Golf Players

Ben Hogan Golf Swing | Correct Swing Sequence

#benhogan #golflessons #golfinstruction #golftips (Subscribe to my Channel)

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In this video I am going to show the correct golf swing sequence used by Ben Hogan. Once you understand this you are going to start improving your ball striking. When the golf swing sequence is right, it is really hard to do things wrong. Of course there is more to it but this video will help you really understand what needs to be happening during the swing sequence.

Stay tuned and make sure you subscribe to this channel because of the ben hogan so called secrets are finally going to be reveled.



  1. i like it and getting something out of it and finding some of it to be the same as i have found out on my own from his book and trial and error. thnx for the help.

  2. Thanks for sharing this analysis. The idea of concentrating on the left side of the pelvis during the backswing I found quite valuable. Thank you so much.

  3. Interesting and informative. Rotating to the top by turning the upper body with the trail elbow tucked close to the ribcage creates the flattish swing plane that Mr. Hogan used. When done correctly, the club points to the target at the top (as espoused by Jackie Burke, Jr.). I once followed Bobby Clampett's group at the Crosby Pro-Am and noticed his pronounced trigger was to tuck his trail elbow into his rib cage a couple of times to ensure he was routing his upper torso correctly on plane as you demonstrate. Bobby's swing coach was Ben Doyle (Carmel Valley) and he was a Golf Machine aficionado. The intent of the forward swing is simply to finish correctly with the club wrapping around the neck (also espoused by Mr. Burke and George Knutson) while posting up on the lead leg. Some describe this very controlled forward swing move as "swinging level left" (Dan Whittaker).

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