Basketball cards for players that did not make it very far in the tournament absolutely um you’re not seeing that from the players that that made the finals LeBron’s cards are up um you got uh um Halle Burton’s cards

Are up you know the stars that made it deep their cards are up but this is what we typically see preco November and December the market Falls and everything that is why it’s such a good buying season Connor this is not I’m not I’m not the least bit

Worried I’m not the least bit concerned uh I’m not I’m not I’m I’m loving the every all the cards falling right now I think this is great there are some cards going up for example if you remember a few weeks ago when I was taking all this crap over my deer and

Fox and uh Paul told me it was because my kids were uh melting my mind so to speak and I said well I believed that dearn fox was a good play and that if you bought him you could make money on him had you bought his silver prism or

His hollow on the day that we had that conversation and wanted to sell them today guess what they’re up 41% so were my kids melting my mind or do I actually know what I’m talking about I’m not sure the ver is is up to the audience but you could have made

Money in the last three weeks on dearon Fox Silvers and optic Hollows had you bought them I didn’t recommend them but you could have bought them um the other card and I you guys touched on it this morning and I I think Lefty had it in

His 1K budget uh I had texted I don’t remember if I texted just lefty or if I texted everybody but we were I was pounding the drum this summer in August about uh um O’Neal Cruz Bowman Chrome autos and I I had bought one for my son

For his birthday if you remember I was so excited that I had bought it um and I had bought that one in like right around 250 or 60 bucks got two didn’t you and one for your son yep yep I bought two um they were about $5 apart from each other

And I bought that card around the two I think it was 260 is 265 255 something like that the most the one most recently sold sold for $500 I believe they’re still going up from there um because we’re in the season right now where you want to you

Want to buy baseball and that card is up almost you know from 260 to 500 in the last 90 to 120 days so I’m hoping I’m hoping our listeners listened to us and bought themselves some some Bowman Chrome first autos of O’Neal Cruz when we when we pitched it because if they

Did they’re going to be uh laughing all the way to the bank ho ho ho Merry Christmas um so so yeah the Market’s down on a lot of players uh I the reason that this shocked me about sgaa Conor is because it’s rare that you see the hollow and

The silver prism going in opposite directions those if you look at that on Market Movers those cards move in unison it’s it’s it’s a Harmony they go up together they go down together the silver typically moves a day or so before the the hollow does but it’s very

Reactionary very close it’s it’s almost the same amount of space between the two lines at all times for a 365 day trend those those lines are are are very similar so to see one going up and one going down was of was an oddity and I sprung into that odity and I took

Advantage of it because I knew that it couldn’t last and uh I think there’s an opportunity uh because there’s a couple of them still on auction on eBay right now if guys want to hop in and get him I think that uh this card in Spring if he

Continues to play well and has a good uh a good run and they they stay the surprising team like Sacramento was last year and stay in that number two3 slot um I think this card this optic Hollow could be a $250 card uh this spring and

Right now um I bought in at $95 so uh I think it’s for sure a $200 card come spring so there’s some some money to be made the meat on the bone so to speak on that card yet love absolute steal of a purchase from Chad by the way 95 bucks for that

Card is f was that was that an early morning pickup Chad no actually well it was a it wasn’t late it was an 11:30 p.m. central Time so um I guess it wasn’t like terribly early morning late but it was late a lot of people are in

Bed by then but um I stayed up specifically only for that that card and that card only um and I was I almost felt like I had a mask on when I went to bed I was laughing I I had a hard time going to bed because I was I couldn’t

Believe 9550 that’s the lowest sale of that card in like three years yeah um it’s unbelievable so there are deals to be had right now uh if if you’re diligent that’s what we’re here for we’re trying to help people uh pick out some of these these deals and steals so

To speak definitely definitely go ahead and roll into your hero pick for the week my hero pick of the week this one this one hurt this one this one pains me just a little bit Connor just just a little bit because if you remember if somebody rolled back the tape at the

Beginning of the season I said sell Brock pie he’s no good it was a mirage it was a fake we’re gonna find out what the true Brock py is this year people are gonna put pressure on him he’s gonna be no good he’s got no arm he’s got good accuracy but you put

Pressure on him and he folds like like Jello well when it started to happen midseason I was like yes I told everybody get rid of that bum get rid of him I don’t like him I don’t like the 49ers well after the collapse of the Cowboys the collapse of the the Eagles

Uh who I thought I really thought the Eagles were the were the team to beat in the NFC this year I don’t I never did believe in the Cowboys although they’ve put been putting on some good shows I really thought it was the Eagles to beat

And the Eagles have shown me some big holes lately in their in their in their game um and they’ve got me concerned and as much as it pains me to say this because I really dislike the 49ers the 49ers have the inside track to going to the Super Bowl in the NFC right

Now and Brock pie is playing great so I bought my first ever mystery relevant Brock pery card and and Conor the reason this pains me is because we always tell people don’t buy on the way up don’t buy the hype don’t buy when it’s everything about this card this

Probably should be in the risky category instead of the hero category except I believe that if they make the’ll deep run into the playoffs in the Super Bowl I think this card’s got another 25% left in it so I bought it just to say I had a

Pretty card and to see whether or not if I lose money on this card Connor I’m actually going to be happy because it means I was right about Brock pie if I make money on this card I’m happy because I made money so it’s a no lose

Situation for me I’m happy either way win or lose but I bought a card an optic Hollow I love the optic Hollows because they’re not they’re to me they’re the second best card to the silver prisms and they not they’re not as expensive so I bought an optic Hollow rated rookie

Card number 277 PSA 10 again very low pop it’s only a pop 197 um and the card is the card’s up 53% in the last 30 days so that scares me Connor um never buy a card that’s up 53% in the last 30 days unless you believe that there’s room for

It to grow and I think with three weeks left in the season and them having the inside track I truly believe at this point in time San Francisco is going to represent the NFC in the Super Bowl I just don’t see Philadelphia or Dallas or Detroit challenging because they’ve got

HomeField Advantage they’ve got all the weapons they’ve got the defense I man unless somebody comes up with a killer game plan the Niners are going to the going to the bowl I think um but I bought myself a brock py card so that is my hero play of the week um I

I’m I’m I’m not excited about it but uh but I did it anyways love the humility Chad love it I think uh so answer this for me so with you I think it sounds like you’re willing to expose yourself to a little bit more risk than usual

Here is your shell marker are you uh undoubtedly going to be holding for that Super Bowl appearance or are you going to be looking to list this prior so so here’s a little nugget for all the all the audience members I did some research

On this today so I just so I could I figured Connor is so sharp he was going to ask this question so I prepared myself Connor in anticipation of you asking this question let’s go so I went all the way back to 2012 pwcc has sales data um on cards

Before Market Movers and card ladder and all these other things pwcc has sales data and I looked at the two quarterbacks that were in the Super Bowl from 2012 to current so I did I did a lot of research today to make sure that I was

Accurate on this and here’s what I found out Connor the cards peaked in between the championship game and the Super Bowl not during the Super Bowl not after the Super Bowl not when they won the Super Bowl not when they win MVP of the Super Bowl the cards Peak

On the hype to the Super Bowl so I am selling this card whether he wins it or loses it it will be on auction ending during halftime of the NFC championship game in San Francisco I don’t care if they win I don’t care if they lose I’m

