5 Fundamentals of Golf

0:00 Intro
0:23 Grip
2:44 Alignment
5:37 Ball Position
9:43 Posture
11:00 Stance Width

Contact information:

Phone: (843) 251-1096

Tradition Golf Club:
1027 Willbrook Blvd,
Pawleys Island 29585, SC

Hey golfers uh this is Charles today’s lesson is going to be about the five fundamentals and we’re going to start with grip there’s five fundamentals grip aim ball position posture and stance width those five fundamentals are the Cornerstone of becoming a good consistent golfer so with that said

We’ll start with uh the first and that is grip when you grip the golf club it’s critical that your hands be on it correctly because that’s the only only contact you have with the golf club so if your hands are not on it correctly you can’t control the golf club now when

We do grip the golf club if you’re right-handed player your left hand is going to be on the top of the grip your right hand’s going to be on the bottom if you’re a left-hander your right hand’s going to be on the top of the

Grip and your left hand’s going to be on the bottom now the most important aspect about when you grip the golf club correctly is when you do grip it there’s a v that’s formed by your thumbs and index fingers on both hands a v as invictor when you grip the golf

Club whether you’re right-handed or left-handed those V’s should Point slightly off center in terms of your body not towards your chest or your sternum or right-handed player those V’s will be pointed slightly to the right and if you’re a left-handed player those V’s will be pointed slightly to the left

And again those V’s are formed by your thumb and index fingers on both hands so your hands rotate either slightly to the right if you’re a right-handed player and then slightly to the left if you’re a left-handed player once you take your grip now whether you interlock your

Fingers overlap or if you have a standard 10 finger grip the one that’s most reliable is the one that allows you to control the golf club the best so it doesn’t matter whether you interlock your fingers overlap them or have a 10 finger grip the standard grip is

Generally an overlapping grip but if you’re comfortable with that that’s fine but the other two are just as serviceable but the most important thing is that when you grip the golf club those V’s Point either slightly to the right as a right-handed player or slightly to the left as a left-handed

Player and the heel pad on your top hand the left hand for right-handed player the right hand for a left-handed player that heel pad on that hand has to be on top of the grip and if it’s on on top of the grip you have a secure grip it

Enables you to leverage the golf club and if your hands are on it in that manner you’re going to be able to control the golf club better and that concludes having a solid grip when you set up to swing at a golf ball that’s probably the most critical aspect of the

Game is aligning properly because that’s basically what matters most whereas the golf ball going can you control where it’s going and to align properly what you need to be able to do is create two lines and often in instruction that parallel line is not talked about nearly

As much as it should be talked about and it’s critical to your success when you’re aligning the target line is the most important line in golf the aiming point the aiming line and the parallel line which represents your stance or your body line that is just as important

Because your body line should be parallel to your target line and in order to establish correct alignment you have to establish two lines when instruction talks about the railroad tracks that’s what it’s referring to two lines one for your Club face the other for your body line so when your body

Line is parallel to your target line the golf club can operate on the proper path to the golf ball with less restriction less compensating and fewer adjustments when you swing the golf club when those lines are parallel and in order to establish them you have to first things

First start from behind the golf ball and draw an imaginary line from the target back to your golf ball find a point as close to your golf ball as possible on your target line to aim your Club face then you found your target line for your Club face and then you

Have to find the parallel line the line that’s left of your target line for a right-handed player right of your target line or a left-handed player that’s the parallel line or the proverbial railroad tracks so once you set up and you get your body line parallel to your target

Line and that’s a definitive line just like the target line is you have aligned properly and without aligning your body parallel left as a right-handed player or parallel right as a left-handed player you cannot consistently control where the golf Ball’s going so remember when you’re setting up and aiming and

Finding your aiming point two lines are critical not only the target line but the stance line and The Stance line should never be aimed at the Target line it’s always parallel to it and again this allows the golf club to work up and down the target line without any

Obstruction from your body so when you do set up to aim not only are you aiming the club face but you also have to get your body line parallel to the club face and the target line and if you able to do that consistently your golf ball will behave much more to

Your life and the next fundamental is ball position when we set up to swing at a golf ball the position that the ball is in relative to your feet represents the ball’s position and this is much debated and argued and matter of fact a lot of instruction

Misleads most amers in terms of correct ball position and it’s it’s been mistaught forever and I was under the same illusion when I started to play the game that true ball position is based on the golf club you select and the length of the golf club so what’s been taught

