Golf Players

I can’t quite believe this is the REAL REASON why only ONE LIV GOLFER was selected for the Ryder Cup

Brooks Koepka is the only LIV Golf player competing at the Ryder Cup, strange isn’t it? This is the exact reason and I can’t quite believe it. The real reason why only one LIV Golf player is competing in the Ryder Cup this month has come to light in the press today and I need to discuss it!! It is safe to say some golf fans were surprised at Zach Johnson’s picks for U.S. Ryder Cup team. There was so much talk as to which Liv golfers, pga tour players, DP world tour players would feature in the 2023 Ryder Cup team and the US ryder cup team. Five-time major champion Brooks Koepka will be the only LIV Golf League player teeing it up at Marco Simone in three weeks’ time.

The ryder cup team USA was announced last week and there are some surprising picks among the six captains that some golf fans are very surprise with. I think Zack Johnson has confused a lot of golfers and I think he could have gone down a different route but why did he only pick one liv golfer?

United States Ryder Cup Captain Zach Johnson today announced the six captains for the USA ryder cup, so many golf fans were asking would there be liv golfers in the USA ryder cup team, the us ryder cup, ryder cup teams and so much more!

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  1. Worth noting is how different both the US team and Euro teams auto qualifiers would be if LIv got points and if LIv players were not blackballed from pga tour and dp world tour events. Much less how different the captains picks would have been.

    That being said, Gooch deserved strong consideration based on his LIv season but he really did not step up in the majors, 2 missed cuts and he passed on qualifying for one, which is on him.

    Bryson had that awesome 58 and his game is really coming together nicely now. But he also did not have the greatest season.

    DJ been way too sleepy for me.

    Phil and Reed deserve consideration.

    But at the end of the day I still think Glover and Keegan are most upset by Zack’s good ol boy picks.

    I also think while euros like chacarra and Puig could have helped the euros, the bigger snubs were also from the euros tour.

    The event will be fun, but like simulator golf, it will be a shell of itself until the selection process at least gets back to what was an already questionable selection process before all the blackballing started.

    This does bring up when is LIv going to get an answer on those OWGR points?

  2. Brooks Koepka was handcrafted by God for events like this !! He is a Bulldog, he loves the nose to nose competition, and spurs fear in his opponents frequently. Brooks has successful Ryder Cup Experience. Brooks is healthy again, in no small part thanks to Liv golf, with their 54 hole events and only 14 per year. The schedule is far more friendly with rehabilitation programs than the demands of the PGA Tour.
    Zac would have been out of his mind to exclude Koepka from this team. Personally I am less than pleased with the somewhat disrespectful manner in which Zac named Brooks. He insinuated that he was pick #12, as if he should be feeling fortunate as opposed to feeling as if his play has earned it.
    Which, by the way, it ABSOLUTELY has earned it.

  3. Didn't Zach Johnson say when the PGA TOUR LIV split was fresh, that none of the LIV players would be on the team?

  4. It's a good ole boys club. Like one of your other respondents said it's a friends club it's all about chums. It's not about overall talent.

  5. Well said Alex, agree with you 100%. As far as snubs from LIV- Bryson and Gooch from a form POV and DJ and Patrick Reed from past RC proformances.

  6. Definitely Bryson, DJ, and Reed. It would have been so exciting
    Now I won’t need to watch at all
    Plus the Euro player got left our, forget his name but you went over this already

  7. Maybe it’s not as complicated as you want it to be. Maybe he just picked the top 6 that he wanted. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  8. Actually Brooks should not have been picked. Bradley or Glover should have gotten the pick.

  9. If Brooks has any foot in the door, he should SLAM it open by having Talor Gooch as a caddy for 1st rd. Group Play. How insane would that be?

  10. Just love that all the anti Liv golf snobs now play for Liv golf by default. I'm not a fan of the Saudis being involved in sport by any stretch, but haven't seen the same protest in all the other sports they now influence..