Selling on the hype I’m gonna leave a little bit of meat on the bone because the cards typically from what I saw the cards Peak generally three to four days after the championship game because there’s that two- week window leading up to the Super Bowl that first week after

The championship game is when the cards peaked every single one of them 13 years straight every single one of them peaked the week after the championship game and then they level off that second week and if they win a Super Bowl or they do something spectacular crazy you might

See a small little blip up and then they level off for about a week and then they start to crash so my my selling marker on this is the NFC Championship Game love it yeah and I think for any quarterback that we’ve talked about over the last several weeks this no one has

Mentioned a selling marker being the Super Bowl so if you’re listening right now and you’re thinking I’m going to be risky I want to wait until the Super Bowl so I can Maxim maximize profits listing your auction on the Super Bowl isn’t even going to maximize your profits you’re going to see spikes

Prior to that game starting um so just another reason that you should you should follow the lead of Lefty Paul um and Chad here who are all buying quarter have all bought different quarterbacks over the last uh month or two and are listing them um prior to that Super Bowl

Game so don’t don’t associate yourself with unnecessary risk to try to make profits that aren’t necessarily there right what you got for me this week in terms of uh your Flyers Chad my flyer Connor I absolutely love I love it so much I bought three of them

Full disclosure I didn’t buy one I bought three love love love this play it is risky but I think it’s gonna pay off huge Darius Garland silver prism rookie card number 288 and a PSA 10 it has a pop of 1585 so it’s a liquid card that’s achievable

It’s not there there’s enough of them on eBay with fif with a pop cone of almost 1,600 the card is down 28% in the last 30 days and spoiler alert in the last week he broke broke his jaw and he is out anywhere from four to six maybe eight

Weeks they’re hoping to get him back just before the All-Star break because of the talent that he is I think Cleveland’s going to be very cautious with him I think they hold him out until after the All-Star break so that’ll be an8 to 10 week window um and

That is going to take his prices that are down and drive them even further down I absolutely love this play this card is down 70% from a year ago Connor 70% this guy was an Allstar in February less than 12 months ago the guy was an

Allstar his card is down 70% and he just got injured this is a great time if you want to take a flyer on a a very talented player Mitchell’s contract expires next year Connor Mitchell wanted to go to the Knicks Mitchell has a house in New

York I think that you could see Mitchell get traded before his contract expires to the New York Knicks what have we talked about with Darius Garland Darius Garland is a better player when Donovan Mitchell is not on the floor if they trade Donovan Mitchell and get anything for him at all and make

Donna and make Darius Garland the focal point of this offense the Cavaliers are a better team and Garland can ball this guy is a baller I bought in on this card are you ready for this silver prism PSA 10 last year’s Allstar Conor 60 bucks 60 bucks and I got not one but

Three bang I got three for less than $200 less than $200 shipped for three of them I think this is a $200 card when healthy and when Donovan Mitchell exit stage left in CL Cleveland this is a $200 card I freaking love this pick Chad this I’ve talked about this card uh several

Times over the last couple months and the the prices just keep going down um I think I talked about it most recently on a deep dive with Lefty and you were in the comments like I love this how is this so cheap like your so Conor gets

Credit for this you brought my attention to that card I started researching it and I bought three of them yep let’s go and and a couple things I wanted to touch on as well so you mentioned um Donovan Mitchell potentially being on the move I think

That would be huge in terms of Darius Garland’s usage uh and the Cavaliers overall success and I want I want that to lead into a question will obviously Darius is hurt right now and that and that um the injury could help us see and even really

It could it could see his cards dip even further but another thing to consider which I’m curious your feedback here Evan Mobley is also injured so the likelihood of the Cavaliers really struggling over the next few weeks to me in my opinion is high because I believe

Those two guys do a lot to help teams win games even if they aren’t necessarily always in the box scores with mbl’s injury is that something to consider uh even seeing a further decline in his prices if the Cavaliers really show struggle and Darius is off

The floor for an extent a period of time yeah yeah I I Evan Mobley could be another player that you could go go chase right now for for a good value um I actually was looking into that today because I I thought of that as well Cleveland actually is the third or

Fourth maybe well not Sixers they’re solidly the fourth best team in the East I I think they’re a solid fourth best team in the East however they’re gonna struggle to be they’re probably going to be a playin team this year with Garland out for six to8 to 10 weeks Moy out for

Several weeks maybe a couple of months um without those two guys they’re not a playoff contending team I don’t care if Mitchell drops 50 every night they’re gonna struggle to beat teams and I think it does two things Conor I think it it puts Mitchell in a playin position

To where he gets to be the focal point to drive up his trade value so this is a win for Cleveland because Mitchell now gets to go out spider gets to do his thing and he gets to go drop 30 40 every night be the Ball Hog shoot do whatever

He wants because he doesn’t have to share the ball with Moy and Garland and when he’s doing that they’re going to the Knicks hey you see my boy spider he’s dropping 30 dimes every night show me the money New York right I think you could see a Donovan Mitchell surprise trade possibly this

Year that would be a little bit of a surprise I think you could see Donovan Mitchell play his way to the New York Knicks by the trade deadline don’t know if it’s gonna happen but I think it could yeah I think I think teams are

Seeing and I like I got a lot of respect for Donovan Mitchell’s game but in my opinion his high usage and relatively low efficiency like it’s a combination that isn’t necessarily one of winning basketball and you can tell that with the moves that Cleveland’s made over the last couple years years they’re they’re

Picking up a lot of young talent and they’re trying to rebuild and build a team to move in the right direction I I don’t know that they believe necessarily wholeheartedly that Mitchell is the guy there so I wouldn’t be shocked either and I really think that Mitchell’s trade

Is a great marker for Darius Garland we’ve talked about it a lot so I’m excited uh to see how that all plays out I love these pickups from you on your end um I really like all three of of your pickups for the week I think it’s a

It’s a very narrowed Focus honestly and relatively low risk on all three of them with really high upside so all three of those are fantastic picks hopefully the listeners were paying attention and can try to find similar prices good luck catching Dr cracks prices but hopefully they can find similar prices and get

Some deals um and make some profits there Dr CRA let’s roll into cash flow management yeah let’s do it this is a section um this is a section that I’m a little bit less knowledgeable about at this point just because we talk a lot about releases in this section we’re

Going to continue to do so but for me there’s so many releases by all the top manufacturers that it’s very difficult for me to to really put a finger on which ones are the top ones um so I’ve got a couple that are coming out this January 2023 obviously is coming to a

Close um so we’re going to talk about some January releases so the first one I want to discuss is 20123 Panini Phoenix football uh we’ve discussed not buying guys like CJ strad because of upcoming releases uh that would devalue their current prints and while both you and

Paul have said you’re waiting some time before picking up uh additional after the new releases of these rookies um is this a release that will cause current prices to drop uh will we see like immediate declines in values and if not how long should we expect to wait for

For these cards that are already out prior to this release to kind of drop off in in values and should people be listing the current prints they have of these rookie players uh immediately yeah that was a lot of questions I’m sorry yes that’s a lot of

Questions and I I think the answer is yes yes yes yes yes and yes um so first of all Phoenix football I love Phoenix products in the last couple of years it’s actually one of my favorite products because they are such good looking cards it’s a lower-end product

Don’t get me don’t get me wrong and don’t rush don’t let everybody rush out because Dr crack said that he loved Phoenix I just love the way that they look I love the way they feel um and I’ve been collecting a a lot of I used

