Feel The Golf Swing (Throw Golf Balls)

In this tip, I show you a way to feel the golf swing. It’s simple. Just throw some golf balls but instead of throwing them as you normally do, throw them wrong then throw them right.

So the point of this is to try throwing a golf ball doing the things average players are doing. If you do you will not feel the golf swing and the power you can generate if you do it right.

So basically this is a comparison that will allow you to feel the golf swing as a better player does. We are not sitting there just hitting with our arms. If this was the way to do it wouldn’t there be a lot more better players? Pros and better players are feeling something totally different. We are feeling the power come from out legs and hips along with loose wrists and this simple drill will prove it.

So either the next time you are at the range or if you go out into your backyard I want to you to try this. Once you do, it should become crystal clear how you need to learn to use your body while having loose wrists to get a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing.

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