Improve Your Golf Game Take the 3 Club Challenge

Improve Your Golf Game Take the 3 Club Challenge. Reduce your handicap and How to play better golf. Try the 3 golf club challenge.

Club challenge this is fun it’s going to improve every facet of your game and it’s going to give you just a different variation to go out and play a few holes instead of the normal bust your driver down the fairway-type of a deal.

Now you can do get a couple of friends on board of this but all they’re looking to do is all I need to select three clubs out of your bag it can be a driver it can be three wood it can be an iron can be a wedge it can be a putter.

Have more fun on the golf course with shot challenges by only using 3 clubs of your choice. It will improve creativity, consistency, distance control and be fun to challenge your friends!

teaching you can have fun on the golf course and improve your golf game, consistency and scores at the same time.

Here Alex Fortey demonstrates a simple golf lesson on how options on a tricky hole can give you challenges that you can take on, no matter your level you can test your self on the golf course.

You may just be very surprised at how well you do. Enjoy this golf tip and enjoy our website and many resources we have to improve every area of your golf game.


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