Golf Babe



  1. Kyle Kylisnki was good before Youtube cracked down on ppl speaking their minds. When the money stop flowing in, he started to take money from TYT and became a fake leftie Youtube personality. He's as phoney as they come. Fuk that fool!

  2. Golf lover is defo on point regards the PGAT. Its there buisness model thats unsustainable moving forward. There in a big downscale operation .

  3. It's about time, I simply detest it when he comes on the Golf channel. For me, it ruins the broadcast. He ALWAYS seems to find a way to bring you LIV and throw dirt on them. We all know how he feels, so drop it already ! It is so unprofessional. I hope the lawsuit against him buries him financially and staples his big mouth shut…IMHO.

  4. Totally agree that a standard PGAT event is unwatchable. Been that way for as long a I remember (30+ years). Majors are the only thing interests me, and even the PGA Championship is take it or leave it. Used to love the national opens and european open on euro tour but sadly they have all fallen.

  5. The lying liars of NBC and Golf Channel seem to have no self awareness of their own sins against truth. The status quo before LIV was all they are protecting and no low blow against PGA defectors was off limits. Brandel C is a punk.

  6. Love the insights from GolfloverUK he’s a great asset to the show. Another good one fellas but please stop interrupting each other.

  7. what's the brit doing on here? guys annoying. his cowardness to the stupid facial expressions. not a good fit guys.

  8. Great conversation. PGA/Corrupt Golf Media only shine the light on Block to keep it off Brooks. He’s just another PGA puppet. Poor guy.

  9. One thing i would say about HV3 victory is that it was a better quality victory than Grillos. HV3 played phenomenally on the back 9 to close out. 3 under on that back 9 in those conditions was just fantastic. He really only hit one bad shot…the drive on 16. But everything else was money. Grillo had good karma for days.

  10. I wish Brandel Chablee would start a fight with me so I could finish it.

  11. NBC loves morons like Shambles. They'll never let him go because he's such a PATRIOT. There's a reason why the Olympics is on NBC, and he plays right into it.
    We can all dream but he'll be there forever, using his thesaurus

  12. What is becoming apparent is that a lot of PGAT players are playing well below par .

  13. Regards the litigation the elephant in the room is coming in September before RC . Larry Klayman has them all deposed , Rory ,Tiger, DL3 JM as witness and has PGAT in court on antitrust in Florida . Nobody is talking about this its crickets .

  14. Max Homa, the future of the PGA! I'm sure he is a nice guy and all. But really? These guys have no personality. Boring as hell. Oh wait, let's change his name to "Scottie" boy band like little Timmy the 9 year old. They have drummed out all and any personality from young golfers. Now just cloned robo Monahans. What a joke their most exciting golfer is an amateur not even on the tour.

  15. Lisa Cornwell…I remember when she was a fixture on the Golf Channel and, maybe, she was the best reason to watch it. Now, they have those 2 snarky British women commentating and I simply cannot tolerate the way they speak to the audience; there is a condescending overtone to whatever they say translating as, "we know it all, you are stupid." When the GC was based in Orlando here and Lisa left, I heard rumors to the effect that the head Golf Channel douche nozzle, Chamblee, did not like her for some reason and was the main impetus to her firing. Just another reason to intensely dislike Chamblee along with his overbearing know-it-all attitude, his intense dislike for the LIV, his dumping his first wife and kids to marry Bailey Mosier, and his absurd hairstyle which looks like he ratted it and then sprayed it solid, like all the high school girls did back in the early '60s. I wonder if he writes off the hairspray he uses in a year as a business expense on his income tax?
    BTW, kudos to Lisa Cornwell, I need to buy a copy of her book. And, go get 'em, Phil!
    PS Great video and analysis, gents.

  16. I don't like Breaking Points. They are shills while trying to act like they are not. Exposed in the way Ball treated RFK Jr.

  17. You guys can’t start a subject & finish it without so many side crap. 9 min of blender mixed crap talk. I’m done listening. Get your crap in order before airing this kind of weak content. Good luck with that.

  18. Everything you said about pro ams is true but When talking about Pro Ams you can't talk about guys like Rose. He has a name on his hat that will fill the team.

  19. We need this regularly (every week, maybe twice), at set times, live and with a chat session please and thank you.

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