Golf Babe

Dominant Lead Hand – Shawn Clement’s Wisdom in Golf

Golf tips • instruction • lessons •

Learn how important the lead hand is in the swing! Perfect for the golfer playing right handed golf with a strong left hand, but also some great tips for those that are right hand dominant.


  1. Best vidéo ever shawn
    A coach in France said to me it s impossible to play well in left cause i m righty..
    That s why i choose edouard montaze
    Thank you so much guys…golf is really à pleasure now…

  2. What a magnificent lesson!!  Changed the pattern of my backswing and release and smashed the ball with the lead hand like never before.  Please put a letter in your file Shawn and thank you.

  3. Merci Shawn pour cette vidéo mais comment sait-on quelle est sa "lead hand" et comment le déterminer ?

    D'avance merci


  4. It was the "down and under" notion with the lead hand similar to a top spin ping pong serve that turned on the light for me.

  5. Great lesson; for me my dominant hand is the trailing hand; was hoping for a few analogies w/ trailing dominant hand.  When I try to use lead hand as dominant bad things happen:  chicken wing, torn left rotator cuff, etc.  Started golf way too late, age 60, but was a good tennis player.  Now playing to a ten hcp.

  6. Thanks. I'm Left Lead – Right clubs and I knew there was something I was lacking in understanding. I've been training the last year to make my right lead dominate in the swing – its helped a ton. The user below talked about the right-block and slice which as I see from the video is my left lead dominating and not releasing/turning over. Thank goodness there is help for us lefties who could not find a left handed set when we started. thanks again.

  7. Hello Shawn. I'm right hand dominant playing left-handed. My left hand is almost useless … I can´t even hold a cup of coffee with it. By searching for backhanded-golf tips I found your channel years ago and I am a subscriber since … But I must say the Frisbee analogy never worked as a swing thought for me because when throwing something backhanded the lead arm always collapses in the backswing – which isn´t recommended in a golf swing – in order to gain speed. Even your arm collapsed while demonstrating it. This elbow-down and arm-turning-over idea is much better. Thanks for your great work. Greetings from Europe.

  8. Hi Shawn….I golf left handed but I am right arm dominant.  Thanks for the video.  Can you help me understand how to stop lifting the ball with the club head?  Also, should I move the ball forward in my stance if I golf with my lead hand?

  9. I am right handed and play right handed but I have learned that letting the left hand be more dominant in the swing works best for me.  This video helped me realize that and that it is alright. For a long time I tried to swing with a side arm throw or skipping a stone with thoughts focused on the right hand and arm and this did not work for me  Now it's more of a slashing with the sword with my lead hand and when I am swinging well it seems like a slash, baton twirl of 75% lead hand and 25% trail hand and the power is amplified effortlessly,  This video help a lot.  I also had to weaken my grip a little and the ball flies straight.

  10. like your old jimmy conners looking racquet. that was my choice back in the late 70's when i 1st started tennis.

  11. I am right handed dominant. I play baseball left-handed. I have been playing golf left-handed. Recently after my first golf lesson, I found out I am also be able to play right handed. I am comfortable with both sides. So which hand should I choose to be my dominant hand in golf?

  12. Hi Shawn. Im right handed however use my left hand at the bottom of the club. When using more power i seem to slice the ball more often. Have you got a video on how to rectify this? Thanks

  13. I'm a left hander playing right hand. Whenever i do your drills with the sword and other similar arm analogies, i really feel the width. But as soon as i put two hands on the club and play a golf shot, i can't recreate the feeling. I don't get through the ball, and i am fairly certain my arms collapse after impact, specifically the left one. It is so hard training the sub conscious mind not to hit that stationary ball. I guess it's just a matter of continued practice? Thanks for the great video.

  14. Hi Shawn, it appears in some of your videos that your weight and hands are pressed just a little forward. Is this correct or just a video illusion. Thanks

  15. I've just gotten into the sport. My dominant hand is my left hand, but I've primarily only been able to use right handed golf clubs. Would it be beneficial to switch to left handed clubs, or is it too late to make the change since I've gotten pretty used to right handed clubs?

  16. Shawn, my problem is over-dominance on the right side . My subconscious brain wants me to crush the ball causing over-the top issues. One teaching professional on the net recommends starting the downswing with the left arm like with throwing a discus or frisbee. I've been trying that technique with some success producing more solid and consistent contact through the ball. But still if I sometimes forget to lead with the left arm my subconscious takes over causing either pulls or slices. I would like your opinion. Peter

  17. Shawn, thanks for this vid. LH golfer who's RH dom. Playing 7 years. Every instructor always teaches me like I'm left hand dominant. It wasn't until I saw Vijah was lead side dominant that I figured out what I was doing all that time was incorrect.
    He nearly swings with one arm. His back hand supinates off the shaft right before impact. Creates the whip for him and I believe is similar to your one hand practice demonstrated here.
    it's almost the opposite of a rear hand dom golfer supination the lead wrist at impact.
    Does this result in less forward shaft lean for lead side dominant players?
    Is what I'm saying accurate?
    I was a switch hitter in baseball and I love how you play both sides. How unique.