To collect a lot of Mosaic because I really enjoyed the way the Mosaic looks Phoenix is slowly inching in there that uh they I don’t know they’re kind of kicking my old Mosaic girlfriend out the door here I kind of like I kind of like like Phoenix Phoenix and Mosaic I put

Very similar they’re on on a same they’re a notch above Don Russ and certified and um things of that nature Leaf um so they’re kind of a middle ground they’re a nice looking card they have a little bit of a collectibility especially the parallels um the fire burst and the

Phoenix are very collectible as are the the silver mosaics uh or the or the Genesis I love the Genesis in in the uh in the Mosaic products um but yes I do think Phoenix will drive the value down of some of the Don Russ products so I

Would be looking to to sell if if you’re looking to sell your rated rookies get get them sold um before Phoenix comes out because I do think it will affect Don Russ prices awesome great answer there Chad uh the second release that I wanted to discuss and obviously if you have any

More after we run through this please do share uh would be 2023 2024 Panini Don Russ basketball coming January 24th uh we don’t often reference uh very much Don Russ basketball cards when we’re talking about who to buy and what the right cards are um is there anything to

Take away partic in particular from this release um and why really aren’t these prints very investable and why is this release not super investable well the rated rookies in football tend to have a little bit more shelf life than the rated rookies in basketball in basketball people would rather have the

Optic over the Don Russ the Don Russ is is a pretty lowend um product so they’re for basically almost the same price you can get the optic chromium looking card and then the hollows of course are are the ones to chase so the the the only reason

That Don Russ really has any value at all is it’s an early release in the schedule which is why they do it it’s an entrylevel product um it’s it’s a product that’s affordable that kids can go chase um but it’s for the parallels you know everybody wants a

Downtown um can you imagine what the downtown wembanyama is going to sell for for or a downtown uh um oer or amen Thompson um you know those those cards are gonna those cards are going to be pretty pretty in demand they’re going to bring a pretty good

Penny sure good good answer there are there any other releases from from January that you keep your eye on in terms of of releases that will kind of uh cause shifts in cash flow ideas yeah the B the big one is and I’m a little curious because Panini pushed off

Prism um to January 3rd now and uh I have yet to see a um checklist for prism which tells me they could be having more printer problems uh it would not surprise me if January 3rd got bumped again because I January 3rd is coming up and there have been no release of a

Checklist that scares me a little bit but when prison comes out make no mistake about it whether it’s overprinted or not prism is the gorilla in the room um prism drives the price of everything else down Phoenix Mosaic Don Russ doesn’t matter Phoenix uh prism is is King Kong in the

Room awesome yeah great stuff there Chad I think really um well quick question for you when when prism does come out is that something where I know that we’ve actually talked recently about opport to make money off of wax we talked about it last Monday on Bowman release is with

Prism having such a dominant force and affecting prices in the market is that a spot where you would be looking to invest uh in boxes of wax to try to turn profits or are you waiting a couple months for singles prices to drop and invest there yeah so I used to invest in

Prism wax uh pre-2020 since 2020 they they overproduce it so much and they’ve raised the price on it see back in 200 1819 you used to be able to get a prism hobby box for 500 550 bucks then Co hit and the boxes now the for the retail

Price not the secondhand price counter the retail price is $950 for a prism hobby box it’s 14 144 cards and typically they have two or three guaranteed Autos I haven’t seen because we haven’t seen the checklist this year we don’t know what it’s going to be with with the

Hobby boxes but you’re probably going to get two guaranteed autos and 144 cards so you’re going to probably end up with maybe a dozen guaranteed parallels um and serial numbered cards and then two Autos so you’re going to end up with 14 to 16 investable cards out of$ 144 for

$950 they’re going to print it to the moon so the wax pric is generally will I’m guessing that they’ll probably the 950 by this time next year will probably be eight or 850 that’s what happened to the 2022 wax uh it’s down about 150 bucks from when it released the previous

Year um but there wasn’t you know a lot of good chases in that either so that may have may have affected it but um yeah I prism Bu The Singles let somebody else take it on the chin one out of I mean I’ve I’ve watched last year watched people rip entire

Cases of this stuff and you couldn’t have gotten enough money to return on investment if you had bought one hobby box let alone a case people were losing thousands of dollars on this Breakers do well because they sell the spots so the breakers don’t care what the cost of the

Product is I personally am not buying any prism to to to Break um it’s too expensive even the hobby even the blaster boxes are like 39 and 40 49.95 for a blaster box for 24 cards nah I’ll I’ll go pick the singles that I want and

Spend 50 bucks on the single that I want and get it graded yep fantastic answer there Chad fade the wax guys per per 99% of the time we talk about it fade the wax wait for the singles um to come down in prices we’re going to be telling you

Guys which singles pick up um and you guys will be making money on those uh Dr CRA do you have anything else to add before we roll into to grade or not to grade no no let’s let’s roll into let’s let’s see what Conor’s cooked up for

Tonight all right I got some I got some interesting ones some borderline ones for sure so curious to see if if you’re rolling with either of these options the first one will take a lot of work but I think could potentially be worth it so curious on your feedback Ellie De La

Cruz 2022 Bowman Chrome prospects first raw $8 card right now down 133% the last 30 days PSA 9 $13 down 37% the last 30 days PSA 10 $39 down 12% the last 30 days gym rate of 70% in the PSA 9 26% of the time so we’re looking at over a 95

Ch% chance to get either a nine or a 10 got a few questions for you to dissect here Dr crack and if you need me to repeat them after you just let me know but let’s go through them real quick one is this worth the hassle of bulk grading

After PSA fees uh should you use PSA or should you go with someone like SGC to try to get a quick turnaround to make sure you have the cards back in time for spring training hype it’s a very heavily traded card with high pop counts so with

The hassle of the bull play I think it’s it’s possible um to potentially get enough of these to make it work um second question well not not a question really but it’s buying season for baseball so like I mentioned all three of these cards are pretty heavily

Discounted so not only do you have a chance to make money on albeit minimal not only do you have a chance to make money on getting these graded but really you could get uh more value increases through organic growth and then lastly I’m going to save the last question if

You want to go ahead and answer those first too sure so just doing some quick math um at $8 a card plus grading fees you’ve got $27 a card in them plus shipping so let’s just round up and say you’re going to have $30 a card in it um 75%

Gem rate is great so let’s say you do a 20 card bulk play you’re going to have about 550 bucks invested with with uh taxes shipping um grading fees about 550 bucks if you get 75% gem rates and you get so what is that 75% 15 of the 20 comeb back

Tens and you sell them at $40 a card uh that’s what’s that $600 yeah that’s about 600 bucks and now you get uh $13 for the other five that’s another 70 bucks um so you’re gonna you’re gonna get about $675 is doll before eBay fees so now you

Got to wipe out 15% of the eBay fees so that 16 670 is going to become 6770 you’re going to end up with about $585 and you invest at 560 so that’s a lot of work to make 25 bucks um I would not I’m fading that play yeah good response there I think

That’s a that’s a good Testament to how important it is to not necessarily just look at Market Movers data uh and go straight into it although Market Movers does provide fantastic data dat um you got to keep in mind transaction fees and eBay cost and shipping and things like

