Golf Players

Connor Murphy Ruined Himself.


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#gregdoucette #connormurphy #ruined


  1. Conner is doing so much better and some would say he is doing great. And he looks great

  2. Christian Bale did the same thing… the only difference was that it propelled his career to such great heights and really got him paid!

    This guy… eh… not so much as far as I can see!

  3. Taking drugs and not eating for 40 days is just ridiculous and stupid if you want stay healthy in body and mentally , that understands everybody

  4. They lost their fake muscle lol the only and first time I actually conditioned my body before I got gains I lost even muscle, but I kept going and now it’s like I have these conditional abilities. And I don’t even get loose any weight like I use to when I train. But hey what do I know

  5. I 100% don't believe he did all the drugs he says he did. Seems like he was probably always that guy.

  6. I've seen like 10 videos from Coach Greg, and I've heard him mention 15% body fat main-gaining at least 5 times. At this point its just willfully ignorance. Also, just made some anabolic Cruchwrap Supremes.. almost feel stupid not going anabolic earlier.

  7. Even back then at his pick only thing I felt for Conor was pitty. Not only going public shirtless is extremly cringe but also shows how desperate for attention you are. Clear ur mind, focus, try to be better you not to show off for others. Only kids and stupid ppl watching videos like taking off shirt in front of girls.

  8. poor guy looks like an addict now. Probably also facing depression

  9. What an ugly guy Connor is inside and out, he really does think he's gods gift 😂😂😂😂😂

  10. It's funny to me to think that fat people would survive the longest in a food drought, so long as there was water to drink.

  11. Maybe it was the 40 days of not eating that would have destroyed away all of his muscle and left his metabolism wrecked, maybe that might have destroyed his physique? Just saying…if you wanted to preserve and maintain your muscular physique, maybe don't go off on some starvation fast and messing around with mind altering drugs.

  12. Your voice goes right through me why are you so high pitched and why do you constantly shout and scream are you feeling ok? What the hell os up with you dude?

  13. The dude was jacked on gear when he bust on to the YT scene. Hoaxed all the drama of fasts, and enlightenment to take the shame away of losing steroid gains. Dudes full of it.

  14. I ran every other day for a few months when i was 20, it destroyed my muscle even while lifting, girls called me a boblehead

  15. 40 days ? It's nothing comparing with 382 days of Angus Barbieri! About bodyfat Helmut Strebl can argue about that 10% :D.

  16. if you have enough body fat then a 40 day water fast isn't gonna do you any harm, in fact it will most likely be a way healthier avenue to lose fat than caloric restriction. there are medical research papers proving this.

  17. Tony's favorite uncle is a rebel. Buys and fixes up old Victorians without permits. Water-skis without a flag girl. Unvaccinated and uninsured too. During the Reagan years would juggle three girlfriends (not hookers) at the same time. Probably inspired young Anthony, aka Dr. Tony Hughes…. Leo's murder is my fault!

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