Golf Players

Shallowing Golf Swings Made EASY | Close The Window Drill

Shallowing the golf club is pretty much all we hear these days. In 6 months it will be pressure trace. You watch.

In this video, MyGolfDNA founder, Chris Tyler, shows you a VERY simple drill to shallow your golf swing out and produce more lag in a matter of minutes.

Where Serious Golfers Get Serious Instruction.


  1. Nice video One thing I noticed in the down swing when the club gets parallel to the ground My hands are still up close to hip height and you watch the pros their hands are closer to their knee at that point, when should the right arm start straightening?

  2. This step-by-step process really helped after a few reps. Thanks for explaining this in a simple way that can really be understood.
    Naples, FL.

  3. The dreaded chicken wing and cast swing has been the bain of my golf life. If only I'd learned to tuck that elbow in sooner. Great explanation.

  4. So your hands stay low in the backswing not even getting to your height of your shoulders. What can you say about this? Thanks

  5. Chris this close the window instruction is amazing . Shot 85 on Monday June 19 th at the Hidden Lakes old course Burlington Ontario .
    My best round for the 2023 season .Thank You ! Looking forward to advice on driver & 5 wood instruction .

  6. This is me in a nutshell. ..always swinging from the top and it's gotten progressively worse with decades of playing. I've now switched from lifelong righty to lefty and I'm hopeful of creating new, more disciplined muscle memory. Looking forward to trying this drill this weekend!

  7. Chris! Hey, it's nice to find you here on your own channel. I was in one of your clinics back in March 2016. I have subscribed and will be following along.

  8. I believe the reason people cast is because in their mind they realize the hands are much closer to the ball than the club head. So they feel the need to throw the club head so it can catch up to the hands at impact.

  9. Good video, I tried it and it did help immediately, TY. But I noticed when you shifted your weight forward you slid your hips forward and then turned. Instead of just turning. This seems counter to other You Tube coaching. Is it just do or what works for each person to get the ball down range to the target?

  10. I’ve been “golfing” for 31 years and the game is frustrating and depressing. I go home feeling stupid most days. I’m getting about 100 to 140 feet, yes feet with my driver or less distance with other clubs if I actually even hit the ball. It’s just not fun at all for me. Toronto

  11. I have been having striking the well, but keep pulling my irons and wedges 10 to 20 yards left of target. After watching this video I went to my home course with only my PW and worked on “closing the window “. Instead of tucking my elbow into my side I started tucking it against the belt loop like you mentioned. BOOM, I was hitting straight on target dropping the ball within 15’ of the pin from 100 yards out. I’m anxious to see how this works throughout my bag!!

  12. It would really help if you show your full swings in slo-mo… otherwise it's hard o really see 'it' in action.

  13. Man I tried this today on the course🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥my strikes were explosive 🧨. 🤣🤣when I did it the correct way. Question-does this apply to all clubs in my bag including driver?

  14. Folks from another teacher that's the truth. If you believe there's a secret to golf this is it !

  15. this won't work. At your "checkpoint" the hip has to be already turned to the left.

  16. Hi, is there any way to adapt lumberjack skills in a good golf swing, by which, I mean, is using biceps for power and faster ball speed and further distance?

  17. Wow! This was the ‘holy grail’ for me! Getting my trailing elbow facing out and close into my hip on the downswing was the AHA piece that was always missing and robbing me of compression power! After many years+ I’m finally getting the ball out there!! Thank you! 👏👍

  18. So I’m thinking about the hip, the arms,the window ,checkpoints , lag . Can you make this any more complicated? Sorry this is not resonating with me .

  19. This makes so much sense. The why behind the drills is what I can really relate to and how to rehearse this off the golf course..

    And I love the fact that you’re saying just get 1% better it takes time and work…

  20. Good night! Put a golf ball in your right arm pit and swing. Don’t let the ball drop. The golf swing lasts less than a second. No time for a check list.

  21. Very educational video, simple and clear while being very technical. This lesson is a revelation for me who watches a lot of video. A big thank-you

  22. Been working on this move with the trail elbow over the last 6 months and the results have been nothing but positive. Hitting them pure and farther with way less effort. Squaring up the face with the hip rotation takes the arms out of play and makes the strike way more consistent. My pre shot routine now consists of taking the club from the nine o’clock position to three o’clock to get the feeling (no longer wasting energy with endless practice swings) and then I just take it back and pull the trigger…….even your misses will be better!

  23. Most people stand to far away from the ball ! It affects the compact swing ! Reaching for the ball !

  24. Always warm up half speed ! After hitting ball straight half swing ! Then bump it up ! Never start hitting the ball full swing from the start ! Show up on time and hit warm up shots with a 7 iron ! 25 warm up shots and do 20 chips toe down with 8 iron !

  25. If you can control your chipping you will get more pars and score will go down ! Stop pitching everything ! 👍

  26. Roll the ball up to the hole ! Stop trying to get all that magic spin ! Your not a pro ! 👍 words you need to hear ! Your welcome

  27. Stumbled across this video, like it, just nipped out to the garden and practiced this with the bicep facing forward, I like it and through all the vids i've seen, I haven't yet once come across anybody who has mentioned this, so put this together with the leadbetter takeaway and hopefully this season I can break into a single digit golfer (currently 10.3)

  28. Good instruction! Crisp and to the point. Of course needs full attention and practice no doubt. Wish there was a 2 min. fix. Thanks. Will try this for sure.

  29. Really good video thanks.
    Reference points are exactly what beginners such as myself need to be able to learn how the correct swing feels like.

  30. I do the same but with a simple swing thought, from the top of the swing i think trail shoulder down to the first reference point in your video….
    The most important thing for me is no conscious movement of the hands and arms
    whatsoever no hit impulse…
    The feeling of hitting the ball with the right shoulder all the way to the follow through..
    It stops any early release which is very well explained in your video congratulations on a great video 😊

  31. So I'm guessing that the drill you gave us in Week 1 of your four-part series is, minus the weight shift, the same as the part of this drill from shaft parallel on the downswing to shaft parallel on the through swing (sorry, I have trouble with numbers and don't remember my Ps)? It would be nice if it was, because then we'd have a system of interchangeable parts from which to build the swing. Thanks again for the content.

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