That so really good point there uh but one question that’s slightly unrelated but I’m going to but it’s from this example that I want to ask you do PSA 9s get similar hype cycle spikes to to PSA 10s uh so for example um if Ellie’s crushing it in spring training we’ve

Talked about how nines grow it’s slower rate relative to tens um but for for seasonality hype spikes do nines grow in the same way that tens do I don’t know if that question makes sense yes yeah you’re you’re you’re you’re absolutely um on the right track there Connor yes

Nines this is why it makes my skin crawl when I hear Paul and Lefty say that they cannot you should not invest in PSA 9es get rid of them they’re junk they’re garbage they’re they don’t keep them they don’t want them they don’t send me all the PSA 9s in the world counter

Because I only care about making money I don’t care what the cards I don’t care if they’re PSA 6es if I can make money on them make money money don’t worry about what the damn grade is we get too hyped up and we worry way too much as flippers about the coveted PSA

10 I don’t care if it’s an sgc1 a csg10 an hga 10 a tag 10 can I make money on it and the answer on the PSA 99’s is absolutely if this card is transacting at $13 just pull up Market Movers and and take a look and

See what that PSA 9 did last summer in the in the peak hype I’ll bet you it was 70 80 bucks would you how many how many $13 cards would you take if you knew that they were going to be worth 50 in six months as many as you could get

Right we focus on the tens because the tens at $38 the T went to $200 you know so you’re making one 60 on the 10 and you’re making $40 on the nines so your growth is four times the exponential you know on a 10 versus a

Nine that’s why you do it but not everybody’s got PSA 10 money Connor I mean we get people all the time they’re like well we love your show we love your plays but we can’t afford what you’re suggesting PSA 99’s are the same exact play just in a lower dollar

Bracket yeah I think that’s a good point there uh one caveat that I do want to add is like Chad’s completely right like if you can make money on these cards and there’s upside and the valuation is similar and things like that absolutely but you do still need to make sure

You’re getting one the right card um and and Chad you can I want to get your opinion on this but it’s also I think very important to make sure that the nine is liquid still abolutely there’s a lot of scenarios I see in prism Silvers a lot for basketball players in

Particular where the nines just don’t move for some reason we’re going to touch on that a little bit deeper but guys just because you see a 10 transacting a ton that’s a lot of the reason I think why Paul likes a tin so much because they trade really well and

They’re heavily desirable um so if you’re G to try to make money on a nine which like like Chad’s saying here you definitely can um on certain ones as long as you’ve done your research um where we’ve discussed some as well make sure it’s a liquid card and and the

Demand is there it’s got a solid pop count and things like that yeah so good point Conor when we don’t like blanket statements here at the sports card strategy show this isn’t a blanket statement what what Connor just said is is is money that’s that’s exactly what he’s talking about it doesn’t matter

What the card is whether it’s raw or graded or what the grade is you still have to be able to sell the card for a profit if you have a card you might have a PSA 10 and I’m G to let me use this example right now you have a Darius

Garland prism base PSA 10 you know what that card is selling for right now Conor n $9 wow for a PSA 10 Darius Garland rookie card in a base $9 you know why that you know why there’s no money to be made on the PSA 9 because the 10 is

$9 right you know so that’s why that’s that’s why we like the tens is we’re dealing in a more desirable higher dollar higher braet more liquidity more desirability more eyeballs there’s more people that want a 10 than a nine but not everybody can afford the 10 so if

You do your diligence you can make money all I’m saying is you can make money on nines I’m not saying that they’re equally uh as wantable or desirable as a as a 10 because they’re not but it doesn’t mean just because it says it’s a nine that that you can’t make money on

It right yeah we’re worried about we’re worried about the characteristics and data of the card not necessarily the number on the card it’s grading um I think is is a pretty good summary there so um good stuff there chat he is fading that Ellie play once you break down the

Math uh yeah it’s a pretty clear fade that would be a ton of work to make very minimal money little disappointed with uh I should have done the math there I’m a little upset with myself for that one but for those of you looking to make like those nitty-gritty plays in the

Bulk plays um that’s a prime example of how important it is to take into account those transaction fees and and eBay taking out things like that so um up next I think I have a slightly better one Yannis an DMO 2013 Prestige base raw $31 PSA 978 bucks PSA 10 228 um this

Card doesn’t gem super often only gems 30% of the time but PSA 9 gets uh gets graded 50% of the time so you got about an 80% chance um at a nine or a 10 there couple questions is this something you would do exclusively as a bulk play Chad

And is this potentially the wrong card um and is this the wrong card and does it matter as much if you’re picking the wrong card for for a grade or for a um yes for a grade uh or submit to a grade to try to make money based on

Getting on PSA 9 or 10 because we’re not necessarily waiting for a marker does it matter a little bit less if we’re picking the wrong card as long as we have the right metrics yes Conor gets an A on this one I love this play this is a play I would

Do in bulk and here’s why I would do it in bulk the reason I do it in bulk is if you bought a $30 card and you spend the the um 20 bucks to get it graded you got 50 bucks in it a PSA 9 gets you

$78 you sell it for 78 bucks you’re going to clear 604 you’re going to make $14 a card it’s a lot of work to send it into PSA wait 60 days or 90 days to make $14 so to make it worth my while Connor I’m going to try and put together at

Least 10 of these because now a 10 card play I’m 150 bucks 150 bucks is substantial money so I would try and put together 10 of these um or more if you can afford them and yes the right card when you’re using the metrics of a bulk

Play this is why we haven’t talked about the right card before when I’ve talked about my bulk plays the right card doesn’t matter per se because you’re not you’re you’re buying a card that transacts a lot okay is the Panini Giannis the right card nope it is not

The prism Giannis card is the right card the prism silver card is even the more right card the the NBA Hoops might be the third best card because it’s the most transacted card it has the most liquidity because it’s it’s the most affordable for most people but the

Panini card um and the prestige card they’re they’re two of them that are very similar they’re both about the same money those cards still transact at very high volumes because there are a lot because Giannis is such an expensive rookie card that makes those cards a play

The the reason that that it isn’t the right card but you can still make money on it is because a PSA 10 rookie Giannis is desirable to somebody enough people that can’t spend a thousand on a prism or 10,000 on a prism silver that they’ll spend 300 bucks on a

On a Prestige or a panini a PSA 10 so when you can find find the cards that are going to grade what did you say it was roughly 70% to get a nine or a 10 uh I believe it’s 80% actually 80 so if you got 80%

Chance of making money I’m gonna do a bulk play on a card that is very liquid it’s a very easy card to sell because it’s in a really good price range the number one selling price range for cards and graded cards is in that 200 to 500 range people are comfortable with

Spending 200 to 500 bucks they’re the most liquid cards out there they get above 500 they slow down they get below $200 and people wonder whether or not they’re investable and is it worth their time but that two to 500 especially a card shows it’s probably the most

Transacted price range of a card that there is so that’s the so we talk about the right card it’s the right price range we haven’t talked about that yet Connor it’s the right price range for a rookie Giannis I love that play love that one awesome uh to to continue to

Dive a little bit deeper here so we’re we’re discussing how because we’re not trying to necessarily get organic growth um from cell markers or things like that uh the right card doesn’t matter as much do you think that if we as we trans as you as you shift down the line more

Towards flyer plays that that’s when the right card matters a little bit more because you’re likely going to have lower end players for example they’re more than likely to not be trading as frequently so at that point you probably need to buy the right card for any of

