Golf Players

Golf Youtuber fallouts

Mark Crossfield has Finally let go of his Long term partner lockey. Lockey was last seen serving burgers in McDonald’s.


  1. Would never pay £300 for an online lesson. I'd rather join the Zen golf cult and ruin my game for life

  2. Thats a fiver a minute, it's cheaper to ring Babe Station…..though not sure they know much about golf. 😂

  3. $300 is what George Gankas charged at the start of Matt Wolff's career. He's nowhere near that level. George is a former +4 handicap, and has been influential in a big way in terms of swing mechanics across the industry.

  4. At this rate poor old Crossy will be begging for his job back at that crappy driving range.

  5. The whole thing is laughable they split up add more channels and within a week even if they don't put up any content there sub base jumps over 3k in subs milk it for all its worth they are now slaves to the ads and pump out more rubbish than a bin man. Your right of course P54 own RS PF JR and many many more channels earning revenue share from 30% to 45% basically its been a long silent take over of social media yet to show the masterplan but you bet it involves sportswashing!!!! Ps my channel is all for charity by the way cheers ❤

  6. Good stuff Topbloke you watch the videos so we don't have to. Paying somebody that can't hit a fairway $300 for a lesson could be the funniest thing or saddest thing I have heard today.

  7. Couldn't stand Coach's silly grin to be honest. All the larking around used to do my bonce in.

    Crossy isn't bad at club reviews as long as its not shhhh…TaylorMade 😅

  8. Last I saw, Coach was hitting balls OB a lot, throwing clubs and not even finishing quite a few holes. I can see awful players like that every day at my local public golf course let alone pay them money to teach how to be bad at golf. I expect Coach will end up working one day as an assistant in a Clubhouse shop somewhere

  9. Yeah, Crossfield was way out with strokes gained if he wanted his audience to grow or stay.. You really have to track so many different things that it's only for real advanced players..
    I had the opportunity to try out and keep track in an app but it was too much to remember from the course that the normal statistics works better for me and probably 99% of all golfers.

  10. Why would anyone pay Locky for lessons !!!! He’s at best a 6 handicapper. I think having two channels was a business decision to get more revenue. I bet Crossfield has a tight contract on Locky.

  11. It’s simple regarding why Crossfield’s views are up… his staff is down. What do I mean by that? When Crossy does things solo he can’t point fingers and degrade the likes of Dan Hendrickson, Rory, and Coach Lockey. Rory stood up to Crossy because he never wanted his own channel. Yes man Dan and Lockey endured being his “loyal subjects” so they could gain notoriety and start their Own channels. During all of this, Rick Shiels got funded by Saudi oil. Rick Cheese has a great marketing team behind him. He employs 9 people and has to pay 30% to Performance 54. But he’s let the other guys fight over the scraps.

  12. My thoughts,
    Rory left because they took the piss out of him constantly on the golf course, I could see how mad he was getting in the last video they did.
    Crossy and Lockey sound like they turn into a couple of daleks when they get together, very irritating 😂
    Crossfield going back to what he does best makes perfect sense, I enjoy his solo work, he's calm, speaks in easily understandable terms, yeah he's got a lot better.

  13. I already hit a snap hook with the best of them. I wouldn’t need Matt’s help to hit it further left!!! However, I really like Matt. Seems like a good dude!

  14. I feel sorry for anyone that pays $300 for an online golf lesson, as they are truly desperate, and have fallen victim to every lie the golf industry has told! 99% of golf instructors only compound frustration by teaching students to focus on entirely the wrong things. I don’t blame Lockey – he dosnt know any better. He’s never had to understand the game from the perspective of someone that dosnt make money from it.

  15. Strokes gained is a fantastic metric. Just because you're not intelligent enough to understand it doesn't mean its nonsense.

  16. I think Crossfield was always good at golf instruction videos, in fact much better than any of the other rubbish out there but the giggling brothers vlogs were shite and definitely ruined the channel in my opinion. I agree that now he's on his own he's worth watching again and (sorry Coach) Matthew's channel is a waste of time.

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