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Why the triple-threat is disappearing | Enhanced podcast

Why is the triple-threat being used less? In this enhanced segment from the Thinking Basketball podcast, Cody and Ben break down the newest, modern evolutionary Xs and Os tactics that has helped offenses become unstoppable, including how much players move as counters to a stationary defense, and how quick decisions are today.

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Ben Taylor is the author of Thinking Basketball, a Nylon Calculus contributor, creator of the Backpicks Top 40 series & host of the Thinking Basketball podcast.

Stats courtesy: @bballport
Footage in this video is owned by the NBA and its partners. It is intended for critique and education.



  1. I don’t know if the triple threat is phased out. I still see guys like Embiid, Luka, KD, Booker, and Tatum going into it often

  2. 45 degree, cut. Quick decisions. These are as old as the Princeton offensive if not older. Love it.

  3. I know that evolution should be about designing defenses and offenses, and taking advantage of players' skills, but I really wonder how tightening up massively on carrying and getting rid of the gather step would change the game. That's to say nothing of all the damn moving screens the game is plagued by.

  4. I like how this random basketball nerd just happens to have the best effing hair in the known world 🤣

  5. It is woefully simple:
    Freedom of Movement rules enable this, which is why we didn't see it before.
    Half of these actions would catch a whistle at any stage up until the last decade.

  6. Miami Heat zone beats this 45° angle cut.

    Only problem with that is they allow teams to shoot 3s.

  7. stampede is for role players

    triple threat is still the go to move for superstar wings especially in the playoffs

  8. They need rule change in order to give the defense a leverage in this era. Like maybe remove the Defensive 3 second rule.

  9. DHO = Moving Screen, awesome point. Stampede great term, I called it a Ginobili, shortening the closeout, or angle makes it tough to defend. Gr3at stuff

  10. Its why MJ averaging 45ppg is ludicrous. The 1 on 1 isolation plays is not that much effective anymore coz they are going to flood the box (with a lot more sophisticated defenses these days) at the same time too many wings are as strong and as big as him compared to his era in the 90s.

    Also will a coach make him shoot 30-40 times per game and not involve his teammates and run him to to the ground just to get his 40+ppg? I mean are they just gonna sorround MJ with a bunch of 3&D shooters like Crowder & Bullock just waiting for the ball once he gets doubled when he isolates? With no other star beside him? Idiooot MJ fans & Bron haters smh.

  11. Cool topics! At first I thought, yeah 3threat is fading. Then, I thought about playoffs and so much more iso ball, especially game 3+. Maybe talk about difference between reg. season vs playoff offenses and how the rule changes allow str8 path drives vs Jordan rules?

  12. Just remember this….3 of the arguably top 5 players in history (Bird, Jordan and Kobe) all were absolutely incredible in the midrange game (especially Jordan and Kobe) and have 14 championships between them. This idea that the midrange game is somehow not an effective way to win is absolute horseshit. 80s and 90s basketball would run this garbage they're playing right now off the court.

  13. I follow the Bulls. I am convinced Billy D is one of the WORST offensives coaches i've ever seen. its all Iso ball and plays from the 80's-oughts. there is no pass and cut, drive and kick. they have a great passing big man in Vuc and cant use him to feed cutters and backdoor plays whatsoever. The bulls dont even run DHO – which i think is much more effective than screens.

    4 or 5 out with a big passing to cutters seems as if its the way to go. in essence, your big is like a QB and your 4 wings are like wide receivers moving to get open. but unlike the NBA, the QB (big man) cant get sacked and your WRs (wings) can all set picks for each other.

  14. The triple threat is for elite scorers on a team of role players. When everyone can score they have to pass. I guess idk.

  15. How on earth is this done new concept.
    Grade school kids are taught to move to open space.

    It takes 4 yrs in the NBA to figure it out now?

  16. 2:20 Tom Thibodeau ran a ton of high dribble handoffs for Derrick Rose back in 2010-12 ish. He'd bring the ball up the floor, toss it to noah or boozer on the left wing, then cut past him for the handoff to get a running start into his drives. I'm sure it was used before but that was the first team I saw really use it as a major driver of their offense.

  17. That weak side cut is basic offense. Miami heat did that with Wade and Bron. Coach by… Ummm Pat Riley.

    The way you stop it is big defensive forwards like Vanderbilt, Draymond. You need the proper cast

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