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Catrina Allen Speaks Out Against Transgender Disc Golfers

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  1. Kudos to Catrina Allen for speaking up. This is Natalie's response to Catrina speaking up for women. "All her statement says to me is that she needs to work on her mental game. If the presence of someone she doesn't agree with can ruin her day then her skin is pretty thin." -Natalie Ryan

  2. Advantage, disadvantage–a man is a man and a woman is a woman–no matter what parts are removed or added.

  3. I can respect that people want to become trans people but I expect the same respect back when I believe or say at the end of the day you are born either male, female, or hermaphrodite. Just because you mentally “feel” like you’re the opposite gender, doesn’t mean everyone has to view you as the opposite sex

  4. Catrina makes a thoughtful statement, Natalie makes a personal attack. Natalie is wielding her status as a trans person to manipulate the discourse on a real issue. Nasty, manipulative and selfish behavior.

  5. No trans woman has been dominant in disc golf because they make up a tiny fraction of a percent of disc golfers. It's statistically extremely unlikely. That argument makes no sense whatsoever. It's also inaccurate, because Ella is one of the top ranked players among many thousands of women, also statistically unlikely.

  6. And more bs later in the video. A person born as a male is a male, we do not currently have the technology to make a male into a female. Making light of the fact that someone was born a male in order to communicate an issue is not the same as purposefully mislabeling someone to be disrespectful. In no way does that automatically equal hate. What I'm beginning to hate is the deliberate and inaccurate framing of this and the people who speak out on it. That is what is distasteful here. I'm all for trans rights, but this isn't about trans rights, it's about women's rights to fair competition. Purposeful misrepresentation of the entire issue.

  7. Men whether one’s transitioned or not just have physical advantages women cannot compete with. Look at any sport and you’ll see longer, faster, harder, quicker etc times, lifts, runs, jumps, etc etc than their female counterparts. This is no knock on women athletes but please just look at the athleticism of the NBA compared to the WNBA as an example. That is the difference in a nutshell.

    Natalie Ryan, I fully support LGBTQ and trans people but you should NOT be playing in the female division. If you’re so good and so dedicated to disc golf go play the MPO. Stop cheating!

  8. ask me it's DNA. Men have the y chromosomes so there is no dispute. You are born a man or a woman bottom line.

  9. You don’t know the physical advantage of a male over a female 🤦🏼‍♂️

  10. Catrina alen making a general statment of fpo but natalie ryan takes that as a personal insult 😂

  11. If you really think that she has no place in disc golf because she expressed her opinion then you are just furthering her point that she felt unable to speak out.

  12. Natalie, we see you as a human being. However this does not mean you are a female or have any business competing in female protected divisions, the same as I can't compete in an age protected division. Please compete in the MIXED division where you belong

  13. I no longer watch cards with Nataly Ryan on them! To come on to the scene and be successful right away is a red flag! States are now passing laws that you can only compete in divisions that match the gender you were born with! One thing they can research is the amount of testosterone present in competitors. I believe you should be the sex that your heart tells you that you are, but it shouldn't be used as a competitive advantage!!!!!

  14. Catrina and so so many others see Natalie Ryan for exactly the human being that she is… a born male who has transitioned to female and is leveraging her advantages to win in female professional disc golf. That is the unfortunate truth of transgender athletes. These women have worked so incredibly hard to build their league, gain sponsorship, grow the sport, and create a fanbase. Natalie Ryan is exploiting it all for personal gain. This is anti-feminist and unfair to these women athletes. I cannot support it.

  15. First, Catrina didn't "dehumanize" the male golfer, only said that females are at a disadvantage against the biology of a male. Second, SPEAK UP, if you don't who will? Good for Catrina for speaking up about competing against males. As stated in other posts/comments, MPO isn't the male division, it's the mixed division, go and join it as a trans athlete. The FPO is the FEMALE division, not the "women's" division.

  16. Completely with Catrina on this. I’m a man and she would beat me 100% of the time, but that doesn’t make me eligible to play in fpo.