  11. Why just Brooks? It's that dirty word POLITICS. The selection process was once valid with the PGAT players being qualifiers and picks. But, since the advent of LIV, it's a stacked deck in that with no OWGR points available to LIV, Ryder team membership is almost exclusive to PGAT members. Zach is a loyal PGAT member and was probably set to exclude Brooks but the way Brooks has performed at Majors this year would have made excluding him farcical. As for the rest, Zach did the political thing, choosing only PGAT golfers to round out the roster. IMO, the distasteful thing is that, the way the teams are selected now, it's simply PGAT versus DP Tour, with Brooks being the lone exception. For it to truly be the best versus the best, then the selection process must change, but the way it is, the PGAT and the DP will fight it tooth and nail as nobody wants to surrender something on which they have a monopoly. Sad state of affairs when politics becomes the determinant for Ryder team membership.

  12. i would have loved to see bryson he's been playing soo well… and having a ryder cup without some greats (poulter and westwood) is ridiculous

  13. “Connect the dots?” .. connect the 🐂💩.. bottom line Captain’s get to pick the team .. PERIOD! .. you don’t like it .. great .. file it under “opinions” or Ypur “feelings” .. but not under FACTS! That you can’t do.. your opinions .. or “dot connection” or “vibes from outer space” .. all are just “Click bait” .. no facts .. just opinions. Sad that you present it as factual inside information.. when you can get ONE .. YES ONE person to verify your opinions
    You need to do do better that regurgitate 🐂💩

  14. The only question people are asking is, what the hell
    Did Justin Thomas do to earn a spot on the team?!?!
    Name one accomplishment….

    It’s BS and much much much better choices were available

  15. Bryson and DJ all day. DJ if only for how epic his post event interview was last time around.

  16. Golf is streaky and if u follow it guys get hot then sometimes ice cold like J Rahm towards end of season. JT love him but no business on the team was on an ice cold streak. Bryson D was the pick if u r going LIV cause in last majors he came alive and the dominating 58 or 59 he shot winning LIV tournament. To be honest I haven’t scouted the course so not sure if it’s a bombers course or shotmakers course. That comes into play as well.

  17. Nobody from LIV golf deserved to be picked IMO , they don't play enough golf to be looked at , and or they were not playing well enough to be looked at , Brooks had a good season on points alone
    DJ deserves nothing IMO , and Patrick has to much baggage with all the cheating LOL . of course this is IMO only . and your thoughts are yours and others can say what they want 🙂

  18. The Ryder Cup is just an exhibition event the rest of the world don't care you're Ryder Cup sucks

  19. Bryson for me would be a great addition, … would be so much fun to see him sends some bombs. 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

    By the way, … you have a good mic … but you have pops in the audio.
    So a pop filter would help or … turn down input gain or … set the mic direction not in front and in line of the sound source (mouth). 💪🏻

  20. America PGA should pick Bryson. Just his appearance alone and his long drive must add exciting for fans all over the world. Also put Bryson against Roy Milroy in a match play. Roy will definitely crash trying to overdrive Bryson – Can't help the guy with big ego and can't understand why he hates LIV golf?

  21. I believe Brooks was deserving, but not Bryson or Patrick because they were pretty outspoken against the PGA tour showing a lack of respect. Dustin just hasn't had a really good year otherwise, he could have been picked.

  22. Your topics are great mate, but really get to the point a little quicker. 3:50 min in and we just get to the topic at hand.

  23. I dont think Zack shouldve been a USA Team Captain. He held a personal grudge over some of the best players in golf and now Team USA could lose because of it. Thats nonsense. I wouldve picked DJ n Bryson all day over JT. The cup is about for your country and pride not a team captain and a few other players having personal feelings over LIV golfers.

  24. Totally opposed to JT and honestly Spieth as well. DJ and Gooch have had stellar performances. Jt didn’t play well enough to play FedEx and Spieth barely made it. Thank goodness the other players recognize talent. Zach sure doesn’t.

  25. Bryson plays the golf of his life right now – a must pick for the US team! And Patrick Reed had solid major tournaments where he finished better than many elected other players, he finished second behind Rory at the Saudis and is a amazing match Player! Patrick always would have been because of this a pick for me! This two and maybe still Gooch should have elected every day! Good for the European team that Zach Johnson didn't….

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