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Matt Jones/KSR respond to Mark Stoops asking Kentucky fans for money to get better players

If fans want better, he suggests they ‘pony up’ on their NIL contributions to help pay for a better team. That’s how Georgia did it, he says, legal in the name, image and likeness era.

“The other side of that is, if you want to do that, complain, deny or make excuses. And we’re not going to do that, it is what it is. Fans have that right, I give it to them,” Stoops said. “I just encourage them to donate more, because that’s what those dudes are doing. I can promise you Georgia, they bought some pretty good players. You’re allowed to these days.

“We could use some help. That’s what they look like, when you have 85 of them. I encourage anybody who is disgruntled to pony up some more.”

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  1. Matt you are spot on. I saw Stoops at the LCA Lex Cath Football game. And was amazed how small he is No disrespect meant but how did he play D 1 ball at Iowa. I am amazed at that. After standing right next to him.
    Also his comment about money is true but kind a Pitino type comment. News says he been visiting with Coach P but he clearly is picking up some bad comment habits. I agree.

  2. Appears he has a hang over and looking for an excuse. He acted like a disgusted fan rather than a concerned coach. Made no attempt to offer suggestions or encourage the team during the game. Making 9 mil a year and wanting fans to buy him a better team. Better to be silent and appear foolish than to speak and remove all doubt.

  3. Actually, I feel for him… I was looking, and their offensive line looked just like an NFL line. We have to start setting our sights higher on recruiting. Start trying to get more top players. Unfortunately, it's become a money thing, and we just don't have as much as a Georgia or Alabama. I don't know what we can do…

  4. I don’t he meant it offensively he just wants to be a the top with the big dawgs competing for the SEC every year but to do that , to match Georgias 85 5 star players , we gotta dump more money into nil
    I’m sure GA is dumping buckets of money on their players and they feel very comfortable , that’s what we want , to be able to get great players at Kentucky and keep them here ! I have faith in Stoops, he is all about winning and he’s all about this program I love it GO CATS BABY STOOPS TROOPS 💪

  5. I can't help but believe that this is what will drive Stoops away. He can't get near the top 5 in the SEC because he can't afford the players. The next so-so team that calls, I think hes gone.

  6. Georgia has beaten Kentucky 14 years in a row. NIL has been in existence for two years.. Are you sure you want to hide behind NIL Mark?

  7. How about we pony up for a coach who makes 9 million dollars a year not to get blown out every time they play a prime time game on television why don't we start there we are 5 and 1 we have no more non power five games left let's see how we finish this

  8. Stoops takes the blame after the game. He admits that he did a poor job of getting his team ready. He admits that his players did a poor job executing. His coached admit they did a poor job. BUT, we need to send more money. We buy tickets, merchandise, concession items, pay for premium cable so we can get the channels to watch the games. But, we need to Pony up more money. Stoops, you are a middle tier coach making top 10 money. Pony your money up. The caller is correct but should have carried it a step forward. It's not only the teams that didn't finish the SEC with a winning record. If you take the whole schedule, UK has beat 13 or 14 power 5 teams that finished the season with a winning record. Another depressing stat. We play 3 games a year against smaller conference teams. The majority of them have finished with losing records. Is UK better than they were before Stoops got here? Yes. Are we what one would call a really good team most years? Stoops has benefited from UK opening the purse and that is why we are better. Upgraded stadium, great practice facility, major upgrade to the recruiting budget, major upgrade for paying assistant coaches, etc. People say we can't attract a better coach. That may have been true when UK was paying 3 million a year and had a low budget for assistant coaches, but not now. There are some really good football minds that come here for that kind of money. For 9 million a year you should expect to be at least "really good". No, Uk offers bonuses to Stoops for every win after 7. So basically they are paying 9 million a year for a 500 record. Crazy times.

  9. What he said is true, all the big football schools now have the cover of NIL to do what they used to do under the table. I didn’t take it as excuse making, he accepted the blame for the Cats being no shows. But truth is when you look at the blue chip ratios of the two teams the result is not surprising at all, it’s actually more surprising that we’ve managed to play them tough more than a few times.

  10. I don’t give money for players when they get a full scholarship! This is the NIL/pay to play. As far as stupid statements, c’mon Matt you say dumber stuff every single day goofball!

  11. Hey Stoops….Pony Up and do a better job of coaching and preparation but also recruit better. And one more Pony Up and take a butt kicking like a man. "I won't make excuses" but then he does. What a moron

  12. This shows how much expectations around the team have changed over the years. 2015 nobody was nearly as upset when UGA pounded us. Much different story now. Hopefully this is the low point of the season.

