Favorite right arm drill! Join my free newsletter!

Hello golfers free golf Lon under 1 minute uh one of my favorite drills to do uh is for golfers is take the club in your Trail hand grip it like you’re going to grip it normally swing it back to the top okay and then from here you

Have a full Turn full pivot your shoulders back your arms externally rotated and seated as I come down now I want to trace I want to pretend like I’m tracing an arc from the side back into the back of the ball getting the face square and you can see how my weight’s

Moving forward my hips are rotating my legs my shoulders and just slow motion with the right arm so then I put that into play and I feel the same thing all the way around I know that helps lots of golfers get better go ahead and hit

One really solid so do that slow motion right arm drill I know it’s going to help you I’ll see you on the course

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