These to work yeah so when we say the right card when you’re talking about you have to have the right card of a player to make money I would fade that player completely anyways to be honest with you because if you have to have the right card you’re you’re in a very narrow

Window of of opportunity I like players where you can have multiple right cards and when I say to me so I I I’d be interested to hear and we’ve never talked about this the right card what it means to each one of us is probably a little bit different to me the right

Card is a card that I can that I can sell quickly that is desirable I can sell it quickly and I can make a profit on it that the right card it might be a PSA 8 base card but if I bought it for $5 and

It’s transacted 15 times in the last 30 days and I can sell it for $20 Connor to me that’s the right card because I’m going to quadruple my money in a two- week period of time does that make sense yeah absolutely I think those characteristics are things that both Ley

And Paul would agree with too in terms of right card and while yeah like there might be a little bit of distinguishability uh between the exact definitions um I think overall most of the most of the characteristics probably line up between the three of you there so um those are

My two picks for the week for to grade or not to grade um we 50% this week we’re at 50% but I think I’m going to end the show with a banger once we get there for now let’s head over to Dr crack’s Corner uh and talk about uh your

Crack and submits for the week yeah let’s do this Connor um I really enjoy this this section of our of our weekly deep Dives because it’s near and dear to my heart that’s how I got my nickname there’s there’s nothing in this hobby that’s more fun than taking a card cracking it

Resubmitting it and turning it for a profit it’s just fun to do um so here are the three I got a lot of feedback last week from the listeners so keep the feedback coming let me know if you like these if there’s a player you want to

See but I got a lot of feedback with by us last week going off the rails and going with some wild uh and Crazy Cards Conor uh that was that was some good feedback so um this week I thought I would do I I would introduce just a

Little bit of it but I’m going to do a little bit more traditional the so the first one is going to be the off the rails one it’s a 1987 Mike Tyson it’s called the card is called a question of sport and it’s a base card there’s

Nothing flashy about the card but it is rather rare there’s not a lot of these out there I am not chasing the PSA 10 on this counter it’s too hard to get the card is too hard to get in a PSA 10 it’s too expensive of a card to try and go

Get in a 10 so here’s the play you’re going to look for bgs 8.5s the most recent sale was was December 10th so there was a recent sale there’s been a few cards of the bgs 8.5s in the last week so it’s a card that’s obtainable $81 was the sale on December

10th I’m going to spend 20 bucks to grade it so I’m going to have a hundred bucks tied up in this card if it drops a half a grade and it comes back a PSA 8 the PSA 8 most recently sold on the 17th of December for 96 bucks so essentially

It’s a wash so the floor is established at basically a wash if it drops a half a grade however if it climbs a half of grade to a PSA 9 it’s $174 also on the 17th of December you can double your money taking an 85 to a nine and there’s

Very little risk because there’s also an 8.5 Gra trade that you could you could just cross it over and get an 8.5 and the 8.5 which I I didn’t put on here the 8.5 sells for $145 so you’re you could make 50 bucks if it get crosses over to the same grade

You can double your money if it crosses over a half a grade higher or you’re gonna break out and not lose money if it crosses over and loses a half a grade so that is a card that is not a baseball basketball or football card per se but

It is kind of a fun card to chase because Mike Tyson is kind of a a boxing Legend so to speak absolutely I love this pick I like I love how you always set your floor as breaking even because essentially if you do Break Even you can

Just run it back on another similar play um so I like that you you mitigate your risk by making sure that even if it even if it drops half a grade you’re not losing anything here so great pick there love the Mike Tyson one what you got

Next all right I have a vintage card we get a lot of people saying can we talk more vintage so I went vintage but I went vintage hockey Connor I went with a 1979 tops not the op the Ops are a little bit more money a little bit

Harder I went with a 79 Topps Wayne Gretzky rookie card I love this card I’ve always wanted this card in my collection and Connor this is a card that has escaped me for 30 years I’ve never owned a Gretzky rookie card it’s on my list of things to get in

2024 so if next year we’re having this show and you’re gonna ask me if I got a Gretzky rookie card it will be a fail in 2024 if I don’t get this card this card in vintage SO first of all in vintage SGC typically sells for

About the same as PSA so to find a card where SGC sells for considerably less than PSA is kind of a rare odity but there are several sales to back up this data and it has been this type of a spread for the last six months I’m I’m chasing a SGC

Five an SGC 5 that’s actually a pretty good grade on a card of this age an SGC 5 will set you back $696 the most recent sale on that card was the 17th of December so that’s a very very recent comp 700 bucks is a lot for people to spend but when you’re

Talking vintage of the greatest player that’s played hockey so far um it’s gonna it’s GNA cost you a little bit of money to play the game right what we’re looking to do here Connor is to get a straight cross now SGC tends to be a little bit harder on Vintage in my

Opinion than PSA is so SGC FS to PSA 5S I looked on my chart I’ve only done this twice in vintage both of them crossed over at the same grade so it’s 100% but it’s a very small window um the PSA 5 sells for $1,110 that’s quite a nice little profit

$400 profit I’m going back to look at the document right now $400 profit to cross that bad boy over from an SGC 5 to a psa5 we’re not chasing 10 we’re not chasing nines not eight sevens or sixes guys we’re going for a PSA 5 here and

We’re going to crack it and hope for a PSA 5 so that is a profit of $400 if we go with a bg8 because I know not everybody likes BG a PSA 5 might be too low for some guys so we’re going to we’re going to up

The ante a little bit for some of our bigger dollar rollers here on the show this car also works if you go and you find this card in a bvg eight so a backck at eight that card will set you back $1,930 from December 18th if that card crosses over to a PSA

7 you’re going to lose 300 bucks Connor that’s not the floor I’m looking for however it’s a floor I’m willing to take a risk on when you find out that if it crosses over the same grade to a PS say8 are you sitting down and ready for this it goes from

$1,930 to how’s $4,300 sound Conor how’s a doubling your $2,000 investment to crack and get the same damn grade bvg to PSA 8 in my experience crosses over at a about a 53% rate so you got a better than a 5050 chance to double your money at two grand to four

Grand I’m willing to take a $300 risk for a $2,000 gain this feels like an absolute steal of a fine Chad if you’re listening right now and you have the cash flow available and your portfolio is big enough to to take on a $300 risk of a hit Chad are

There any reasons outside of that to to not be looking to make this play how how difficult are these cards to find at these grades uh they’re not that difficult to find actually uh in the in the bvg 8 grade uh there were three of them that have sold so far in December

And today’s the 20th so it’s not like it’s you know an extremely hard it’s not you’re not going to find one every single day on eBay but three in the last three weeks you know one a week you know that’s doable very doable for an opportunity to make

$2,000 love it I love this find Chad a great research I’m looking forward to when you make this play and end up sharing it as a w of the week on a Monday fantastic find there but you’ve got another one for us what’s what’s your other crack for the week I do um

I’m going basketball because I can’t do this and not include basketball for my boy Connor 1986 Fleer basketball arguably the greatest basketball set of all times some people call it boring I call it the greatest ever it’s the most desirable in my opinion um Julius Irving the doctor doctor crack

Dr crack had to go after Dr J I did it because us doctors gotta stick together Connor I’m chasing an SGC 9.5 an SGC 9.5 sell sold for $153 on November 10th this car card of the cracks that I’ve mentioned this is going to be the hardest one to find in a