  13. Perhaps Stoops and Big Dawg can pony up some of their salary? Or shake down Joe and Kelly Craft for some more $$$?

  14. Just hope this comment isn't his downfall, he's done a hell of a job but I think it's being taken out of context a little. I do wish we could get more SEC wins but it's next to impossible with little to no tradition

  15. We as UK fans can bitch, moan and cry, but Stoops is absolutely correct. With enough money, any and every player on Georgia’s roster is at UK. Nay, any player with college eligibility is at UK. This is the “Wild West” that the NCAA tried to warn the Courts of when they let this Genie out of the bottle. Right now…anyone can buy a National Championship if they’re willing to pay the monetary price.

  16. Well, I am a fan who frequently supports the cats through my attendance at games home and away. I was at this 51-13 embarrassing game. Stoops gets paid 9.3 million per year and to disparage and disappoint the fans in this manner could be on his way out after this season because this team has a high very high probability to not win another game and final record 5-7 with no bowl. This is a very high probability so Stoops is the coach of this mess we see.

  17. He’s not wrong tho. I agree with him. Don’t get me wrong, I know we got outplayed, out coached, etc., but when’s the last time UK had a big name coach in football? Even though Stoops is a Kentucky Football legend now, the results would be considered mediocre at these football schools. Have we had some great players? Sure. Have we had great results? No (By UK Football standards, yes.) We don’t have the football tradition to help coax a team full of 5* recruits here. It’s going to take money. If you want Georgia players, you gotta pay Georgia money. Just like Calipari and guards. Yeah UK is a big time basketball school, but when Cal got here, we hadn’t seen as much as a Final 4 in 20 years. Cal coached guys like Wagner and D-Rose at Memphis, then came to UK and had John Wall, Brandon Knight (even though he wasn’t that great in the NBA), and these high profile guards started wanting to come to UK. Players in any sport today, if they have Pro potential, want to play for a team that they are going to be given a great shot at reaching that goal. In football, that just isn’t UK as of right now. They have players in the pros, but they don’t get pumped out like they do at Bama, Georgia, etc. They have to be convinced to come here by some other fashion than tradition or “I guarantee you’ll go pro”, and that’s going to be money. Money talks. Spend some dang money and get us a legit quarterback and receivers that can catch the ball when they’re wide open in the back of the end zone. Leary was hyped up all preseason for being soooooo accurate and this and that. Shoulda known otherwise from the jump. He hadn’t played football for a LONG time after coming back from a wonky injury that either messes with his throwing ability or his mental state. Whatever the case, he’s not the same Leary from NC State. Not every transfer in the portal is going to be top tier talent against these tougher teams. The basketball team proved that the last two years.

  18. He can KISS MY BUTT! I have been a season ticket holder. I have set and watched us get blasted by Vandy in 25 degree weather. I have watched live a loss to Ohio U. WE HAVE BEEN THERE STOOPS!! WE HAVE BEEN THERE! you got your butt kicked and you got out coached! Ive put a ton of money into that program over 40 years… kiss my butt Stoops and stick that fat salary of yours right up that butt! I truly like Coach Stoops but this one makes me mad.. and I will be there with my three boys Saturday!

  19. I think Stoops was the absolute right coach to bring us out of the basement but I think he has hit his ceiling. I wouldn't be surprised if he lost the locker room after that comment. We have one of the best receiving corps in college football that are under-performing for reasons I wont get into but I'll just say undisciplined off the field. And thst goes back to coaching. Stoops teams have historically played undisciplined.

  20. I get that we don’t have the top tier players but how as a coach making 9 mil a year can you possibly say that you didn’t have your team ready?!?! Isn’t that your job that you get paid millions to do? At least be honest and tell us why they were unprepared, or how you failed to prepare them. As far as the NIL comment is concerned, he’s right. Our budget for sports is I’m sure heavily skewed towards basketball.

  21. I get the coaches frustration. And kirby has responded with more of support to what he saying, but didnt comment in detail. Respects Stoops to the fullest. However i will say that good players are going to show up if you have an astonishing year and if You have a good foundation and great atmosphere. They will come.

  22. I will also say this. Our offense does need to be bigger. The need to quit worrying about strength and conditioning and worry about putting on more size.

  23. Nil don’t matter, Georgia had top 3 recruiting classes before nil, and guess what they are getting top 3 classes after nil. So what’s the difference.

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