Golf Players

The Best Drill To Stay Down And Compress The Golf Ball Like The Pros

Compressing the golf ball can be a real struggle for millions of golfers. You need a simple drill that can teach you how to feel and move your body just like the pros through impact. This video will do just that.

0:00 Intro
1:31 What is covering the ball
3:11 Is this drill for you?
3:40 What the drill will look like
3:57 How to do the drill
9:12 Putting it all together.
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  1. Chris, great drill,…please talk about using this drill with the driver. ball position, and covering the ball .

  2. Great drill Chris. Your videos are among the best. No better sound while playing golf than when you compress the daylights out of a golf ball.

  3. As I’ve said before on your channel Chris…..Working on the 9 to 3 position creates amazing results and will give you a consistent repeatable golf swing day in day out. Less effort, better results, and no more wasting energy on endless practice swings. Keep up the good work!

  4. What if I practice nude can I use my hip bone or should I grab a sharpie and draw a belt loop between my belly button and birth mark on my right hip ?

  5. This is exactly what I need to work on. Thanks.
    Question though, when I watch slow motion videos of pros, why does it always look like they are tilted backwards at impact?

  6. Chris, When the club drops to last parallel , is the club parallel to your toe line , or is the head still 10/15 degrees inside the line, or behind you ? Thanks

  7. This is a very effective method of ingraining correct swing knowledge and habits simultaneously. Thanks!

  8. Get a wedge , get an 8 iron take them up the range ,
    Hit low punchy wedges until your flushing them middle of the face , then do the same with the 8 iron , if you cant then go back to the wedge until you understand .
    Take it easy , watch every ball finish .

  9. I love this! Very creative and new way to teach compression! This is finally helping me to understand the proper way to get to this elusive position. I'm already seeing positive outcomes happening on the range! Thank you for a valuable teaching tip, mate! 👍👏

  10. @mygolfdna hey chris, will be in Florida in December and would be interested in taking a in person lesson from you. Any info on that ?

  11. Great video…. good fundamentals to groove. I am working on very similar moves… I'll give your routine a try…. My keys right now are grip pressure, trailing elbow close to body and releasing club head with lag…. weight shift to leading side….. syncing it all up

  12. I like what I’m seeing in this video. I felt what it feels like to cover the ball and had some great ball striking rounds but haven’t been able to ingrain it. I’m hopeful this drill will help me figure it out instead of reverting back to my old bad habits which I tend to do.

  13. You are 200% correct in your preamble regards "uncomfortable" with change aka drills. But what I found makes this process a lot more fun and effective is simply you are EXPERIMENTING with abc things. i.e. during an experiment, you stumble on A FEEL. Now you can own that feel much more quickly and it feels instantly like success. vs. plodding away at a drill with no FEEL why, what, or how it works. Hard to explain, but be your OWN designer of the experiment, taking advice from a purpose driven drill.

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