Golf Players

The ONLY 3 Shoulder Moves You Need (Yes, for real)

Free Training & Complimentary Coaching Session


Welcome to training fellow Pac-Rimian! My name is Lee Weiland, Co-Founder & CEO of Pacific Rim Athletics, LLC and Creator of “Powerbatics.”

Our mission is to help people of all ages, levels, and backgrounds achieve Total Body Mastery through Powerbatics Training.

And me and my Team of Doctorate Physical Therapists and Elite Athletes/Coaches have helped 1000’s of people do just that.

And you can hear from countless students (ages 3 to 83 featured in all of our videos) who’ve trained from scratch and through past injuries to become highly advanced…

Gaining Press Handstands, 1 Arm Pullups, and Human Flags just to name a few…not to mention incredible Powerbatics’ skills…

While radically transforming their bodies and minds for the better.

We believe 1:1 Coaching (face-to-face and online) when combined with Positive Community guarantees the very best of safe, effective outcomes.

To that end, we ONLY offer FREE content…in order to inspire you to become a stronger version of yourself (and not to be confused with real, transformative coaching).

If you would value further information–and transformation–we suggest opting-in for our Free Training and then booking a Complimentary Coaching Session to do a deep-dive on your current situation and goals.


I look forward to everything you’re going to achieve!

Coach Lee


  1. Yeah my traps and shoulders are super tight and pinching a nerve…I believe from too many bar dips

  2. I injured my shoulders for months in a day of training with front loads. I wasn’t aware on the importance of a good range for my shoulder.

  3. 0:551:05 youre absolutely right!!! and so much damage has been done by bodybuilding magazines (showing my age now!) over the years telling people there were only 3 muscles in the shoulder- completely neglecting the rotator cuff and the functional, balanced performance of a good strong shoulder!

  4. Great information that I will apply. I had to subscribe! Thank You!

  5. I had my rotator cuff tendon blow off the bone while I was throwing a punch shadow boxing 😭 over tightening the muscle is a thing all right

  6. I tweakedy my shoulders really bad doing the shoulder rotation using the stick.. reaching to lower back like scratching my back is almost impossible.

  7. This is so freaking good! The exact thing I was looking for! Thanks buddy ❤

  8. What to do if your shoulder has been hurting for two months. Maybe from improper exercise, maybe from a sudden movement, I don't know, but for 7 days now, according to the doctor's order, I drink BOLEX Forte 550 mg and use Voltaren Forte cream, but the pain doesn't stop…?! I'm really depressed because I can't do anything with my painful shoulder, I want to exercise, the pain doesn't go away and time goes by. Do you have any advice on what to do? Thanks a lot.

  9. I have a frozen shoulder due to an injured rotator cuff and am currently doing physiotherapy.
    I would like to do these exercises once I regain full range of movement in order to make my shoulders bulletproof.
    Thank you for the video.

  10. Amazing, some of the best content I've seen on these subjects! I've been lifting for years, have wicked shoulder impingement and chronic tendonitis in my knees. What you shared just hit me at 60 years old! Wow! Thank you!

  11. So, you're completely against "traditional" gym training and bodybuilding exercises such as bench presses, bicep curls, etc?

  12. I’m a 31 y/o fatass, 5’10” 240lbs with a spare tire up front and 43% body fat. There’s no way I’m doing ANY of this stuff (except the dowel arm circles). I haven’t seriously trained anything a day in my life, but recently got it in my head that I want to join the Marines this late in my life. Recruiter can get me an age waiver, but I need to get in shape before they’ll even consider me at all.

    I started my weight loss 3 months ago. I was 285! Too damn close to 300 for me. I’ve been on a calorie deficit of 800/day ever since I had a health scare (thought it was heart-related, thankfully it wasn’t, just a bad case of acid reflux I’ve never experienced before).

    I guess the point of all I’m saying here is that I’m lost as hell. There’s so much damn information out there, and so much of it can be conflicting. This channel is the first I’ve come across that seems to have groups that meet in person. It would be great to be around people that are all doing the same things to better themselves. Obviously this kind of stuff works, but seems so advanced for me, I can’t even fathom moving like that.

  13. I’ve been saying this for years, I grew up on a farm and got farm strong than I started weight lifting and lost a lot of real world strength.

  14. Hi, flying through the air twisting and tumbling, frightens me to death. I am in my 80th year and started Judo at 10. My life has been a combination of sport and business. Football, rugby, boxing, kick boxing, kook sool one (karate) and over the last 10 years after moving to Thailand Muai Thai. I fought in the finals of the British kick boxing {open age} at 69 and the same year the European martial arts (final).

    Damaged my shoulder 6 months ago and ended up with broken ribs 6 weeks ago but now ready to start training. I fought at 90 kilos for many years, however, over the last year I have lost over 30 kilos of muscle mass. I know weigh 67 kilos and my balance is far from perfect (same as me).

    Any suggestions? Wayne.

  15. 'Then come train with us and the community' …For half your salary a year by all accounts according to the email I received! I think you have some good ideas but how does a business equate to that much? 10k a year apparently!

    I'm not kidding btw, this is from the email from A Welland:
    *3-5 days a week of custom tailored prescribed workouts

    * 1:1s via zoom (15-30min) with Coach every week

    * 3-5 text check ins from Coach weekly

    * access to weekly group zoom calls on Sat

    *workouts video review with analysis for muscle imbalances and overcompensations

    * no equipment needed.

    Initial block

    4 mo is 5400 we take 1600 off for paying in full = 3800 USD

    4 mo modified( less coaching) is 1k less than regular – 2800 USD

    6 mo is 7600 we take 1600 off for paying in full or half down and half in 30 days= 6000 USD

    1 Year is 10k we take 2200 off for paying in full or half down and half in 30 days= 7800 USD

    My current gymnastics class costs me £12 a session and is once a week. A local gym £30 a month. The leisure centre: Less than £40 for a gym / swim membership.

    I am not trying to be horrible but this is insane and by the looks of some of your classes there is no way you are charging this for families working out or attending your sessions. based on 3 sessions a week that would be over $100 a session. Really? Even my children's circus sessions cost less than £80 a month for the both of them.

  16. Just checked my straight arm shoulder rotation with a broomstick….couldn’t get past about 15 degrees behind my head. How do you get past that impingement without tearing something, LOL?

  17. Dude you are my go-to when it comes to understanding body mechanics. Respect!!! Been doing some of your recommended exercises and 100% you're spitting facts. It works.

  18. So where do you teach? If we don’t live close how do we det instruction? Objective eye you talk about

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