Golf Players

Finding your Maximum Testosterone Dosage | John Jewett & Luke Miller | J3U

In this episode, John and Luke tackle th etopic of finding your maximum testosterone dosage as an athlete, considerations around it, and a framework for implementation on your end as an athlete or a coach.

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Time Stamps:

Intro 00:00

Framework for Usage of Other Compounds 10:40

Androgenic’s and Prophylactics 27:55

Where to Start with Test: 36:50

AI & SERM Considerations 49:23

Hypersensitivity to Testosterone 54:32

Outro 58:28


  1. The J3U podcast will now be part of FAM, hope you guys enjoy the new addition to the channel. John and Luke have a lot of knowledge to share, so if you wanted science based discussions about bbing, its here.

  2. I am one of those sensitive to testosterone dosage. Past ~135mg my resting heart rate jumps and no longer sleep well, it’s too stimulating. I’m wondering if adding in a DHT derivative would exasperate that?

  3. Very informative and beneficial as always! As someone trying to put on muscle with moderate dosages, after I cover my test base, if I were to use eq at a moderate dose alongside the use of an arb..what do we know about eq’s binding affinity to the E2 receptor. I’ve seen Derek mpmd discuss this and my thoughts are run test as high and safe as possible with moderate eq and arb to possibly cover androgen load through test and fill anabolics with eq and low dose nandrolone, while keeping e2 in check. Would love to hear your thoughts in terms of ratios/dosages and any anecdotal evidence you may have! Thanks again guys!

  4. What do you think is the minimal effective dose of hgh (pharmaceutical grade) for recreational bodybuilding and longevity?
    Thanks for everthing guys!!!

  5. I give it 5 minutes before Victor Black has a brain aneurysm because the name of "HIS" models weren't mentioned every 30 seconds during this episode.

  6. Thanks for another good podcast.
    Just one advice for John, if you want to step up your production and avoid the pops when talking to the mic you can reposition it where it is not in a direct path of air coming out of your mouth or you can buy a microphone pop shield/filter for a couple of bucks. Cheers

  7. Not too sure whether we can confidently state that the clinical trial assessment metrics of the late 1960s-70s was up to the standard of evaluating what is understood to be exogenous androgen mediated adverse effects today… or even what we understood as late as the 1980s. In their trial of Primobolan for breast cancer (10.5 months duration) Kennedy and Yarbro (1967) explicitly state: "The dose of methenolone enanthate (1200 mg per week) was massive and, since it is a long-acting compound, an enormous dose level should accumulate. The effect of the administration of huge amounts of potent androgenic hormones has not been evaluated completely." In fact, more broadly, for any trials at this time- there was no real consensus formed for human clinical studies at the most preliminary ethical review stage to ensure the paralleling safety as well as scientific validity and credibility of the data collected- probably a good reason why this study took place LOL. For this case in particular, none is more true for breast cancer treatment of the 1960s where there was essentially only radiotherapy and surgery. To exemplify the disparity of what was known back then and what was assessed in these trials- for blood pathology only increases RBC counts were noted by Kennedy and Yabro. Changes in blood lipids was never assessed in any of the series of methenolone papers at this time. Similar superficial biochemistry was collected by Notter (1975). We can't blame them for not assessing such parameters as blood lipids though. 1:The general understanding of lipoproteins, hepatic triglyceride lipase, etc was not yet elucidated- let alone accurate laboratory methods of measurement or pathology states ascribed. 2: Comically, around this time androgens were actually recommended for hypercholesterolaemia (see Vaismann et. al 1960) and studied for post MI recovery (see Davidson et. al 1972, Kumada & Abiko 1976, Gorokhovski & Kitaeva 1970) LOL. Unless there is some unpublished papers submitted to regulatory authorities by the sponsors of Primobolan for approval purposes- this sort of clinical trial data certainly doesn't seem to come close to holding a contemporary standard for ascertaining safety (and efficacy) in the scope we understand today.

  8. First, good content as always. I also have a question that I can't seem to find an answer to. I use TRT, legal through doctor. In the Netherlands that is with gel. Not the most user-friendly and perhaps optimal, but it does its job (for me). Suppose you want to use a somewhat higher dose from here for a while (look for what you can tolerate) what to do. continue to use gel and also inject enthanate (combining) or stop gel and switch entirely to enthanate ( and when go back on legit trt switching over to gel ). would love to get some insight into this

  9. I have a friend that knows about this part of the fitness/bodybuilding world. I asked him if he incorporates these compounds into his workout planning and if so, how he did it. Here's what he told me – "My experience (limited and certainly nowhere near yours) has been that I started with a LOT of reading and talking to people who (obviously) are experienced. Then I got labs done and spent time reviewing what those numbers mean (and the shortfalls to those reports). I started with 100mg per week and worked up to 300. I held there for the first cycle. I did a full PCT and later, after LOTS of reading and conversations, discovered that it was entirely unnecessary. The next time I went to T and Deca 300/150, and adjusted the T dose up to 500. Results were good and that formula seemed to work well. I did PCT there as well (Nolva, IIRC). I've experimented a bit with a couple of the orals, but my blood pressure jolted hard on even relatively low doses so I had to bail on those. T or T & Deca seem to be the components that work for me. I wish I could tolerate some of the others but, after LOTS of reading and conversations with real world users, it turns out that many of them play havoc on various processes in the body that I can't afford to take chances with." He's an older guy but it seemed to me that he went about it the right way – lots of research, conversations with other more experienced participants, and learning what you can tolerate.

  10. One question before the praise 😊 are we talking about shorts or long esters on testo? Since using 50mg extra for 3 weeks of cypionate will take longer time to find out the highest tolerable load, right? So if I start to feel ichy nipples I lower the dose 50mg and start with nolvadex, but is 10 days enough then because the levels are elevated for a couple of weeks more I guess. Or do I use Nolvadex until I don't feel sensitive in my nipples anymore?

    This is the kind of information I would have needed before I started PEDs and this is a goldmine for beginners. Listen to these guys, don't just start with 1g of tren because your friend told you so.

  11. This was great. I found it interesting what you touched on with the reasons to use 19 nor derivatives. Could you guys go into more detail on this subject?

  12. Should probably give credit to Victor Black since he was the origin and still at the forefront of safer use. This is almost word for word from the Black models. But it's good that the Black models have finally reached a popular platform.

  13. Great information. I just can't take people seriously when they ask, "Right?" after every statement they've made. I know. I know. 😐

  14. This is some of the very best PED content I've ever seen and I'm super impressed at the number of replies that John has left on questions and comments. I've subscribed and am looking forward to more great content. Thanks guys.

  15. I have a very high conversion rate to estradiol. On 120 mg per week, dosed MWF, no ai, my estradiol was 134

    On just 60mg, my estradiol was good at 34pg/ml, but total T only 540

    What would you suggest I do? Just run low T and add a little something else or run higher T and be on adex perpetually?

  16. These guys are the best. j3u is the gold standard for bodybuilding knowledge and should be taken by pretty much every coach and athletes in the current competitive scene IMO.

  17. True trt depends on the Medical problem! Either from overuse of testosterone or a male diagnosed with “ Klinefelter syndrome “ would determine the amount needed per week. Obviously someone with Klinefelter would be at a 200-300 mg range per week as it’s much more aggressive. 💪 Great video btw! 🤍

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