Golf Players

The Trick To Clearing The Hips In The Downswing


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  1. Thanks, bought the Swing Plate Dual Pro using your discount code. Are you able to do more tutorials using the Swing Plate as a guide? The videos on the Swing Plate website do not load properly and have significant buffering issues.

  2. Would you please use an orange stick for your waist? The dark one is too hard to see.

  3. You are so right about not doing the drills enough with most of us amateurs. I need to get a recording of your voice saying "you're not doing it enough" after every range session where I actually do the drill. That way I'll double my efforts to put in the work! It's so easy to resort to old ball hitting habits. I need to hear it over and over and over again "DO THE DRILLS!" Thank you!

  4. How active are your arms in the downswing? Are they just along for the ride initially then activating as you get closer to striking the ball? I want to better understand the feeling.

  5. damn. you described exactly my swing! scary… Luckily I've been working on those for a while… Backswing is definitely the issue all along.. Way too upright and shallow backswing.

  6. I used these tips and had the biggest improvement in a single range session in my life. I’ve never felt strikes so pure and I’ve been playing golf for over 10 years. Thank you so much!

  7. So on your backswing the club inside your hands on your take away. Is it okay to take it that far inside?

  8. I have decent depth and still struggle with hip turn on the downswing. My videos look like you in the left video, very square to the ball at impact

  9. there are a few good youtube golfers i watch….but i find myself watching you the most though, thank you

  10. Great content as per usual Johnathan 👏🏻👏🏻 miss my lessons with you🏌🏻‍♂️☹️

  11. What is "clearing the hips" anyway and what does it mean? Can it mean getting hips out of the way in the back swing (closed hips) so one can attain enough depth with the hands at the top of the backswing? i.e.hands nearer heels of trail foot rather than toes? Or does it mean getting the hips out of the way (open hips) in the down swing so one can swing arms down in front of the hips without the hips getting in the way? You seem to be talking about both versions of clearing the hips in the video. So the question is really how do open or closed hips affect rotation in the backswing and down swing? There does not seem to be any trick to any of this to me anyway.

  12. If you were a doctor….you would be very good, Doctor .
    If you were a master….I see you are …. most of your videos are education. Thank you, Jonathan .

  13. Big fan of your videos, but this one misses the mark. There's no doubt that a steep backswing will require more timing and compensations. I also agree that a steep swing is prone to early extension. However, lots of recreational golfers do get to the top of the swing on plane with reasonable depth and yet most of them still early extend and do not clear their hips. In other words, a steep backswing is a hindrance to clearing the hips, but it's not the primary cause. The primary cause is a lack of understanding/feeling for what the hips actually do in the transition and early downswing. They simply dont get it and the movements feel so different from what the are used to they dont stumble upon it. Speaking for myself as somebody that figured it out, the way a correct downswing feels is NOTHING like what I had in my head for the first 10 or so years of playing. I wouldnt have believed it if i had accidentally done it while experimenting. Three different teaching pros were unable to do anything but describe positions and draw lines on video. To your point about practice, I took it into my own hands and spent years with an old camcorder and swing sequences from golf magazines. Repititions hitting the ball terribly but learning to associate what i felt with what I saw on tape. The real secret? Most people simply don't 'naturally' conceptualize and/or feel the golf swing in a way that produces ideal movements, it's real hard to explain, and even harder to learn, especially at older ages.

  14. I so appreciate you sharing about your CP – your golf swing is amazing and I've been watching your vids for a while but now that I understand a bit more about your story, I'm even more intrigued to listen and learn from you! Good on you, mate!

  15. This insight of yours has made a huge difference for me. I am finding that, with a deeper position at the top, my hip turn kicks in more easily, creating a somewhat longer lag, and it feels more natural. With my hip getting out of the way better, my swing path is consistently inside-out and the club face is usually square at impact. I used to pull the ball badly with my irons and now I know why – steep downswing and a lazy (resistant) hip turn. Following your advice, I’m mainly straight and more consistent. I’m so thrilled.
    Thank you so much!

  16. It’s really more leg work than it is "hip" work. Legs bending, turning and pushing off the ground. 😮

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