Golf Players

4 Weeks To Better Ball Striking | Week 1: Release Like The Pros

Get ready to become a lean mean ball striking machine. You WILL hit the golf ball so much better at the end of this series IF you follow the steps laid out for you in each of the videos in this series.

Over the next 4 weeks, golf instructor Chris Tyler, is going to be walking you through a step by step process on how to manage the most important area of the golf swing…the hitting area.

Where Serious Golfers Get Serious Instruction.


  1. I am a 60 year ex teaching pro. Last March I had a major spinal cord operation in April told that I would never Walk again but walking again and playing golf. I lost all proprioception below the waist. My handicap has gone up to 18. The feeling in my left hip came back 3 weeks ago and it had to change my swing again and I was looking for a drill to help with the timing through impact. I have done about 4,000 reps since this came out. Yesterday I played in a medal and shot 81 so congrats on a great video 😊

  2. Is the rotation only occurring in the shoulder, or will the forearm and shoulder rotate (backswing and downswing).

  3. Excellent content. Love the irreverence. Quick question: when I release the face seems very closed. I’m normally fighting hooks – could this make it worse?

  4. This is excellent presentation. There won't be a lot of people who follow this because it isn't a shortcut BUT those who do, especially new golfers, won't waste their time unlearning a bunch of bad habits which ultimately is the greatest shortcut you can have.

  5. Love the instruction! Could you explain what you mean at 2:37– " you can look down through your palm and see a hole in the ground".. not sure I understand what you mean by that statement..

  6. I'm a 60-year-old new subscriber to your awesome channel. Like several other people here, I had a spinal fusion with hardware and have been very hesitant to really get my hips turning. Starting over again is not fun, and things do not come back as fast as I would like. However, I am excited to get back to the basics and move on. Keep putting out these excellent videos. Thanks

  7. A very comprehensive and clear presentation. I have saved a number of the videos to keep watching over. I have been playing for 25 years, and like many of us seniors I am still keen to improve. I believe your style of teaching will be very beneficial. Even from this video I am finding these exercises are just what I need at this point in time. I wish you well with the channel. Regards from the UK

  8. I really am taking your instruction very seriously. I have never seen such comprehensive exercises. Many online coaches appear to be trying to offer quick fixes. Though having played for 25-years, with little improvement during that time, I am taking your advice seriously. Just listening and watching this instruction is really helping me to sort out many issues with the release. I believe your instruction has to be watched a number of times to fully grasp what you teach and to embed it into the brain and into the swing. I really thank you for your time in presenting the content.

  9. Chris I remember you from your time at Rotary Swing. You had a very similar series there that was good stuff. Well my wife joined a CClub and canceled our local gym membership so I’m giving golf another shot. All the old crap is still there. Fat, skulls, slices, huge hooks and of course shanks. Who could forget the shanks. I took some lessons at the CC and the guy kind of gritted his teeth and gave some early extension and swing easier drills. I could tell he wasn’t real hopeful. I began your series in my garage with a drop cloth to keep from scratching the clubs then moved to the back range (where they send the worst hackers) at the club and eventually began hitting the small (20-30 yd) shots. Surprisingly, he noted that he had seen me doing these drills and said “that’s the way to do it”. Most of his students want to learn how to hit the driver. I feel good about my progress. I can feel the contact more centered on the club face and super slow and easy swings result in the ball occasionally going about twice as far as I expect. I’m encouraged and excited to keep at it. Thanks

  10. Hey Chris, near scratch player here. Just want to say that your teaching on the release is phenomenal. Been working the weekly plans for the past month in the backyard net. Went to the range today and all I can say is… wow…and thanks. Sincerely. The ball just rockets off the face. 💪🏼

  11. I went to the website but couldn’t find where to upload my video. Thank You
    I love the way you teach.

  12. I'm constantly arriving at impact with a club face that is too closed causing my ball to start left and hook. The bowing of my wrist makes this worse. Any type of rolling release makes this worse. I have tried weakening my grip and somehow it still happens. If i don't release or bow I tend to get steep and flip just after impact and then my lead arm bunches and pulls upwards. Not quite a chicken wing but close.

  13. What a terrific video! No shortcuts or magic bullets. Simple, clear step-by-step process. I intend to give this a try. Clarifying point #1: when you say "low point" I don't think that's what you actually mean. It's pretty well accepted that the Pros' iron swings have a low point 3-5 inches after contacting the ball – thus the divot. I suspect what you mean is "the point where the leading edge of the club contacts the turf" (and then continues downward for a few inches). Clarifying point #2: if I hold a club with a "standard" grip, then have the lead wrist flat, bowed and pointing down the target line at impact, my clubface is closed something like 30°! (It looks like you have a very "weak" left hand grip). I'm guessing that part of the point of this drill is to help the many of us who slice, have no shaft lean at impact and "flip" at the bottom – perhaps an exaggeration to break bad habits? Not trying to criticize or nit pick here – just looking for understanding. Thanks.

  14. Tried this drill today….its magnificent….150/150/100 reps …then treated myself to 5 balls ….1/4 shots ….the sound of the compression was fab! Thank you sir

  15. Very detailed and informative instruction. I like how Chris focuses on the impact area of the swing- what you should be doing in the hitting zone. I needed some help in this area and find his instruction to be very beneficial in this and all areas that he teaches.

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