Golf Players

Trouba hit on Hathaway – Have your say!

Jacob Trouba blasted Garnet Hathaway out of nowhere after being chased by Nicolas Deslaurier. What do you think of the hit?


  1. 0.5 out of 5 Troubas. He didn't have enough time to fully leap into the head of his opponent. The fact his opponent was Hathaway removes any possibility of a penalty in my book (who names their kid Garnet?). Hathaway tried to Trouba the Trouba. Didn't work out so well for him. Only penalty I see here is Deslauriers needs to sit for 2 mins for that neat little slash on the hands. I HATE those stick fouls.

  2. clean, no question about it, but the best part about this play is the fact that deslauriers was bothering him all the way up the ice, troubs pretty much just ignored him and laid out his teammate instead.

  3. Can anyone honestly say this wasnt perfectly clean, even with the Thug hacking at him the whole way up. And the Rangers go the instagator on this.

  4. As much as I think he is total asshole this was just him countering Hathaways's oncoming hit and adding some sauce for good measure. Still an asshole though.

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