Golf Players

Unlock Your Golf Potential: Avoid Straighten Your Left Arm in Golf

Is this you? DON’T worry about it… The left arm is a golf lever but why cant we have three levers? Harry Vardon bent his left arm golfing and he smashed it. If you have tried to straighten your left arm as you golf or you are aware of the bend in your left arm watch this video. Many of the greats also bend their left arm however they all reach a certain position that is more important than keeping the left arm straight.


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For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING is now being implemented in 52 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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  1. Ryan Fox doesn't have a straight left arm and he hits it a mile. It's not something coached but it works for some people. Fox's swing is his own, not coached, just how he played from being a kid

  2. I'm 65 years old I tried it a couple of years ago I could not believe how far I hit my 4 hybrid bending and totally relaxing both arms but it's hard to do having kept my left arm straight for year's it's a great tip you've shown I bet a lot of younger golfers have never tried it .

  3. Steve, a long time subscriber here. The reason I like your content is because it is no b/s. I took up golf 30 years ago with no coaching. I stopped 12 years ago with the birth of my son. When I came back during 2020 it was like the whole game had changed – computerised club / swing fitting, wedges that go as far as 8 irons (down to loft and shaft length) and the whole straight arm which I have been trying to copy every since which feels awkward and has lowered my swing speed. Nice to see someone saying – if it works for you do it. Thank you.

  4. I hit it much better and further letting my left arm bend and having longer backswing…..give it a go what you got to lose you never keep your arm straight when swinging a hammer🤔 everything is released at impact

  5. Music to my ears! I had become obsessed with trying to keep my left arm straight which was distracting from everything else in the swing!

  6. You nailed it when you said keeping the left arm straight can cause tension & woodenness. That’s always been my problem. Thank you for giving us an alternative.

  7. Congrats Steve, you're the first pro I've heard say go ahead and bend the left arm. Anything that you bend in the backswing and straighten through impact IS A POWER SOURCE. Whether it's legs or arms.

  8. Good tip but it would be great to see some data and numbers… for instance, 7 iron data with soft left arm versus straight left arm to prove out this theory.

  9. The advantage for me in having a straight, or at least very firm, left arm is consistency. Bending your arm results in fat and thin shots. Another advantage of the firm arm is more distance.

  10. Darling Steve… I have had the worst 2 years trying to play with being told I MUST keep my left arm straight.. Thank you so much for this video I am now off to the range to find my old slightly bent golf swing… Today the penny dropped… Thanks again…

  11. Really bending the left arm but then throwing the clubhead with the right hand at the ball added 15 yards to my 8 iron on the practice mat. Out to the course soon to see how it works there. I'm excited!

  12. John Daly has a very bent left arm, and hits the ball a country mile! But I get why coaches suggest keeping the left arm as straight as you can, because in general it will be more consistent. But there’s no doubt extra levers = extra power. As long as you can unwind those levers consistently at impact each time. But that’s not easy, which is why we can only name a handful of tour pros to ever play that way

  13. Keeping it straight will give you a bigger swing arc & more distance, but if you're a senior, there's no reason to force it because you're just not as flexible as you were & you can't expect to be able to swing as well as when you were in your prime but for some reason, we expect to & reject the idea that we can't. Some seniors even refuse to use the senior tees because their egos won't let them. You can keep your arm straight but not if you're swinging with your arms alone. Your arms are controlled by the rotation of your torso so if you want straighter arms, work on a bigger turn with your chest & not your shoulders. If you can't keep your arm straight, don't force it & accept your limitations.

  14. I have a bent left arm which results in an overswing. My coach is trying to get me to shorten it. But I can still hit really good shots with it, just not every shot!

  15. Thanks for posting this Steve. I am 49 years old and have always bent my left arm, and played to low single figures for almost 30 years. Got told last year to straighten my left arm as would improve my golf and have struggled since. Now on path last couple of weeks not worrying about it and strike coming back. All about impact not looks, score doesn't care what it looks like. Cheers.

  16. My golf buddy bends his elbow, and when I asked him about it, he explained that it straightens it out as the swing comes down. He smashes it at 64. I am definitely going to play around with the technique and see how it feels, thanks to your discourse on the matter.

  17. When i started playing 3 years ago my lead arm was bent, after learning to keep it straight I've lost significant distance. I'm going back to bentedness.

  18. 5 handicap here. Been trying to straighten my left arm for years, just can’t do it. When I record my swing it bends at the top and by the time I’m coming down I’ve already straightened it. Thank you for posting this giving me the confidence to swing my swing.

  19. I play golf with two friends who both bend their left arm…both hit the ball incredibly well and very long, one of them is a single handicap golfer. So it does work, as long as you get the arm back to straight at impact. I watched a video with Bob Toski who actually promoted the bent left arm for older golfers who lack flexibility in their swing. Thanks Steve, sometimes the old ways are the best ways…nothing new in golf. Cheers from Nova Scotia..MikeR.

  20. Great video, I’ve had a shoulder injury being really struggling with straight arm swinging a lot better now. Thanks

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