Golf Players

JJ Redick DEFENDS Ejection from Son’s Basketball Game

NBA player-turned ESPN analyst JJ Redick admitted that to Jamal Crawford that he was ejected from his kid’s basketball games. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. I’m reminded of South Park where Randy would fight someone every game his son had and would go “is this America?! I’m sorry I thought this was America!”

  2. These fragile conservative cucks are hilarious. But, I truly love the officials quitting and causing these trashy parents to deal with their trashy kids problems.

  3. This is a story non story. If this did happen, shame on the ref. These games are not movies where you sit and be quiet, however you can cheer and boo respectfully. You can even challenge a call respectfully. What person would quietly accept their child being wronged? The question is what do you do? As a parent you have to know how far you can acceptably go.

  4. To every parent who helicopters around their kid and questions every call: if you think you can do better at officiating, suit up or shut up.

  5. If a parent has an unnecessary outburst at one of the games – they should be banned for the season or their kid should be kicked off the team. I'm beyond sick of the entitlement in society today.

  6. In JJ's defense, those were soft Ts. In the referee's defense, if this ref had been calling all day and been listening to coaches and parents all day, then sometimes it's just the last person to say something.

  7. If you are too busy to participate in your child's activities don't criticize the people who are willing to, youth sports are for the kids to have fun nothing else.

  8. Not only is it just a game, it's kid's games. Making scenes at games like that just shows how much of a pussy the person is. I'm amazed he thinks it's normal. Not getting your way and gets too little man power at home makes him act out in a tantrum.

  9. There’s a fine line and refs being human, miss calls but it’s the way everyone communicates that dictates the situation. I’m all for accountability for refs who suck and for parents that get out of line. When we hold everyone accountable, we would have less of these sports/ref problems.

  10. I love how you conveniently left out that JJ was the coach for the team. He wasn't being an overzealous parent. He was doing what a coach does and point out the inconsistency of a referee's decisions.

    Maybe do your research before making a vid like this.

  11. Parents should yell at their own kids when they mess up. Refs are people too. You have to really care to be one. And the pay is shitty. Every parent should have to ref one game to see the difficulty and crap that they have to deal with.

  12. JJ Reddick never won a ring and was a defensive liability on every team he played for now he's trying to get a ring from his kid because he could never win one.

  13. You want to know if the ref apologized cause it’s JJ? Umm it was pretty self explanatory. You know the part where you said he apologized after finding out it was JJ Redick lol come on man do better

  14. They can't even see the irony of telling the ump to stay professional for the kids. How do you do this in public?

  15. It's amazing to me how so many adults nowadays act like children. It's like they never grew up mentally. Grow the f*ck up people.

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