Golf Players

When You Know THIS MOVE Your Whole Game Will Change!

In this video, Steve shows you how the pros compress the golf ball and get maximum smash factor and distance.

Follow these tips and drills to increase clubhead speed, smash factor, ball compression, driver distance, improve your golf swing, and have more FUN!
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Ryp Radar

I’ve put together a complete program to teach you a powerful on plane swing, increase your clubhead speed, and hit it solid and pure.. Check it out here:


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  1. Thank you for the new approach on hitting my irons! I’m headed to the range shortly! I’ll try it out! I really do need the help!

  2. Steve how does this square with the other video days ago where you say most golfers are not releasing their wrists early enough in the downswing and you recommended the drill to release around the upright pole. Here it seems you are releasing late to hit the pinata. thanks this is important to me.

  3. Great video, great content, great feel. The titles are a little bit of clickbaity so i never know what i'm getting into, but nontheless great explanation

  4. Steve, I love the feel of the late speed. Finally getting my body to finish. My question is: when you do it in slow motion you always turn your body with your right arm behind. Almost 180 degrees at the start….. 5:54 in the video. Is this the feeling I want to have when actually hitting a ball? It feels very powerful and body driven but is it getting your arms “stuck” behind you?
    Love your videos and I’ve never been able to hit irons very well, except on a par 3 less than 140 yards. I had searched “how to finish the golf swing “ and came up with nothing pertinent. Then today you popped up and not only answer my finishing question but even better the idea of “sweeping the ball” not chopping down. I play tomorrow and can’t wait to put this into my swing. I don’t have a speed whoosh so for the last 2 hours I’ve been using an alignment stick and 7 iron to ingrain the feel.
    Thanks again for your incredible insights.

  5. FINALLY! I taught myself many years ago and developed this exact swing by chance (and could easily hit my driver more than 300 yards). Then I took about 10 years away from golf. When I came back three years ago, I watched hours and hours of Youtube videos and they ALWAYS talk about "hitting down on the ball," which I tried to follow and I've sucked ever since. I cannot thank you enough Mr. Pratt and I can't wait to go back to my old swing.

  6. Great video and best explanation about the angle of attack I've seen on Youtube. I've had the wrong idea about the angle of attack all these years of playing until I saw this video. I adjusted my swing to be more "sweepy" like Steve said, and it improved my contact greatly. My smash factor with the 7-iron is consistently in the 1.30s range, picked up a couple MPH of clubhead speed, and my angle of attack is down (rather than hitting a few thin ones occasionally) while trying these tips at the range. Also, contact on the iron seems to be more consistent in the sweet spot.😊

  7. Steve I’m confused. This lesson seems diametrically opposed to your other videos where you advocate losing lag early and wrapping around the pole. Which is it?

  8. The shaft flex at impact sets up a frequency that runs from the ground right up through the top of my head and really is, for me anyway, the element in golf that is most addicting. It's down right Spiritual. Cheers!

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