Hailey Ostrom



WEBSITE► https://haileyostrom.com

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TIKTOK► https://www.tiktok.com/@haileyraeostrom

TWITTER► https://twitter.com/haileyostrom?lang=en


  1. You are changing your workout to work on your figure? How crazy to me that is, your figure is already amazing!! Curious if you have any pro events coming up?

  2. You were the sweetest to Audrey when she was first starting out! We still talk about it. She’s now on her 8th grad golf team and played on the team last year in 7th! Keep up the great work Hailey!

  3. How often when getting ready to hit your shot do you think about it. I get over it and sometimes I back off. I really think I over think it. What do you think.

  4. the clothes advice! tyty <3 something i didnt realize i stress so much about, but i def do! special shopping trips just to make sure i didnt get in trouble for not being in dress code on the course :/

  5. To touch in your first answer, it was great. On the long side, which is great, and explained yourself well. But I think, on the first question, personally, you are doing what WORKS for you. Who cares if people think it isn’t authentic. It is YOU in the video every. Single. time. You are authentic and you do what you need/want to do. Who cares about the ads. That’s today’s day and age with any video content. Nothing but respect. Keep crushing it!

  6. Very wise answer on the question about 5-10 year goals. Ask ANYONE to look back in their life ten years and define what their goals were. Pretty much a guarantee life didn’t turn out that way. So although it’s good to have a long range vision, it’s critical to be flexible to the ebbs and flows, opportunities and setbacks that invariably come in life.

    Bein real, I don’t think making YouTube videos is your passion. As a life coach, I shouldn’t prob say that, but I’m just keeping it real since we are not connected in convo. I don’t sense from your body language that you are in a state of flow when you do them. I’ve seen glimpses of passion to know there is another level to you—for you to reach peak fulfillment—but these videos aren’t it. (Just ask yourself “how do I feel when I am preparing the content, the materials, etc. for these vids?” And be honest with yourself.). That said, they pay the bills AND I think they are helping you home in on whatever is your ideal career. So it’s working short term for you as you move forward.

    As a fan of you as a person, I watch weekly. I cheer you on as you find your way. I have great respect for your LOYALTY: to your fans and to your integrity, which makes you so selective in your brand sponsoring.

    Sometimes I feel that the actual act of videoing is a burden for you, (shows on cam with body language sometimes) BUT I also sense you get great fulfillment out of contributing something of value to people who follow you. A spirit of giving out of gratitude one might say. You have gifts and talents and this is your current way to share them.

    I hope you the best on this journey. We are all on a journey, right? I appreciate that you’re sharing it with us, for however long this season lasts for you. But I assure you: there is certainly another level for you coming. And it will include the best of this season and will shed the burdensome elements.

    Keep workin’ hard! That work ethic is a consistent element of your life story and serves as great inspiration for your followers. And keep smiling. That’s an under-appreciated gift you have to give freely. A person can’t have a soul if your smile doesn’t make them happier! Haha

  7. Do you get stoned in tournaments or just when you do YouTube videos?😃 coming from someone who is green friendly. I recognize those red eyes.😃

  8. 10,000% annoyed that your TIP for women is to wear what you are comfortable in. WTF!? what about weight distribution, boobs, being shorter, how the guys will coach exhaustively? i mean- but as long as your clothes are comfy- your fame will be just fine. sorry, this comment really let me down as a woman golfer- disappointed.

  9. Your programs are great. I enjoyed your match vs George at Pine Needles. Put some clothes on. A Christian young lady doesn't need to be all hanging out. I guess I am just old school. Best wishes for your future in golf. Keep setting high goals.

  10. Hailey just discovering you and your channel. I am 63 played golf for years and still love it. Walked 18 today. You are great, you have a wonderful heart, you are smart, honest, and I would say wise beyond your years. Us old guys know these things! 😊 Look forward to seeing more videos and seeing where life takes you. Blessings and stay safe in your travels.

  11. Don't sell yourself short… Go for the airlines, if they don't sponsor you, that's their loss…..

  12. Negative people will always complain about something even their own life they complain about it so keep that in mind so it amount to nothing LOL.

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