  17. Simple solution all trans should have to play in the ma1-3 divisions or mpo regardless of gender and fpo and fa1-3 are natural born female divisions protected

  18. Ma is no longer men’s armature but mixed am and if anyone fits mixed category best well 💁🏻‍♂️

  19. Was Ryan a male when it registered for a PGA Number? If so then it is clearly playing as a female to gain an advantage after losing as a male in a male division.

  20. This guy literally is asking the stupidest questions.. what kind of advantage is she talking about.. really?

    A male who was rated 500th in the world in swimming won the females 100, and 200 meter the next day. No real training regimen nothing. He went from 500th in the men’s division to 1st. If this Natalie was never prevalent in the MPO ,which he wasn’t, then how is he suddenly winning tournaments in the FPO? Of course he can still be beaten so can anyone because they miss something or have an off day. That doesn’t take away the fact that this man was NEVER HEARD IF IN THE MPO and suddenly he’s the talk of the FPO and winning tournaments.. if that’s not a clear OBVIOUS advantage I dunno what is.

    And his next question about Catrina not respecting “her” she doesn’t have to respect “her”. And it’s not about treating someone like a human or otherwise it’s about the truth. And the reality is this man can never be a women despite what you or anyone else may say. And the idea that I or Catarina have to forgo truth in order to be “decent people” is absolutely asinine to me.

  21. Google it! WebMD talks about the advantages. Muscle mass, bone structure and size, hemoglobins and this all continues on after transitioning. Trans women, go compete with the other biological men. Or start your own division

  22. If you have taken male testosterone natually or injected you should not be allowed to play in womens division.
    Doping should not be allowed.
    Catrina could go on anabolic steroids for a few years, she still would have problem to outdrive an avarage male discgolfer with "exactly the same technique"

  23. I'm with Catrina on this one. He's a he. Every cell with a nucleus in his body knows he is male. Those cells form systems and organs that are all acting to maintain a male body. The people who have made him think he can become a woman need to come clean and admit that the technology required to change every cell of the body has not been invented yet.

  24. Catrinas statement was weak, full of emotion, and felt like a shitty college speech.

    Stick to the facts, Catrina. Leave the emotion out of it.

    You are playing for f**king money. That dude is literally stealing from women.

    I wonder what dude would say if I ran up and snatched his purse as he was walking down the street.

    He would flip his s**t.

    Idk. I can call her a she. Sure. She is who she is. She does not meet the requirements for the FPO league. She doesn't.

    I didn't know the pdga changed the rules, but good they did. No Trans athletes competitive divisions for women. Especially for money.

    Casual play, match play tourney play where there is nothing on the line. Fine. Play in that league. However, they are not allowed to formally get records/high scores/course records etc.

    Imagine Usain Bolts 100m dash getting smakt by a cheetah or a fkn alien robot Trans mechanical bionicle fighter jet.

    Like I may be Starscream, a decepticon, but not today b***es!

    Men stealing women's purses… how low

  25. It has to be depressing for an actual female when a kinda small but chubby dude, with the physique of an IT professional, pops on the scene and starts contending for wins.

  26. If you have a realistic perspective on the world youd know that males and females have many differences from stronger connective tissue, to just bigger bone size and stature in general. Lets not even mention muscle mass. Just because trans people arent beating women by a huge margin doesnt mean it cant happen in the future. GO CAT!

  27. Imagine being so insecure and angry at your inability to understand a perspective outside of your own that you feel the need to remove someone else's enjoyment of life. There aint a person in these comments who gets it. Yall are pretty sad.

  28. Sad world we live in. Born with y chromo=man. (Louder for the folks in back!!) MAN. wanna open up a trans catagory? Cool. Otherwise men play v men. Period. And just for the record, cat allen would whoop my azz on a course. I accept that!!

  29. Catrina obviously does not understand basic biology. Do your research instead of trashing your fellow women athletes.

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