Previously is the ball position changes based on the length of the golf club the middle length golf clubs the balls should be positioned in the middle of your stance the shorter golf clubs the ball position should be back in your stance the longest stall clubs should be

More forward in your stance and that’s just not correct from a physics standpoint the low point in the swing Arc never changes that’s constant and because the ball’s not moving you absolutely control where you’re standing so when you’re standing in the correct Place consistently it’s easier to strike

The golf ball the true and correct ball position is based on the lead foot so for a right-handed player that’s going to be your left foot for a left-handed player it’s going to be your right foot the true ball position should be no more than the width of your

Foot however wide or narrow your foot is you know if you have a medium width foot or narrow foot or wide foot the width of your foot should be the general ball position the distance that your lead foot is away from the ball just the width of your foot the only thing that

Ball position change does is it affects the trajectory of a shot when you move the ball back in your stance away from your lead Lead Foot the ball flight’s going to be lower if you move the ball forward in your stance closer to your lead foot the ball flight’s going to be

Higher so when the ball position is constant you can control the low point in the circle consistently and find contact better it gets more consistent because the radius of your golf swing is dictated by your lead arm and the low point in the circle does not change it

Doesn’t matter how long or short the golf club is the circle’s either getting larger or smaller smaller but the bottom of the circle is always in the same place and that’s physics that’s just not what I think or a tip that’s the physics of it that are going to dictate whether

Or not you make consistent contact so when the ball is positioned just the width of your foot away from your lead foot you’re standing in the correct place whether you have a driver or a pitching wedge if you want to hit it higher or lower the ball Position will

Change either forward or back to change the trajectory of the shot but the constant ball position to control contact should be in the same place and that’s never going to change no matter what golf club you have in your hand now what that dictates when you do set up

Correctly and the ball position is correct your head is going to be behind the golf ball if you’re a right-handed player your head’s going to be to the right of the golf ball if you’re a left-handed player your head is going to be to the left of the golf ball that is

What all good players and every single professional has in common when they set up to swing at a golf ball there are no exceptions their head is alwayss behind the golf ball right handers to the right left-handers to the left so when the ball position changes if you put it in

The middle of your stance for example generally most amers their head is on top of the golf ball which complicates their ability to strike it because they’re out of position they’ve tried to change the low point in the circle and that’s not possible if you move it

Forward or back you still need to remain tilted and your head’s got to remain behind the golf ball if you do that your ball striking will change forever the next fundamental is posture and posture in a golf swing and your setup is fairly simple it doesn’t matter what your body

Type is how tall how short how long your arms are how short your legs are how wide how narrow good posture is about one thing just trying to set up and be athletic over the golf ball so when you set up to swing of the golf ball you

Want basic knee Flex nice and athletic over the ball not too much knee Flex not standing over the golf ball with your knee with your legs locked but just comfortable and athletic and as you set up and take your golf posture your arms should hang naturally from your

Shoulders they don’t hang naturally too far away from your body and they don’t hang naturally stuck right on your hips they just hang out in front of you naturally so when you set up and take your golf posture and the golf club comes to your hand whether it’s the

Longest Club you swing a driver or the shortest Club a wedge your arms should hang naturally from your shoulders and you have slight knee flexs and just good athletic posture and you’re in a good hitting position and that will ensure that you’re able to make more consistent contact the next fundamental and the

Last fundamental of the five is stance width and that refers to how wide or how narrow your stance is when you set up to swing the golf ball the longer the golf club gets simple physics The Wider your stance needs to be to accommodate the

Length of that golf club and the size of that Circle that the club is swinging on the shorter the golf club gets the more narrow your stance should be because again the length of the club has shortened so the circle has gotten smaller so the width of your stance has

To accommodate that it’s not moving around the circle as far so your stance should narrow to accommodate that so narrowing or widening your stance again is dictated by your body type how tall how short how wide how narrow how long how short your arms may be so once you

Set up to swing a golf club stance width should be dictated based on your body type the longer the golf club gets the n The Wider your stance gets the shorter the golf club gets the more narrow your stance gets and it should always be appropriate just based on your body type

If you like that lesson leave a like or a comment and if you’re interested in working on your golf game if you’d like to get in touch with me I’ll leave the information on how to get in touch with me in the description

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