Direct to Garment Printing For Custom T-Shirts

| 1800 620-1233

Hi, I’m Mike from Today we’re gonna show you how to use a digital printer, and we’re gonna show you a full-color image printed on a dark-colored shirt using white ink.

All we’re gonna do here is just start the print and the digital printer will pretty much take care of the rest. First it’s gonna lay down a white layer, which you’ll see. It’ll come over it again with a full-color layer, and then we cure it, and it’s basically done.

Alright, now that the white is done, it’s gonna come back and do the full-color layer.

Alright, now that it’s finished, all that we’re gonna do — just gonna pop it off the platen, and then we’re gonna cure it. We cure it on the heat press for ninety seconds, two times.

Alright, so now that this is pressed twice, this is basically done. If you zoom in there you can see how good the color is. That’s it! Thanks for watching! Click the link below to visit

Direct to Garment printing, or DTG for short, is a new and exciting technology for printing custom t-shirts. With this method, we can print even the most complex images digitally – directly onto your item. Depending on how many colors, and how specialized the design for your personalized t-shirts is; this technology may be the best way to bring it to life!