Golf Players

Are the Rules of Golf Broken?-Fairways of Life w Matt Adams-Tues Oct 31

Matt Adams discusses the complexities of the rules of golf: Tiger Woods drop at Augusta in 2013, Bernhard Langer’s not-anchored putting and Shad Tuten’s penalty, are there discrepancies? Plus, betting in golf and Bridgestone Golf’s Adam Rehberg is a guest.


  1. More news about Tiger Woods and looking back at his career, less about other players. You could look at the rivalries Tiger had through his career. Sergio, Ernie, Vijay, Phil, maybe others that I’m forgetting. Look at their age, stats and who played better during each decade: 1996-2006, 2006-2016 and 2016-2023.

  2. I am not a conspiracy guy but I truly believe that Tuten was targeted here after the fact. If he wasn’t the last guy to get his card there would have been nothing to see here. Someone saw this video and created a narrative that the ball moved. This was then used to change two guys lives. I would investigate Jimmy Duncan. There is absolutely nothing there. This is disgraceful. I would sue if I was Tuten and believe he has a strong case.

  3. The flag takes more time because some people like it in and other don’t so the flag goes in and out multiple times with many group now. But that being said it is a fair rule. You should not be penalized for putting with the flag in. But it does not help pace at all. It actually slows it down.

    The spike mark fixing was the best change.

    There was a serious redo but it was done by people stuck in the early 1900s.

    I was against stroke and distance for OB but I changed my mind. I do like it because it creates volatility more than just a red penalty area. But I do not dislike Matt’s “candy cane” idea which could be applied for recreational play. Because you really don’t want weekend warriors going back to the tee for various reasons, least of which safety for the surrounding neighbors. But for tournaments I like the stroke and distance option. It keeps players on edge more, which the game actually needs tournament players on edge more, not less.

    I don’t agree with these accepted exceptions. But they can be very helpful. One of our junior tours allows players to treat thru the green bushes treated as penalty areas even thou they are not marked. Only problem is many kids don’t read the player notice so they go back to the tee when they could drop where the ball went into the bush.


    Stroke shaving is the biggest way decent players cheat. They stand there at the scoring table saying “I swear I made that”.

    Referees being everywhere does not help. It could actually hurt, as it did in this case.

    Dom is pissed.

    Dom you wanna take it out of bunkers.

    Lol. Phil was. And continues to be.

    Exactly Dom. Once money comes into play it’s the same as pros.

    Playing it from a divot in the dead center of the fairway shows character.

    Our home course is not maintained the same as most courses. We get sandy lies, holes, all kinds of weeds, and we just play it baby. Fixing lies takes time.

    The rules still needs to be redone but not by the usga and rna. They are just not good enough to foresee scenarios. The rules changes they made actually created more problems than they fixed; as we have addressed in this video.

    Too much interpretation in golf now. Even more than before. Which the idea was to make less; or at least should have been.

    Golf needs to catch cheaters. It does not need to find weird ways to penalize people.

  4. Matt, you have a huge platform in the golf community. I am glad your bringing this topic up in light of the Shad Tuten ruling. Clearly the rules officials were wrong and strong arms Tuten to sign his card and refused to show him the tape. I hope you continue to elevate this case to the golf public. Hopefully the PGA will rectify this mistake. This is the application of rules based on the player, clearly wrong.

  5. I saw the big boy pants episode and they did a great job pointing out the rules. It appears it was all about the official trying to be the story and getting his 15 minutes of fame. No intentional advantage taken by the golfer. It was lift,clean and place rules so that alone is allowing a better situation. Ridiculous official ruling.

  6. I’ve said many times that FofL with Matt Adams is the only golf outlet that is worth watching with responsible, objective golf news. So Matt, your show needs to be on 5 days a week. You are the star of the show and cannot be replaced but we are willing to accept a reasonable guest host with your same show values so we can continue to participate or hear meaningful, relevant discussions. Plus Dom would still be there to mediate so please think about having a guest host on the days you are off so FOL can be on all week.

  7. I have just listened to this video. I cannot believe what I have heard. You have a supposed golf resort manager and golf journalist quoting "There is a whole variety of basically accepted exceptions to the rules." WTF are they talking about. If you are listening to to this shit and not questioning the ethics of these people you shouldn't be playing golf. I'm from Australia and we are always amazed at American visitors who come to our courses and tell us that they play off a handicap of 5, 8 or whatever, we watch them play a couple of holes and cannot work out how they could possibly be on the handicap they say. I read the comments related to rules on several you tube channels and watch these guys play and it becomes quite clear why they say they are a 5 marker and really should be a 20 marker, THEY DO NOT PLAY BY THE RULES. THEY CHEAT. IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE RULES YOU ARE A CHEAT.


  8. As for your candy stripe, out of bounds, penalty area bullshit. If you want to make comment on the rules at least know them. Lets make some clear differences between out of bounds and penalty areas. You cannot play a ball that has been correctly identified as OUT OF BOUNDS from out of bounds. A ball may be played from inside a penalty area without penalty if desired. I would suggest a pretty significant difference between the two areas. So why should they incurr the same options. Just because you don't like the rule doesn't mean that is stupid or wrong.
    So don't be a cheat and play by the rules

    Now let's look at the options.

    Out of bounds.

    The rules of golf require when a ball that is correctly deemed to be out of bounds the player must take stroke and distance relief Rule14.6. That is you need to replay the ball from where the original shot was played with a one shot penalty. So you count your first shot that you hai out of bounds you add a one shot penalty and play your third from the original spot

    Now with the new rules there is another option in that a club can use Local Rule E-5 Alternative to Stroke and distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out Of Bounds. This option allows the player to drop in a large area between the point where the ball is estimated to have come to rest or gone out of bounds and the edge of the fairway of the hole being played that is not nearer the hole.

    The player gets two penalty strokes when using this relief option. This means that the relief is comparable to what could have been achieved if the player had taken stroke-and-distance relief.
    So to all you muppets that whinge about slow play you have an option.
    But if you are really concerned the qickest option is if you have the slightest inkling that your ball may be out of bounds or lost PLAY A PROVISIONAL

    So Mr Adams there is a provision for your candy stripe crap.

    By the way in Australia were most people want to play the game and abide by the rules not just the ones they agree with 99% of clubs don't use rule E-5.

  9. When Tiger was pulling things from around his ball and then the ball moved (a 1/4 turn) he flatly cheated by not thinking anyone saw it. When he froze while it was moving, it's clear he knew it. That's cheating. None of the other stuff in the show was anything close to cheating intentionally.

  10. The whole concept of "acceptable exceptions to rules of golf" is cheating, INCLUDING rolling your ball out of a divot. It also provides a delusional perspective of your golf game and abilities – just play it down.
    That said, the guy on the KFT really got screwed.

  11. Are the RULES broken? I don't don't think so, but the application certainly is. But for GOD SAKE, don't use the terms "Dormie" or "HAZZARD"!!! Are we clear??!! We "PATRONS" will be greatly offended!

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