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ACC Expansion Is Dead And It’s Notre Dames Fault!

The Monty Show has the latest details on ACC expansion, which now appears to be dead, as an ACC meeting on Wednesday led to a battle of wills where Notre Dame fought hard to add Stanford and Cal to the ACC, with very few others supporting them. Is Notre Dame a problem for the ACC? Is the ACC headed down a similar road as the PAC 12? What about SMU and their attempts to buy their way in to the ACC?

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What value does Stanford and Cal bring to the ACC? Jake is convinced the problem for Stanford and Cal is they simply don’t win games, while Monty says Stanford and Cal bring far more than sports to the table for potential conferences. Are Stanford and Cal worth the cost of adding them?

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  1. Miami (FL), Virginia, North Carolina, and Notre Dame are Big 10's top 4 candidates to join. Apparently, ACC hasn't learn its lesson from Big East's down fall ,so it follows suit instead. That's because ACC doesn't understand how does unity work. Notre Dame is version of Texas that almost destroyed Big 12 ,so Notre Dame will kill ACC after they once joins Big 10 then rest of members will force to scramble till they find conference to join just like PAC 12 did.

  2. I feel like jim phillips is a big 10 plant..he's done nothing but f*ck up and been slow to the punch since he's been in ACC commissioner

  3. Notre Dame is like Texas in the Big 12. They will screw you in a heartbeat. That is why Nebraska left the Big 12

  4. To me, and the average CFB fan , The Big 12 is a much more exciting and better Conference than the ACC.

    I’d love to see FSU or Clemson, Miami, Virginia Tech and Louisville to the Big 12.

    Or just Louisville and FSU or Miami.

  5. Don’t be surprised if the 4 remaining PAC schools join the AAC and Aresco renegotiates their revenue deal and get $20+ million per school per year and discuss their interests and intentions with the 4-PAC additions and add in summer of 2025, San Diego State, Air Force, Army, make Navy a full member finally (who is already in AAC for football and other sports), Boise State, Fresno State, and Utah State. I know many will say UNLV or Colorado State or Wyoming should be considered or even New Mexico because having R1 status. But most of them are horrible in football or other sports or all sports. Wyoming is in a small small population state and draw is not super, no disrespect. I think this is a 50-50 situation. Could you replace Utah State with another eastern school or southern school or a Nevada or Wyoming or even a MAC school? Possibly but not necessarily.

  6. If I was close, I’d go to the LAST Bedlam game. It’s one of three Rivalries I never got to go to, but always loved as a Michigan fan.

    Got to go to the last Oklahoma VS Nebraska game when they played each other twice in the same season. I caught them in the Big 12 Championship.

    Nebraska was a good team, Oklahoma was solid but a 10 point dog. OU went down 21-7.

    Landry Jones leads Oklahoma back for a double digit win.

    It was my first time around Nebraska fans and I also wanted to see how their fans were.

    Pissed is what they were. ALL of them. Holy. Hell. They HATE Oklahoma. And Frank Solich, Bo Pelini, and every Coach since Osborne.

    Saw a group of 5 or 6 Drunk jackass Husker fans try to mouth off, push, jump two shortish OU fans just walking saying ‘Better luck next year’. Then one of them Husker fans threw a beer or pop in a cup (Followed by One un-opened can). In the parking lot of Arrowhead. These two Oklahoma fans were what turned out to be to two Scholarship Wrestlers for the Sooners.

    They bid the group of Nebraska fans an adequate farewell. Holy Dogshit did they ever. (Funniest sports Drama I ever saw live).

    If I only had an IPhone. That was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

    The Rivalry is nothing like it was when they did a home and home the last two years.

    I think that Rivalry died when the Oklahoma wrestlers ripped off and took two #7 jerseys and a #0 jersey plus one shoe and sock off each of the three that couldn’t get away. KCMO Police Officer just laughed and kept waving his flashlight for the exit.

    To the group of Husker fans (You know who you are) and the three that woke up Jersey-less and missing one shoe and sock a piece.

    To the two Sooner Wrestlers; Thank you for not going too far, and allowing me to witness one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life.

  7. Duke Stanford and Cal are not big brands. What are they smoking on the west coast

  8. Why not put your games in theaters and make it free for kids and theaters make the money on concessions

  9. ~02:35 So ignorant. The current ACC is #2 in power (top-level competitiveness). A PAC channel calling the ACC an "abject failure" is comical. The ACC's arrangement with ND has been a win-win so far. No other major would have allowed such an arrangement. The PAC had declined so far that is now #4 in overall sports measured by last season's D-Cup Top 20.

