The Real VB 32963 spraying COVID 19

Interesting facts about targeted illegal spraying of individuals and families

Aerial Spraying and local spraying by IRC, Floridascapes, UF Terrorist Gators

1. Prior to the “announcement” of COVID-19 I was told the following by persons
in the “I have no freaking idea who you are” category

– You should try vaping

2. It is nearly impossible to find cotton socks or clothing in Vero Beach.
News flash China – One size 6-12 of crappy synthetic socks does not fit all
especially after washing when they shrink

A size 6 foot is not the same as a size 12 foot
Maybe we should make cotton socks in America – sizes 6, 8, 10 , 12 you get it

3. Spraying during COVID-19 falls into the attempted murder category.

COVID-19 Facts:

1. COVID-19 has a high mortality rate in people “vaping”
2. COVID-19 has a high persistance rate in Walmart synthetic “Crap” clothing

Amazing how these terrorist “doctors” in Vero beach and their children hell spawn –
who you cannot trust before COVID-19 – are so prescient before the COVID-19 outbreak
they are having you followed and suggesting the worst possible future for you health.

Amazing how Shengli – the China doctor and Ralph Baric – the American doctor from North Carolina (Comcast headquarters
territory) published
their work on pubmed for over a decade yet CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC could not find it.
She was working on making a supervirus that infected people and animals by combining
4 sequences from HIV (gp41) and SARS2 Batlike virus to make = COVID-19
Accuracy is lost on American propaganda news organizations. So is research.

Caregivers my ass. These black and white stalker/thieves in Palm Gardens are stealing from patients who have cancer,
alzhiemers and other serious health conditions while the other black and white stalker/thieves are following you and spraying you.

Stealing is a crime. Not a laundry loss issue you like the VB caregiver death dealers would like you to believe.
Stealing from sick people is ass whoopin territory.

Or as the 32963 golf club censorship (crime coverup) newspaper reports: Patient quality care in VB according to the latest Federal Government
report is below the national average.

Newsflash from the Real Vero Beach 32963:

All empires, kingdoms, governments collapsed throughout history
for the exact same reason. Stalker/thief internal corruption.
And they did not have TV fake news and internet fake news and radio fake news to accelerate the collapse.
But they had censorship.

There is no way you can trust the COVID-19 numbers in IRC since they are walking around without masks like assholes.

Hi President Trump and Vice President Pence,

Could you answer some questions during your daily briefing?
The Real Vero Beach 32963 News would like to know:

1. Would you be willing to drain the swamp in Washington D.C. by signing an Executive Order to send JSOC over to

National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
4QRJ+3J Gaithersburg, 9, MD

to arrest and prosecute these persons for Obstruction of Justice, fabricating legal evidence, media manipulation

and being responsible for 9/11. AE 9/11 Truth has proven this.
Thermite from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory was used
in the destruction of all 3 buildings at the World Trade Center.

They added sulfur to increase the ignition temperature forming Thermate.

2. Will the fact that Warren Buffett interfered with the prosecution of Salomon Brothers in 1992 and that they
were the major tenant at WTC 7 help in your decision to drain the swamp?

3. Are you happy I worked anti-terrorism pre 9/11 when the FBI refused to?