SGC 95 this card is only sold five times in 2023 so about once every other month so much harder card to find but I had to do the doctor I just had to do it a PSA 9 if it drops a half a grade to a PSA 9

You lose your grading fees and $10 so you’re out 30 bucks that’s about a break even that’s a wash I’m willing to take that’s sold on December 17th however if it jumps to a PSA 10 you’re going to go from $153 card counter to $1,620 how’s 10 Xing your

Investment that sold on December 17th also now vintage this 86 isn’t really vintage but they grade like vintage 86 I actually have graded quite a few 86 Fleer cards I’ve cracked a lot of 86 fleers a 9.5 SGC to a 10 I’ve only gotten to do one out of 13

Cards so this is not an easy 10x your money play first of all the card’s hard to find second of all getting that 10 is elusive it’s a one in 13 chance however all 12 of the other 133 dropped a half a grade so in this play you’re you’re taking

About a 90% chance of losing $30 for a 10% chance of 10 Xing your money again it’s all about risk tolerance Connor uh if you have the risk tolerance and you want to swing for the fences I’m giving you some plays to go and play in the sandbox if you want to

Go more conservative I’m trying to give you some plays to do that as well love it Chad Fantastic Finds for the crack and submit plays this week um always good listening to these and and seeing the data that you find and the opportunity really to to make profits without having without realistically

With doing pretty little work as long as you do the research up front and can find um the card you’re looking for in the price range you looking for so good work there um we’re going to stick in Dr crack’s corner with my crack the code of

The week this is going to be my first Cy at a kraken submit so I’m curious to see your thoughts um and I’ve got a little bit of additional um I got a little bit of additional deep diving to do on this pick curious to get your feedback on

That as well so first try on a kraken submit let’s see how we do Zion Williamson 2019 prism silver so if you get this in an SGC 95 it can be extremely difficult to find just seven trades the last 365 days I do want to preface this with that but the last last

Sale was $183 PSA 10 not extremely difficult to sell if you’re able to find it in an SGC 9 and a half and get this graded to a PSA 10 uh 200 plus sales last 365 days last sale $490 so in my opinion this could be a

Chance to make some cash on Zion quickly without having to expose yourself uh to his high injury risk um I’ve also noticed a trend actually go go ahead and give me your feedback on that and then we will hop into to the trend that I’m

Seeing what was the PSA 9 if it drops a half a grade let me pull that up real quick give me just one sec I actually like I like the Zion silver prism card I think at $490 it’s a steel um again that’s the lowest that card’s been since 2019 since the card

Came out PSA 9 $135 so a $50 a $50 risk for a chance to to Triple your money yeah I I would make that play Sweet okay it’s it’s not necessar like hearing your examples from above this isn’t necessarily the best play but like you said a $50 risk to three extra

Plays and Zion’s Market is so cheap right now um he’s another guy that we’re seeing pricing dips you know this this less than $500 prism silver um was trading I’m going to pull up the actual data for people listening give me just three seconds here this card was trading uh less

Than let’s see less than four months ago at $800 and sitting consistently in the $600-700 range so um we’ well talked about how we we like the valuation of where that is right now so if you’re able to find an SGC 9 a half and you can

Get it at that $180 price point when you ship it off to PSA by the time you get it back hoping you get a 10 which I believe you said your data says it’s roughly a 50% chance crossing over from a 95 from SG to a 10 in PSA this card

Could be worth way more than $490 depending on how the Pelicans are doing depending on how healthy Zion is um so I I mentioned a second ago a chance to make some quick cash on Zion not necessarily you’re actually going to expose yourself to a little bit more

Injury risk because you’re gonna be waiting to get the grade back but uh you don’t need a ton of you don’t need a ton of upside for this card to grow it’s just cake on top of things right so um right not the best pick but

Go ahead John the the thing with the here’s the thing with Zion as a collector as a flipper as somebody that lost thousands of dollars uh on Zion plays in the last five years people are holding their breath and they’re waiting for the shoe to drop so Zion cards even though he’s playing

Well and he’s staying healthy his cards continue to drop because right now people are betting on the fact that it’s not if he’s going to get hurt it’s when he’s going to get hurt right and if he gets hurt again and he’s out for a half

A season that $490 prism card is gonna go to a Darius Garland 60 bucks it’s gonna drop like crazy however I believe that Zion has done a lot to his body to try and get ready to stay healthy they’re letting him sit every third or fourth game to keep him

Healthy the Pelicans have learned Zion has learned if Zion stays is healthy and all of a sudden the Pelicans are the 345 seed and Zion’s healthy and he’s still averaging 25 points and we’re approaching playoff time watch Zion’s prices then people are going to drop their gloves they’re gonna run to eBay

And they’re gonna be like holy crap was I wrong I want me some Zion Zion is a very risky play right now because he could get hurt and his prices could go to zero but Zion if you’ve got the risk tolerance might be one of the best

Return on investments that you can put your money towards right now compared to another six months this could be plays I mean it’s a risk it’s a risk if you’re willing to take it you’ve got it in your portfolio to to spend you know 100 $200 $500 on

Zion cards it could four five six 10x your money in six months definitely my recommendation for people that are willing to take on that risk would probably be we talk about a lot sell on the way up if we start seeing that trend of the Pelicans and they’re

Moving in the right direction and zon’s playing well he looks healthy and his card starts spiking probably need to go ahead and get rid of them before the ball drops here’s what I’m hoping for Connor this is a hot take I have no inside information just a fan that wants

To see it right what did we see last year when when Zion was out and we started started to think he was making his comeback what did you see on on Tik Tock dunks after dunks tremendous dunks right how cool would it be Connor if they invite Mack mclung back which they

Have to defend his dunk title and they’re wondering who’s going to defeat him and the Great Mighty Zion says give me some of that and he destroys mck McClung in a dunk contest show me the money baby I’m G to be dancing all the way to the bank if that

Happens I’m hoping it happens I want Zion in the dunk contest I don’t even care if he gets hurt in the dun contest as long as he wins it I can get my cards listed during the playoff weekend that’s yeah I guess the and Lefty talked about I think it was I’m

Not sure if it was you or Lefty but how the I think Lefty was talking about the skills challenge um those events could be potential sell markers because it’s such a low um population of players existing in it and if you win there’s so many eyeballs on on a limited amount of

Players especially the Don contest it’s been so disappointing the last several years if if Zion was able to pop in and do Zion things definitely could be a marker to see his cards go up there y I’ve seen some T some ticktock dunks from Zion when he was hurt that would

Have beat MC mcclung’s dunks I’m telling you that the the guy’s a beast let’s see it come on NBA make this happen yeah certain certainly a specimen there um I did have an additional question based on some trends that I’ve seen on prism Silvers for basketball

Players um and I was curious to get your feedback on while we’re talking about the Zion 2019 prism silver um it seems to me and this is again Market Movers data that I’ve been noticing over the last several weeks they’re almost exclusively graded or at least traded uh in PSA 10 um why

Is why is this obviously PSA is King right now especially for Ultra modern modern cards but there’s an extremely low trade volume for SGC 95s you look at guys like Tatum and Luca donic uh Luca PSA 10 prism silver 353 transactions over the last 365 Days Raw just 28 SGC

