The Best Putting Tip Ever! (No Joke – Try It)

If you’re looking for the best putting tip ever you’ve found it. This is no joke. I used to be a phenomenal putter. This was from practicing my putting a minimum 1 hour at the course and up to another 3 hours at home on indoors on the carpet into an indoor putting cup I called the Puttacup.

Pick Up A Puttcup Here:

Everyone loses their putting at one time or another. If you’re not making putts, you start thinking about your stroke. Thinking about your stroke is the worst thing you can possibly do. In order to become a great putter, you need to be target oriented. This is the best putting tip that’s going to allow you to do just that. Don’t believe me? Try it.

I know it can be frustrating when you aren’t putting your best but don’t worry. Now that you’ve found the best putting tip ever, you can watch it and go back to it in the future if you ever lose it again.

I thought of this putting drill many years ago and it has been tested on many golfers with them all saying it works great and helped them start putting great again. So give what I call the best putting tip a try. Once you do, leave your comment below so I can prove that becoming target oriented is the way to become a great putter.

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  1. Ok. I will try it. More to follow and I will post results in a few days under this post. By the way…What journey did you take that led you to this? Where you just sitting on a bench, drinking a beer, driving across the Mojave Desert? 🤔👍

  2. I look forward to trying this. I also focus on the stroke and never the target. This may help a lot! I'll let you know how it goes.

  3. Paul I would sell my soul to be a better putter! Seriously I can shot mid 70’s and everyone I play with always say when we shake hands Man if you could only PUTT” is a saying I hate to hear! I play tomorrow weather permitting but absolutely use it and post my results!

  4. I'm at a loss. Can't define it. Don't care. I love the drill. Completely target oriented. It works. I'm adding it to my no look drill.❤

  5. Curious Paul, did you invent this or did Bagger Vance pass this on to you? Sounds like a very wise mental trick, cant wait to try it!

  6. You nailed this one Paul. Our subconscious minds are way more in control than we imagine. I look at the target, imagine the line, and let it go with no thought of technique. I’m a good, sometimes great putter. No thoughts of stroke, just where I want the ball to go.

  7. Cool, but this means nothing if you are bad at reading the green slopes. I would start there first, as an area to improve.

  8. How does that work on a put with a 2 foot break? If you are saying hit at the target?

  9. it is like a myth to me. How do you stabilize your putting path if you wiggle the putter ? What is the proper way to wiggle it ?

  10. Merci Paul pour le conseil, je vais tester Lundi prochain sur les greens! Mon problème est sur les putts court à moyen , les autres, comme je ne calcule pas sont , même s'ils ne rentrent pas, d'excellente facture car je joue plutôt 2 putts à cette distance (4 m et +). mais entre 2 et 4 m c'est une galère! Donc je vais tester cette méthode.

  11. I will try this later. I noticed very recently at home that even by facing the ball with an open stance and hitting the ball sideways I had much better direction and pace control when I focussed solely on the target.

  12. Hi Paul, great video as always!! I improved my putting by applying the same technique as with chipping(by Phil M.). Ball is forward(from the middle of my stance not on my front foot) in my stance, weight forward and hands ahead of the ball. However, I'm not trying to hole it but get it close for a tap in for a two-putt. So far I'm under 2 putts a round. I'm more concerned about how to turn the hands off. I think I had a couple of shots last round when I hit some cracking iron shots with the hands turned off because I didn't feel a thing and ended up with the shaft directly behind my head and not a couple of inches as usual. Unfortunately I can't remember how I did it. When I hit some decent shots with a driver or a hybrid I tend to pause on top of my backswing for a milisecond to imaginary turn the hand off and allow the body to start the downswing but it's harder to remember it because it's too fast.

  13. I'm a very good putter because I focus on the target, but this sounds so intriguing that I have to try it. I'll let you know the results.

  14. Did I get this right? This tip is only a drill for practice. For playing out on the course you recommend to stick with the normal stroke without wiggling?

  15. Paul, you did a putting tip video awhile back where you showed to take some practice swings while looking at the target to gauge speed. I took that to the course the next day and putted the best I ever had, every long putt ended up within 4 feet of the hole, and even made some birds too! This drill seems awesome and can't wait to try it. Please keep the short game tips coming!

  16. Good tip Paul. Years ago I did the no look at the ball drill after setting up and deciding on my line, and it ended up becoming a regular routine for me. This is right in line with that because focus is on the target. I find that getting hypnotized staring at your ball/putter/line is just too static and rigid, and more often than not on putts of 4' or longer you're offline when you come through.

  17. Hi Paul, i will try it. On this moment i putt looking to all the time. Is this wiggeling only a training drill, or should i use it during my round of golf too?

  18. Im going to try it. You'll never get convicted of a crime as they will think you are insane for teaching this. 😅

  19. Paul I've been using target oriented putting for a long time now and consider myself a good putter the power of your mind is incredible if you input what your mission is it will almost always complete it. Been telling and showing them how I do it `for a long time now and you know what it still works thanks for validating my process

  20. Paul – during the video of this tip – there is a message on the screen that says to use your normal putting stroke when you go out to the course to play your round. So are you saying to just use the wiggle drill in practice and then when out on the course do not wiggle as part of your stroke?

  21. Paul im 85 at one time many years ago i was a 4 but has time goes by im a 9 fron front tees, a year or so i started looking at the hole when i putted and was doing good but then i gave it up, i am going back to it after seeing you, i have watched you sinse you stared in vegas i will try thanks

  22. I came at this independently, but yes, I agree. For example, I literally told my partner on Sunday, facing a 20 footer with a double break, "all I have to do is put this little ball in that big hole over there". I walk up, no thought to set up, and dropped it. Target orientation is the key. The more you sweat over details, the more putts you'll miss. To quote Happy Gilmore, "just put the ball in the hole." I can't wait to try the wiggle drill, great stuff Paul!

  23. This is fascinating… I understand the logic of what you're doing by forcing us to ruin the smooth arc we've been focusing on and transfer that to the target. So, the natural question that comes to my mind: how do wee improve our green reading to get better at picking our target? I can't tell you how many times I read a putt that I think is breaking one way, only to hit it on line only to watch it break the opposite way. I've been working on distance control, so I often have a makable second putt, but it's tough to get confident with the putter without having any confidence in the read.

  24. Interesting timing of this tip. I had a rough round putting recently due to playing on a course with crazy fast greens. I went to the driving range/putting area at my local course (East Potomac for those who know) to meet with my wife after her lesson to play a quick 9 on the par 3 course and she was talking about the "pause to gather" in the backswing concept. For some reason I thought to try an ever so slight pause with mu back stroke while putting…and all of a sudden I was the master of putting! Moral of the story is I think the pause in my back stroke forced me to send the putter forward towards the target. I kept the pause during my round and am going to try it this weekend, but if that starts to falter, I'll use this wiggle drill to get my mind focused on the target.

  25. Yes. This works. I clear my head, and think “hit the ball into the hole”. My brain just seems to do the rest. No worrying about perfecting the stroke.

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