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The Greatest WrestleMania Ever (According To YOU!)

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WWF / WWE Wrestlemania, the biggest show of the year, is usally a place where rivalries get settled and big matches take place. There have been some great WrestleMania events throughout the years with most fans thinking WrestleMania X-7 is the greatest of all time, but I decided to poll channel viewers to see which Mania show my audience thought was the greatest of all time.

This video looks at the WrestleMania events that YOU selected as the best. WrestleMania X, for example, was selected as a favourite thanks to the brilliant Ladder Match pitting Shawn Michaels against Razor Ramon and the superb opening match with Bret Hart and Owen Hart, WrestleMania XIX was also selected as a fan favourite due to every match delivering in the ring, and WrestleMania III was chosen as a favourite due to the importance of Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant (maybe the first ever WrestleMania “moment”).

#WWF #WWE #WrestleMania


  1. Can we have the same thing for Survivor Series and Royal Rumble please you smooth talking Irish fella!

  2. Mine is wrestle mania 5..hogan and savage were my 2 favorite so when they became a team I was hype then when they broke up was epic

  3. Sorry but I'm a black man and I'm going to always have something to say about that booker t vs triple h match.

  4. I stopped watching after 98-99 so last wm I watched is 17 and that was yrs later. But 20-19 looks real solid looks good too. Btw ours

  5. Manias 22, 23, 24, 28 and 31 are underapprciated Manias. 18 is kinda overrated. It’s a good PPV and Hogan and Undertaker matches were classics but there’s a lot of filler on the rest of the card.

  6. Im glad my fav made it at 3. wm21 should be higher. 18 is really a suprise and 17 very overrated

  7. Even WRESTLEMANIA 9 and 27 were selected by SOMEBODY as their favorite Mania?!

  8. I still can’t believe I witnessed Mania 17 live in Houston!!!!

  9. It was never proven that he did that horrible act of crime. so pls stops aying he did it.
    i personelly dont belive it. he was a very family guy a good father and husband.

  10. The fact that WrestleMania 13 didn't come on the list at all is amazing to me. Legion of Doom vs nation of domination, psycho Sid versus The undertaker and taker won the belt!!

  11. No love for WM28 is insane to me. Idk why but I feel like that’s easily a top 3 mania and hardly makes anyone’s top 10.

  12. For me wm19 is the best. Great matches n storyline from start to finish. It doesn't miss a beat.

  13. I’ve been enjoying all of different videos I have my own favorites there’s a few matches in wrestle mania please keep up the good work on these videos 😎👍❤️

  14. Wrestlemania 14 will always be my personal favourite, the first attitude era Mania, from the simplicity of the Red Logo, to the amazing matches like Kane vs The Undertaker and my favourite match of all time: Stone Cold Stone Austin Vs Shawn Michaels, (and Mike Tyson Clocking HBK) Its brilliant.

  15. Great use of the song at #1 editing is a strongsuit on this channel but we’ll done all around as always. P.s if anyone strikes this video I’ll whoop you candy a**😝

  16. 15:37 People's reactions to Chris don't make any sense. The man took the hits for the WWE and the WWE didn't care. They killed him, as they killed Eddie, and as they chewed up and spit out the likes of Chyna, among others. Benoit probably didn't even know what he had done in the end, his brain was so badly concussed and damaged from the head injuries. I think people judge that situation far too harshly, not really knowing what was going through the man's head before the end. It's a tragedy all around. I can seperate t hat event from those great wrestling moments he gave us.

  17. Mmm, I still have a soft spot for Wrestlemania 6 – it captures the spirit of that time very well, I think. I don't know if its the best ever, but its my favourite which is a very different thing.

  18. Wm 39 even without considering recency bias has to be top 10 atleast . ic title , roman v cody, tag team match plus Charlotte v rhea are all legitimately 4 stars or above matches. Plus seth v logal Paul is also very good. Rey v dominick is also very solid.

    Pound for pound better than wm 20, 21 tbf

  19. Well two things why don't be like Chris Benoit or talk about him? People have problems. I bet if we looked some other superstars probably aren't good people like what you think.

    Second Wrestlemania III was a great probably the best. Don't forget though that Wrestlemania 1 is more important than most any other ones. If it failed there would not be any more

  20. Wm17 the greatest wrestle mania ever. I watched it live on ppv. No mania since has topped it. 19 is the 2nd greatest I watched it live too on ppv. 17 is also my favorite

  21. I would swap out WMX8 and WM20 for WMXXIV and WMXXVIII. WMX8 was not a good wrestlemania outside of Rock/Hogan and Taker/Flair. WM20 was a good wrestlemania show, but not an all time classic. WMXXIV was phenomenal from beginning to end and WMXXVIII had outstanding moments and matches.

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