95 just four sgc1 just one similar for Jason Tatum PSA 10 142 transactions raw just 17 SGC 95 uh just one sgc1 just two so here’s the question why are people not actively trying to BU roll uh in grade or crack and cmit more often especially the buy

Roll in grade with how typically how well the gym rates are or how solid the gym rates are for these prism Silvers I’m curious to get your feedback there I don’t know I don’t have an answer for I don’t know why people aren’t doing that it it boggles my mind

It’s money to be made it’s easy money Connor why are people not doing doing this I don’t know it’s one of the great Mysteries of the world to me got it yeah okay so the so that’s is a spot where you can kind of go where

They ain’t look at those raw cards and uh use the centering tool that Chad uh showed us early in the show look at the gym rate see if they High Gym rate there are be there are plays to be made there to make money uh let’s go ahead and hop

Into our that’s that’s what we got for for Dr cracks corner and crack the code for the week let’s go ahead and round the show off audience before we do before we do questions and answers I brought a little Christmas gift for all of our listeners I brought some bilow opportunity flyer

Plays that are Ryan painter specials these are cards that are all he he does the $20 play these are all $30 or less I’m going to read these off for people to run out and buy they’re cheap put them in your Christmas stockings and wait these don’t have sell

Markers don’t don’t go texting us and saying Chad told us to buy go out and buy a bunch of these cards these are not recommended buys these are this is my Christmas gift to you for some byow opportunities that have no selling markers in mind they’re just so damn cheap why

Not here we go you ready 20 2022 prism black silver Kenny picket PSA 10 $27 why would you buy a Kenny picket because you can get a silver prism PSA 10 for $27 I don’t like Kenny picket but I take a chance at 27 bucks for his silver

Prism 2019 ruie haimura silver prism PSA 10 last sale $8 2019 pris ISM Base Cam reddish PSA 10 last sale $3 for a PSA 10 Conor 2021 prism based Jaylen green PSA 10 $7 2019 Zion Williamson Don Russ rated rookie PSA 10 $10 2018 prism silver DeAndre Aon PSA 10 $14

2021 prism base Cade Cunningham PSA 10 20 bucks 2019 prism base RJ Barrett PSA 10 $6 2011 SP authentic Kawai Leonard PSA 10 rookie card $26 for Kawai Leonard rookie are you kidding me 2021 optic base Cade Cunningham PSA 10 12 $1 2017 prism based Donovan Mitchell PSA 10 if he gets

Traded in the next year this card will double or triple $22 for a Donovan Mitchell prism PSA 10 rookie 2018 prism base Colin sexon $5 2018 prism silver jiren Jackson Jr $26 jaah is back baby watch jiren Jackson cards I’m telling you a PSA silver 10 for 26

Bucks 2018 NBA Hoops Trey young PSA 10 $14 2019 silver prism LeBron first year in a Lakers uniform $35 2019 prism based cam Johnson $5 and 2019 prism base Kellin Johnson PSA 10 $7 ho ho ho Merry Christmas Go stuff your stocking with some cheap cards that

They’re so cheap PSA 10s that you don’t need selling markers a $3 PSA 10 Conor could get to $6 by accident Dr crack with some extensive research to give you guys a bunch of like you said stocking stuffers cheap options for the holidays gifts for your family members plays for yourself um a

Lot of good lot of good names there from chat extensive list hopefully you guys got some names and some price points you wanted from that awfully kind of Chad to to be looking out for the little guy there good work Dr crack let’s hop into the audience Q&A and get a couple

Questions answered before we round off the show let’s do it kicking things off we’re going to start with card Banker 20 Shout Out Card Banker 20 uh if you weren’t pay if you weren’t in last week’s Deep dive with Lefty uh he hook me and Lefty both up uh

With a box of cards which is awesome for me someone new to the Hobby I just got them today thank you so much card Banker it’s really appreciated that was such a a kind act on your part and uh again really appreciate it but question TOS Chrome X refractor rookie card or

Sapphire rookie card for MLB uh I’m assuming MLB prospects which holds more value second tier NBA cards optic blue velocity or prism ice thanks guys great job H great question card Banker 20 so for me major league baseball players the xfractor now we’re talking tops not Bowman um the xfractor should bring on

Most cases more than a sapphire however if you get a sapphire that’s a color match Jersey type match like a Jackson chrio Blue Sapphire um those might bring a little more than the xfractors just because of eye appeal um but an xfractor is a pretty rare card that should outsell a

Sapphire um second tier optic blue velocity or prism ice um are you asking I think is he asking uh which is better a blue velocity or prism ice um I think he’s either asking which is better or uh you can answer it both ways either which is better between the

Two slash would you invest in either of the two um yes I have both um however I here’s the prism ice is going to outdo the optic blue velocity every single time with the exception of color match again if you can get an optic blue velocity of

Cade Cunningham and his blue jersey hot stuff if you can get a you know if you can get a a a player that the blue velocity matches their Jersey and it’s a color match that will most likely outsell a prism ice card um but if it’s not a color match the

Prism ice will outsell the velocity cards good stuff there Chad up next uh we got Tony Tai apologies if I pronounced anything wrong there Tony um Keegan Murray sell or buy Chad I’m gonna give my answer real quick on Keegan Murray’s Card Market and then you can

You can follow me up with your thoughts um I don’t hate Keegan Murray as a flyer investment because because he plays for a very solid Kings team that’s improving and his Market is down however I think there’s a lot better places to put your money if you’re going to take

Flyer picks um for example his 2022 prism silver is in PSA 10 is down 25% the last 30 days and it’s still trading at 75 bucks for 75 bucks you can get someone like Emanuel quickley or you can get someone like Darius Garland you can get someone like two Jordan pools so

It’s not necessarily that it’s an awful flyer play I think that I just think even with the discounted prices there’s a lot better places that you can put your money there what are your thoughts on Keegan Murray Chad I think youil that I love Keegan Murray um Keegan Murray

Became a viable player last year when the Sacramento Kings made their run um I like Keegan Murray better than sabonis in terms of collectibility but as Connor mentioned Keegan Murray is an absolute flyer play he really the third scoring option on a team that although they’re okay they’re

Not surprising anybody this year like they did last year when they when they ended up with the number two seed um because they were the number two seed this year they’re actually a little bit disappointing and that is why the only player on that team where their cards

Are holding or going up is dearon Fox so bonus cards are down Murray cards are down I think you’ll can you’ll see him continue to slide um so I would sell Murray now um and invest in something that’s more liquid love it fantastic answer there

Chad up next we got greeny green U this actually wasn’t a question but a comment earlier in the show and I think I in my brain I think I was on the right track to answering it however uh I might need you to finish the solution for me he

Said I got 4X off a leaf Jaden Daniels Auto that weekend it was the right card am I correct Chad thinking that maybe the leaf card for Jane Daniels holds more value uh than other typical Leaf cards because he doesn’t have licensed autos for bone University yes uh jayen

Daniels if you wanted a Janet jayen Daniels Auto you have onx and you have Leaf those are the only two that I am aware of that exist um so to greeny Green’s Point um it was the right card because he Forex his money great great job greeny green taking advantage and

Selling on a hype sple I love it love it love it love it I’m big on Jaden Daniels hopefully um hopefully I Chad are we gonna get any more prints from him before he I guess we won’t get anything else until rookie cards correct no because Bowman uh you already came out

