Golf Players

Final Round Highlights | 2023 Throw Pink Women’s Disc Golf Championship

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Enjoy Final Round highlights from the FPO broadcast at the 2023 Throw Pink Women’s Disc Golf Championship!

Please keep in mind these are condensed highlights from the live broadcast and not meant to be full shot-by-shot coverage of any particular group. For shot-by-shot coverage, head to our partners at Jomez Productions.

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  1. So many questionable calls and bendings of the rule this season. They really need to start hiring officials for pro tour events, players should not be forced to rule against or in favour of their card mates, especially since they almost always vote in favour of the player in question, bar Nikki Locastro whose integrity I've come to appreciate lately.

  2. That was a bullshit finish. How does HH not at least throw a provisional off the tee and play 2 plays in and have an official make a ruling? If she threw the provisional and made bogey it still would have been a playoff and she would eventually be the winner without the stink that is on this victory.

    I will be honest to say that it's a bad look on her card mates to just give her the drop without actually knowing if it ever crossed.

    I can't imagine that HH can feel good about that ending, and it's a shame because outside of that hole she played great.

  3. Nice way to get your first big win. By cheating. It’s not like it was a blind shot and they were guessing. You could clearly see from the tee that it didn’t cross.

  4. To all the people yelling “benefit goes to the player”!!!! Read the rules. The benefit goes to the player IN THE EVENT of a tie (1 vote for o.b. 1 for i.b. 1 undecided for example) all players still should vote “i.b.” “O.b” or “couldn’t tell” THEN if it’s tied benefit goes to player. Somehow pros don’t know the rules and neither do the announcers. (Sorry for the novel)

  5. sketchy ruling aside, it's crazy how hole 18 nearly ate up both leaders in FPO and MPO. Both just whipping it OB twice (HH thrice) really trying to give the lead away. When it has played as a pretty easy hole the other 3 days. Interesting to see the pressure come in.

  6. I don't understand why only the fans will talk about the elephant in the room on yesterday's debacle in the fpo,pretty sure pdga officials just want to forget about the legitimate failure of how tattar was robbed, instant replay should be implemented here 🤔.

  7. No fan of Kristin here, so tired of seeing her crush everybody else on the FPO side but you have to admit, she'd rather lose than win cheating. And she'd certainly not have the nerve to shout-out her mom after winning by cheating, like Holyn did.

    Sad to say, mentally I'm putting Holyn together with Golfers such as Nikki Locastro & Patrick Reed… sad day for golf and honesty

  8. Everyone talking about them going and watching the replays do know that none of the camera men are able to watch it back at the time. Only production can do that…

  9. Finally saw the replay. If you ever watch her interview at overthrow's podcast then you know she is a deeply calculated person in the way she thinks and approaches the game. That quick walk up is suuusss

  10. Golf has a generations-old culture of self-reporting integrity for any slight foul or penalty, taking a lot of the pressure off card mates for making calls against their fellow players. Even then, there are plenty of examples where things are missed. Disc golf lacks that deeply engrained culture. It is also a sport where it is MUCH harder to identify a penalty live for a player (not as easy to tell if you yourself foot fault) and card mates (OB line crossings). This puts card mates in a difficult position all the time. It is clear by now that the culture is to always give the benefit. For Majors and Pro-Tour events, an official is needed to accompany lead and chase cards on final rounds (at least) to take that pressure off the players and have a prayer of actually enforcing penalties on any close calls.

    For example, 9:17 looks like a clear foot fault by HH (left foot by marker comes off the ground well before disc leaves her hand). There is no way the card is going to call that on her. To do so would risk major backlash and becoming a tour pariah.

  11. All the drama about this is being created by a bunch of disc golf hacks on social media.
    It appears the card was fine with the ruling as well as Kristen soooooo. Get over it.

  12. isnt there a rule that if a player or cardmates are not sure that disc didnt cross inbounds that you have to allways call provisional throw ! that rule was broken during that play and all of the players in that card should have gotten a +2 penalty stroke !!
    why we have rules if they are only for not to be obeyd ?

  13. Broad daylight and u mean to say they are too far to see if it crossed?! That was pretty obvious when it hit/fell. I think she would have gotten the same score either way cuz the disc never lies. But def should have thrown a provisional and discussed after the hole. Tattar had the chance to take the W in the playoff and didn’t capitalize so the rt winner won this tourney. 🤷🏽‍♂️👏🏽👏🏽

  14. That was out for sure… You've got to wonder however if Hollyn re teed if she then could of gotten par? Should of called a provisional at least instead of what they did. Also there were 2 eagles in the 4 rounds and she has the arm to do so if the shots went just right

  15. They have judges and video review in the Olympics and just about all sports now. Why not in disc–golf?
    The onus shouldn't be on who's on your card, especially with them being hesitant about ruffling feathers and creating unwanted rivalry, or being afraid of backlash from fans/social-media making them a villain for disputing it.

  16. Handley knows she never crossed. It was obvious and made clear by the way she acted. It’s just sad that you are wiling to cheat to get your first win. And since we all know that the card never calls any rule violations or goes against the players own opinion, it is basically a given that you will get away with it. And you can always say that she did nothing wrong since the card sanctioned it. But it leaves a bad aftertaste. And I wonder if it is worth it in retrospect? I believe that many fans will question her character and have their mind made up about her for a long time… And imagine if she had reteed and the outcome would have been the same, which is not that unlikely. What a victory! Or even if she would have lost, she would still have been praised for her integrity.

  17. Hollyn knew she didn't cross and didn't call it. I don't hold the rest of the card responsible since it could decide the tournament. Just think back to WUSDGC where Henna called her own missplay whilst holding the lead. That is the way everyone should behave.

  18. This is the problem with this sport. None of the players outside of Nikko are willing to ever enforce the rules on each other. If the rule book specifically states that it’s up to the players to police each other during the round, then f’n do it! Everyone’s so damn scared of upsetting their fellow players that they forego the integrity of the game. Hollyn’s cardmates should’ve been all over that. Sad.

    There was an A tier on Terry Miller’s channel early on before the season started where this guy literally took about a minute to putt every single time, and not once did his cardmates speak up and call him on it. Terry in the commentary even spoke up and said it’s bs and the players need to be all over that. I agree!

    The DGPT and PDGA need to have a players meeting and demand these players start taking their gig seriously and enforce the rules.

  19. Hole 18. The spotters job is to call the shot. And stop saying you know what Handley knew or saw. Your being ridiculous.

  20. It never should have went to a playoff. Holyn knew it never made it in bounds. MG is tired of being Phil Mickelson. The pressure to beat Kristin is a real thing. Holyn just showed she was not the sportsman Henna is.

  21. The game is officiated by the other players on the card. If you think somebody never crossed in the card needs to speak up and demand a vote or provisional shot. In this instance the card considered the shot to have crossed in bounds, no vote was even necessary, they just gave her a spot. It happens all the time in disc golf. I think players on coverage at majors should be wary, people are watching, and money is on the line, but until things change what happened was a perfectly normal disc golf outcome. It was too hard for the players to be sure, the spotter didn’t make a call, and the card gave the benefit to the player.

    Even after that she shanked another shot ob, which means even if she’d had to retee a couple of in bounds shots would have netted her the same score.

    People shouldn’t be so critical. Holyn put up a hell of a round and deserved the win by winning against the best in the world after 2 sudden death holes. If anybody let the disc golf community down it was Holyn’s card. If I’m not sure my shot was OB, I’m not calling it on myself. It’s up to your card mates to police you in that situation, no one should expect someone to call their own OB on the critical play of the match when they aren’t certain about the call..

    It’s sad to read all these comments.

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