  18. I knew it, I knew it. Absolutely awesome video. This is the one video to "tell the truth". Train the lead hand to get out of the way of the dominant hand to release the club. I've been fighting that for years. Taken lessons and with all that money spent, I've never been told what I thought was right. I have been trying what you said and it makes shots more consistent and now I feel confident that I'm doing it right instead of creating something that works.

  19. Great video thank you! I play right handed and focusing to lead with left and making right hand more passive helped me a lot. But how is it with pitching? When I try doing the same I think I am loosing precision…

  20. As a right handed , trailing hand dominant , your last minute on this video has been GOLDEN for me . I have come to realize I was doing exactly what you had seen so many times before, with trail hand players like myself , with incorrect release of left hand ( righties) "getting in the way , with no where to go". I never understood it , but I sensed it happening. Thank you for pointing this out so clearly ! Please continue to point out this subtle flaw and its remedy !

  21. I am right handed

    I can easier release with my front arm

    Am I a backhander? How do you tell?

    is there any down side being a backhander?


  22. Thanks Shawn! You referred me to this vid after I asked for something to prevent tennis elbow pain. This vid does show me how to keep the lead forearm in a strong position through impact but then release the club/get out of the way without tension. I will try this right away! Thanks again!

  23. Shawn….tried this early this morning and it works great! No pain in the lead arm elbow! Basically keeping the lead hand facing away from me through impact with the club face square to the target at impact then releasing the club naturally on its own after impact is the key. Thanks!

  24. I'm a right hand dominant playing from the left and I have issues with my attack angle. I seem to lose loft. When I swing from the right side I tend to hit the ball high. Do you have any idea what causes this? Any videos that address this?

  25. As a right handed golfer, who is predominantly left handed, this video makes as much sense as Calculus to a newborn. What your are telling most most people to do is what they already “overdo”. Th me dominant lead hand needs to do less not more.

  26. Hi Shawn are you recommending that we play like Phil Mick and play left handed even though we are right handed? Or is it that I've got to roll my hands to release?

  27. I am left handed. Just about to start playing golf. Some people suggested that I should play with my right hand. But thinking back I do love to serve backhand using my left hand when I play ping pong. Is there a way to test and see which hand should be the lead?

  28. Good video. For a right handed, can you explain the % in the down swing for each hand to create the most power?
    Is the left arm pulling or guiding the right and the right is 90% power? Hope this is clear 😁. Maybe you already have a video on this. Thanks!

  29. Finally nailed this feeling. What worked well for me was to internally rotate my upper lead arm so my elbow was facing the target or even slightly right of it (I have a slightly strong lead/left hand grip), and trying to keep that feeling through the swing which keeps me from shutting the face with my lead hand. Is this a 'feel' or position you would advocate Shawn or will it cause me harm elsewhere down the line?

  30. Hi Shawn,

    I'm right hand dominant and play right handed – but I feel like my swing (esp the driver) is more consistent if I use my LEFT HAND to dictate the swing – it feels like a backhand (rather than a forehand if I were to use my right).

    Using my right hand, I feel like I have a tendency to snap hook the ball.

    Should I change to right hand 'feel' instead?

  31. This was awesome, thank you. I found this video because I am right hand dominant but in hockey, golf and baseball I play left handed. I have recently been been told that I would do better, say, golfing right handed. So I am researching into this to see what it is all about. I am pushing 50 years old and it would take a lot for me to switch now, but I am curious.

  32. I'm left hand dominant but play right-handed. I've been playing for 3 years, and I've never started hitting the ball well until I seen Bryson D's video on arm supination. I think your video is just as important. Wish I would've seen these videos years ago and wish people would talk more about more about supination. I'm finally hitting my 7 iron 150 with a draw and I've been playing a slice since I started.

    It's very difficult to hit a draw if the inside of your lead arm is facing away from you at starting address. That was one of the main things ruining my game. Now I rotate my lead arm inward/point my elbow towards the target at address causing a nice buttery draw.

  33. So I’m left handed golfer , right handed dominant, I’m going to try this because I’m struggling badly!

  34. You recommend the beginner video of what side to play but for some reason, act of God my phone landed on this video and cleared up my spinning thoughts about right or left, I was told to switch to right because of the right hand has the power, but after this video u cleared up about the release and long story short I'm going to go back to left! Thanks Shawn, this is an awesome, awesome video!! Now I know why I can hit my 5 wood left handed as long as my right handed driver. Apologies long text.

  35. See I’m so confused as what to do in golf. As someone who’s picking up golf at 30 n has only played a couple years. I’ve only had access to right handed clubs but it’s been okay because even tho im a lefty I played baseball right handed because I had more control n power. But I’m starting to feel that I need to pick up some left handed clubs because there’s always something that doesn’t feel natural about me swinging right handed in golf. Which is weird to say cause I drive about 287 at max n 230 on avg. n shoot about mid to low 90s. But I haven’t found anything online that gives me any answers to what I should do. I’ve played so much right handed now can I really make the switch?

  36. I like the analogies but the big difference in golf is that you’re supposed to keep your lead arm straight and this decreases power.

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