Um you might get a tops or a panini instant a tops now especially if he balls out in in a bowl game I would expect like if he’s the if he wins MVP of the bowl game and they win the bow game you might see a tops or pan either

A tops now or a panini instant of him being like the game MVP of the bowl um so that might be an investable card at that point but otherwise uh no what you have is what you get until the draft good stuff there up next another question from greeny Green um greeny if

If I’m interpreting this wrong please feel free to correct me in the chat but he says whether I’m assuming they is the Bears whether the Bears draft Marvin Harrison Jr or he gets traded should we buy Justin fields for the draft so I’m I’m guessing he’s looking at sell

Markers being Justin Fields getting traded or hype from them drafting Marvin Harrison Jr all right full disclosure I’ve bought four Justin field silver prism psa1 in the last 30 days um so I’m probably the wrong guy to ask because I am all in on buying Justin Fields right

Now his prices are down and he is either going to get a spike in prices because the Bears keep him and they’ve got multiple picks and they’re going to load up with weapons like a Marvin Harrison Jr or he’s going to get traded and that should give him a spike uh in card

Prices as well so to answer the question greeny green yes I personally I don’t know what Paul Lefty would say but I personally am taking and I put Justin Fields just so everybody is aware even though I’ve bought four I put this in the flyer category because the

The the the marker that we’re looking for is unknown we know the date we know the draft is the date but we don’t know if that marker is him being kept and and building around him or if it’s getting traded if he gets traded to the New York

Jets I don’t know if his price spikes if he gets traded to the Atlanta Falcons with the weapons that they have his he probably gets a pretty good pretty good jump or you know if he go it depends on where he goes but I am willing to take

That risk and I’ve bought four I’m not I I don’t know if I’m going to buy any more Connor I I think my risk tolerance at four it’s they’re about 200 bucks a piece so I’ve got about 800 bucks tied up in Justin Fields right now um but yes

I think that Justin Fields is a good uh risky but with a uh with a known marker coming up I I think it’s a tolerable risk to take good stuff uh rounding off the show in our Q&A we have another one from Tony thanks guys first live listen Tony we’re

Pumped to have you here thank you for joining us new to the Hobby also pumped to have you here for that reason stay tuned listen to our uh Sports carard strategy shows on Monday listen to The Deep Dives on Wednesday check out the show intels on Thursday sign up to be uh

To get a 30-day free Tri of Premium member at noof where you can get uh unlimited personalized sports cards advice and we will be uh as helpful as we possibly can to lead you in the right direction for making money his question is any thoughts just pulled

A Gold Standard Auto rookie patch Auto bejon Robinson seven out of 10 um I I’m a little confused about in this question hash match matter or will new launchers lower value no number number match because it’s number it’s number seven and and bean is number seven so

It’s that that is anytime you get a a player’s number in a serial number uh it that’s when they become eBay one of ones Connor sure even though it’s numbered to 10 it’ll be eBay is an on uh eBay one of one because it’s you know a jersey

Number match um so the the question is should he sell it now or uh should he wait sell it now um congratulations on the PLL it’s a great PLL yes new launches will lower the value we T covered that earlier in the episode um as higher cards come out the best football

Cards have not come out yet the best ones the Flawless Immaculate uh National Treasures prism none of that has come out yet Connor so as the top tier stuff that people actually want to collect and put away come out it drives the prices of all these cheaper ones down so Tony

Thanks for following us thanks for catching alive for the first time congrats on an awesome PLL I would get that listed on eBay I would list it as an eBay one of one jersey number match numbered to 10 uh that should bring a pretty penny as he is playing well the

Last couple of weeks um they are not going to make the playoffs I don’t think so go ahead feel free to get that card uh listed right Away Great answer there Chad Tony hopefully that is helpful for you uh before we close out the show and get Chad’s closing thoughts real quick I

Want to remind everyone that the next two Mondays we will not be having the sports card strategy show as they are holidays instead they will roll to the following Wednesday uh meaning our our show on the 25th next Monday will roll to the 27th so no deep Dives on the 27th rather a

Regular sports card strategy show uh and the same for January 3rd so instead of the 1 obviously being New Year’s that will roll to Wednesday there where you will get a sports card strategy show uh with Paul myself Lefty uh and Dr crack next week uh we’ve got Andy KAS joining

Us so I’m excited for that episode um but yeah so that’s updated schedule there in terms of uh upcoming live airings Dr crack I had a great time today uh is there any closing thoughts that you wanted to share no just uh thanks for getting in here late better

Late than never Berry and uh I saw you over there on uh whatnot buying some singles so I hope you got some good deals love it good work Chad I had a great time with you as always and learned a lot excited for uh oh quick

Update we’re going to be doing these on a weekly basis bis myself and Chad so um this will be the last one for 2023 however once we get in 2024 the plan is to do these every Wednesday rather than every other Wednesday so on Wednesdays

You guys for the time being are going to get two deep Dives one at 8:30 a.m. Central Time and one at 6:30 pm. central time so exciting news for those of you that like to tune in lies live as well as those of you uh that listen uh after

The shows are posted at your preferred streaming service again thank you guys for joining us this evening hope everyone has a fantastic holiday and with that we will let Paul take things [Applause] Away great job on today’s show Connor and Chad thank you all for watching and listening to the sportscard strategy show I’m Paul hickey with noof don’t forget to get your free 30-day trial at noof today and you can get great information to help you build your sports card

Investment Portfolio as well as take classes at sportscard school sportscard don’t forget to text sports cards to 1833 9925 727 to get your sell alerts and your buy alerts also we would love it if you leave us a positive review on Apple or Spotify wherever you get your podcast

And please subscribe to the YouTube channel at hickey thanks for being part of the noof family have a great day


  1. Enjoying learning different opportunities to make money from Dr. Crack! Thanks to everyone that tuned in & is watching here, hope everyone has a great holiday!

  2. Correction on Chad's info – 1. Darius Garland was NOT an All-Star in the last 12 months. He was an All-Star in 2022, not 2023. I guess his point remains the same though.

  3. Also, I don't see the same De'Aaron Fox data that Chad sees at all. I'm going to bring it up on 12/27 show.

  4. Chad, can you please not misquote me on our show? I don't know that you're accurate at all when you tell the audience what I said about PSA 9s. I might have mentioned something in an audience response once, but you're not accurate when you paraphrase my take on PSA 9s. I don't know that I've ever had a take like the one you're saying I had. 🙂

  5. What Does “THE RIGHT CARD” Mean?
    First of all, take sports card school, because we break this down in depth there.
    Secondly, let’s keep it simple. It means just as much “Don’t have the WRONG card” as it does “THE RIGHT CARD.” Also, it’s situational. Take Shedeur Sanders for example. Prior to the 2023 Bowman U Chrome Release, ONYX Autos were “THE RIGHT CARD” for him. Now, his 2023 Bowman U Chrome Autos are.

    When he eventually has cards in pro uniform, etc., then his RIGHT CARD will change again.

  6. Big respect for the consistency of uploads. I’m not the quick turnaround investor/flipper type, but I still watch and enjoy your videos. It’s great to hear the mindset and strategies, and I have definitely learned a lot. The one thing about these strategies that I have noticed is that often it’s about the player and the timing more than it is about the quality of the card for that player. I still enjoy listening to the show and will keep looking out for the next #HypeSpycle

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