  10. Regardless of whether ESPN would have paid pro rata, CAL, STANFORD & SMU are all value dilutive to the current ACC. Adding any would have harmed future "look ins" and renegotiations. I'd bet that the objectors were hoping that the expansion went through over objections to heavily strengthened a legal challenge to the GOR.

  11. So delusional:

    Football Playoff Appearances, 1st Rd Wins, Nattys (per Wiki 2015-2023)

    ACC: 8-4-2 (Includes 1 of 2 ND appearances)

    B12: 2-1-0 (Excludes OK; includes Cincy)

    B1G: 10-3-1 (Includes Oregon & Washington)

    PAC: 0-0-0 (Excludes Oregon & Washington)

    Final Four Appearances, 1st Rd Wins, Nattys (per Wiki 2015-2023. 2020 N/A)

    ACC: 8-5-3

    B12: 5-3-2 (Excludes OK; includes Houston)

    BIGEAST: 5-3-3

    SEC: 4-0-0 (Includes OK)

    B1G: 6-2-0 (Includes Oregon & UCLA)

    Final Four Appearances, 1st Rd Wins, Nattys (per Wiki 1985-2023, 2020 N/A)

    ACC: 38-22-12 (Excludes MD; includes L'VILLE & CUSE)

    B12: 22-11-5 (Excludes OK; includes Ariona, Cincy, Utah & Houston)

    BIGEAST: 17-10-8 (Includes Marquette)

    SEC: 25-11-6 (Includes OK, Ark & TX)

    B1G: 33-15-5 (Includes UCLA, MD & Oregon)

  12. To be fair, in the BIG12 FSU would likely be the top academic and football school. It has high brand inertia and is one of the top 4 overall athletic departments in the ACC. The BIG12 has no top football brands and would take FSU in a second, but the BIG12 is a downgrade unless the ACC heavily depletes.

  13. Huh? UTAH will get more money under the BIG12's new contract than under the PAC12's current contract? Can't be much more.

  14. Just because a university gets tons of money for research does NOT mean the other universities in a conference gets research money. It's an ATHLETIC conference NOT an academic conference.

  15. Poor Cal & Stanford got left behind because more people would rather show up to a football game instead of a science experiment.

  16. AAU status is not a requirement for the B1G. The B1G would absolutely take FSU. Just to have Florida in the B1G foot print.

  17. You guys spread ignorant stats. FSU would rank #3 in brand viewership in the SEC…..NOT PAC 10 GPA.

  18. I think this young buck says the most idiotic things about college football, shows how young and inexperienced his knowledge about college football. Florida St one of the best college football programs out there ever since Bobby Bowden became head coach

  19. Big size media markets like Los Angeles San Francisco New York Chicago Boston means absolutely nothing to college football. Big cities owns pro towns draws more ratings for pro sports, as far as collegiate athletics small towns like Tuscaloosa Clemson Tallashee Gainesville small market town doesn’t draw pro ratings only college ratings

  20. The 'fans' out west don't support college football like the rest of the country and now they are paying the price. No one to blame but themselves.

  21. Notre Dames never plays for the ACC championship, that is how stupid the ACC is..Notre Dames just wants an easy ride.

  22. Tell me how a conferences like the BigTen can strike a big time tv deal with 3 networks and all the BigTen has to show for is 1 national title in both sports for since 2013. Talk about overrated conference BigTen is stealing money

  23. The title of your video isn't technically wrong but it doesn't tell the whole story. Notre Dame voted yes to expand while FSU and Clemson don't want to expand unless they had Notre Dame. Why would Notre Dame join when Florida State and Clemson can just leave

  24. Also, you guys are spending an awful lot of time on academics as if people are tuning in to watch academic debates. Academics is a complete afterthought here. What program brings in money for the TV networks & conference. That's what matters

  25. Love having Notre Dame in the ACC. They have been good fotr the league and the ACC has been good for them. Screw FSU, Clemson, NCST and UNC. Leave already. UNC is the only one of the 3 that is assured of a landing spot (B10 & SEC both have publicly shown interest)

  26. SMU putting Dallas on their unis seems pretty comical and desperate to me. Whatever it takes to scrounge up a few fans.

  27. Psychologically and journalistically sound language: "I don't think Florida State is at all valuable."

  28. Psychology: the smaller one is doing the best he can to not call out the old fugly one for using intentionally inflammatory and inaccurate takes. Not just classic sports talk radio trolling, but comments that just make the fugly one seem confidently stupid.

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