Best Ball With Golf Girl Hailey, Part 2!

My oldest daughter and I attempt to play a little 9 hole best ball or something to that effect! She hadn’t even picked up a club in a while and she played better than me! Sorry about the camera work! I am not use to holding a camera. I usually just have it on a stand in my bag! But we did it this way to be easier to video both of us. And my tripod is broken!

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Btw, my daughters high school team got invited to play in the National High School Golf Invitational at Pinehurst, at the end of June, 2020! But this virus has left everybody stretched a little thin and the trip is expensive! So the team set up a GoFundMe page to try and raise some funds to offset some of the cost! You can learn more about the team and get a link to donate, on my blog post! Thanks in Advance!

#golf #goofydadgolfer #golfswing