Golf Players

Why Nelly Korda Is Actually Really PROBLEMATIC..

Why Nelly Korda Is Actually Really PROBLEMATIC..

Welcome back to Sports Section, today on the channel we’re going to be talking about “Why Nelly Korda Is Actually Really PROBLEMATIC..” if you’re excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don’t want to miss the details we have for you!

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  1. Why is any of that Nelly's fault ??? She's a competitive person so after maybe go after the officials who made that call !!!

  2. She got a blood clot in her arm after getting a "you know what" shot, yet didn't protect the public and refused to talk about how she got the clot. She also let her hair down on the podium after winning golf medla at Olympics, and she looked like a guy. Keep the hair up, Nelly, and please tell the truth the next time you have information that can save lives.

  3. Sorry this family is upper class with great kids that are very very very very special WHITE FOLKS with very very very very special KIDS .

  4. I have to agree with many of the previous comments. This is without a doubt the worst and most unfair video I have encountered concerning anyone that plays professional golf. This has nothing to do with golf. He paints a negative picture to support his title for the video. His criticism of Korda is purely subjective. Korda's problems pale in comparison to this narrators irrating voice. Whatever happened to decent and ethical journalism. This guy should be banned from you tube.

  5. This is just rubbish.
    I couldn't care one way or the other for Nelly Korda, but this is just a nitpicking hatchet job.
    Absolutely nothing in this video shows any evidence of her being "problematic"
    Click bait at it's worst.

  6. She's a bit immature. The Solheim cup situation in particular could have been defused by Korda if she showed some guts

  7. Thank God I only watched that first play with the ball sitting on the edge of hole……. Not sure what the post-er is complaining about. Booooooo

  8. This is the epitome of a “hit piece”. No substantive objectivity. Total spin. Stories taken out of context and out of his posterior.

  9. Nelly is the best!! You know you made it when dumb dumbs trying hard to create scandal.🤦🏽‍♂️

  10. Based upon that 1 golf course incident, hardly cause to judge her. Also "according to fans" is hardly a source for speculation. Jealous of her brother's swing is hardly sibling rivalry. Video title is largely clickbait. Ball replacement drama was a little sketchy though, particularly as Brooke Henderson is a class act.

  11. Damn, if she and her sister didn’t play on the lpga I would have believed they were boys. Dog faced and inbred boys

  12. Oh no. Skipped Zaharias, inkster and more Oh no!!!!!

    That said, Lo Cho's swing is one of my favorite of either gender of all time.

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