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Charles Barkley Has Lost All Respect For Skip Bayless

NBA legend Charles Barkley slammed Skip Bayless in an appearance on the All The Smoke podcast, calling out Bayless for spewing outrageous takes just for clicks the disrespect he shows towards Shannon Sharpe and other athletes. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. Who is Skip Baylis? No really… who is Skip Baylis? Just another mouth piece who knows what names to insert to create controversy. He’s a blow hard who should have been slapped years ago and put in his place.

  2. What's funny is that Skip has the same problem that Shaq does, if he doesn't like him it doesn't matter how good he is he'll just clown on him and pretend all the good he's done is because of the players surrounding cast

  3. I'm not sure exactly why but every time I witness the Young Turks report something related to professional sports. I get this uncanny feeling that truly dread at times.
    So much so that begin to experience paranoia become afraid a friend or a loved will find out that I willingly watched NFL or NBA highlights from The Young Turks youtube channel. Given that. You would think that I would avoid watching that type of content from The Young Turks but I don't.
    For some god awful reason that I cannot comprehend.. I am no longer able to just Scroll right by their videos when they end up in my feed. Now when I see a video from them. I click on it every single. And be completely honest it's not just that feed that I watch these videos from. I actually went through every single video on there channel just so I can watch all of their NBA and NFL related content. And now that went through all of those . Im Starting to turn my focus to all of the videos related to WWE that they posted throughout the years.
    What the f*** is wrong with me? I am abusing myself or some weird reason.
    Anyone reading this please know that this is not a joke I truly do get this really uncomfortable feelingwhen I watch. I
    After reading stuff online I think I might be suffering from TYT induced paranoia schizophrenia apparently that's a real thing that people can suffer from.

    If anyone thinks they have soms advice they think might help. Or maybe experienced similar thoughts or feelings while viewing content from TYT Please do not hesitate to share it

  4. Charles Barkley use to spit on fans in the stands as he walked down the court because they yelled at him for being lazy.

  5. "it can never be personal" yet Charles openly stated that he would kill Skip Bayless and he mentioned he was serious.

  6. “ if I get a disease and I’m gon’ die, how about you get skip bayless on here & I kill him live on national television” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that’s by far one of my favorite Charles quotes lmfaooooooo

  7. I agree with Charles "Skip" is a bit of a troll for the most part and sometimes not meant to be taken serious.

  8. Skip Bayless is an attention seeker! He's like that guy in a party that says the most ridiculous things to get attention! He went from being a good hot taker to an obnoxious hot taker! He will say anything to get attention and when someone like Barkley doesn't go along with his hype, he will play the victim!
    Nuff Said!

  9. Skip Bayless is to sports journalism what The National Inquirer is to celebrity journalism. He is a used car salesman. Actually that is an insult to car salesmen or sales people.

    I can’t watch Shannon Sharpe either. It’s mainly because of his mouth and teeth. Watching him speak makes me feel like I’m suffering from oxygen deprecation.

  10. Too much latitude for a guy that became famous for bouncing a ball while entertaining an audience. No wonder M.J. who always acts in a civil manner stopped talking to Charles. He went way too far expressing his desire to beat up and/or kill Bayless. That's uncalled for and Bayless should seek legal representation. And this is not to say that I think very highly of Bayless because he's not very savvy in any sports. But for Barkley to insult Bayless in defense of Shannon Sharpe is a hypocrisy. Not long ago Barkley made fun of the women in San Antonio by referring to them as being fat and donut eaters. Ask anyone and that's discrimination against 47.9% of the Hispanic population, 24% of the white population and a mere 6% of the Black population. If Howard Cosell was fired after a Monday Night Football comment so should had Charles Barkley. Unfortunately that's not the way it works these days.

  11. I blame Tim Tebow. If it wasn’t for that run in-spite of him skip honestly would have faded away

  12. Charles can say what he wants; he's always been a buffoon on air as far as I'm concerned, but he's entitled to his opinion. Now, the FACT is that Shannon needs Skip just as much as Skip needs Shannon. The show was a success because of how each played off of the other and how each always stood up for "their guy." We all tuned in to watch Shannon tirelessly defend LeBron, while Skip did the exact same for Brady. How many times did we count down the hours waiting to hear Shannon give it to Skip when Brady lost a big game? Or vice versa when LeBron lost a big game? It's like Bill Laimbeer once said, "Somebody's got to wear the black hat." We need villains and so-called bad guys for the entertainment value, otherwise the good guy doesn't have any chance to shine. Laimbeer was a great bad guy and therefore was great for the NBA. John McClane would have been ZERO without Hans Gruber to check him and why the McClane character was so likable…he had a great BAD GUY to complement him. So, people can say what they want about Skip, but he's a great bad guy, and unless Shannon can find another one to work off of, he's going to find it hard to replicate his Fox 1 Sports success. These "barber shop" type shows don't pull in the same numbers because we can all hear the same conversations at our own barbershops, so we're not really going to be rushing to watch LeBron's or anybody else's. If Shannon doesn't care about the money or success and just wants out, I wish him well. However, if he's looking to generate the same type of success that he had at Fox, then that's going to be very tough without one, Skip Bayless. Hell, just hearing him SAY "Skip" was television gold on its own.

  13. No one at a bar, or in any break room, or water cooler bring up what Skip or Stephen A. May have said. We talk about what the PTI boys may have said, what the TNT boys mentioned. But never and I mean NEVER, do I hear about the points of what Skip and Stephen A. Mention. They are irrelevant amongst sports fan.

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