What Nobody Tells You About the Golf Swing Takeaway

▶One of the biggest mistakes older golfers make when copying the pros is the start of the golf swing. You see it’s the wrong golf technique for most players and we mean the one piece takeaway. What Nobody Tells You About Chipping Onto The Green

If you’re looking for a simpler, easier golf swing that won’t require a lot of practice, then you should try the one piece takeaway. Not only is this the easier technique, but it’s also the most effective. So if you’re looking to improve your golf game, make sure to avoid the one piece takeaway and try out the simpler, easier golf swing!

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There isn’t a golfer alive who hasn’t heard about the one piece takeaway. You just see it everywhere on the golf channel, YouTube magazines etc telling you to do a one piece takeaway.

But what people don’t tell you is the downside to it and trying to do a one piece takeaway when your body doesn’t facilitate it, when you don’t understand how the rest of things work is really gonna screw up your golf swing.

✅ Watch me next
▶ What Nobody Tells You About Chipping Onto The Green
▶ Don’t Turn Your Shoulders In The Golf Swing –
▶ What Nobody Tells you About Wrists in The Golf Swing



Here’s what we cover in this golf video.
If I was asking you to throw something, you wouldn’t think about throwing in a one piece takeaway. You would just feel the weight. Don’t worry so much about specific placements from inch to inch to inch. It’s just about starting it in motion and getting us in a place that we can launch ourselves from to be able to get the ground, to be able to get the width. And you don’t have to be a super athlete. You don’t have to try and practice for hours and hours to get this perfect sort of takeaway.

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you simple tips to improve your golf swing. Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having YOUR perfect golf swing.

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Let us know what you think in the comments below! 👇

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  1. Outstanding video Sir, thank you very much.
    This video spoke to me on so many levels and I'll be watching it a few more times before my next session.

  2. I started doing this. Basically the L to L drill. One arm a time then both. It's the first time I actually started feeling the weight of the club and when you use the one arm drill it forces you to use your body in the correct manner to swing the club. My swing speed has increased dramatically, the path. I've learned to trust it and let it go. My swing has become completely effortless. Although I shoot in the mid 80s I believe I now feel how the golf swing should be. It's completely effortless and has saved my back. That simple drill you show might be the best drill in golf. My only thought when I'm over the ball now is a silent count in my head of 1..2 for my tempo. It makes golf fun. Thanks for the videos.

  3. Sounds a lot like the Ernest Jones ideas on the golf swing……my opinion

  4. The thing is that everybody wants to hit further and therefore they are looking for something to do so. But in reality it is counter productive and killing the fun of the game

  5. Excellent advice and may I suggest the second biggest mistake golfer make copying the pros? It is keeping that front foot planted. Let that foot come up. Nicklaus did, Bobby Jones did; all the greats of the day did. Does a baseball player keep his front foot planted when making a throw? Does a javelin thrower? Do you when you throw a ball? No! It is natural to let that foot come up if it wants to. Keeping it planted increases tension and can even injure you.

  6. Should one start the back swing with ones right hand? I was informed that the left hand/arm was the plan. I mainly concentrate on me clearing the left hip, that's always been my plan, but like many of us, we try all sorts when we can! Another great tip Alex, am your number one fan!

  7. This sounds so much like my swing, too rigid and worried about getting the club in the right position. When this happens I get stuck at the top and not able to start the downswing, very frustrating!!! I'll try your drills next time I'm out and hopefully that will work. Do you have a thought when starting the backswing to make it more natural and flow?
    Thanks for all your advice so far.

  8. Great video and your absolutely right we all watch Rory etc trying to emulate them,I'm 57 now and play off 4 so a decent standard but there's no way I can get into the positions he gets into lol I'm too old so yea definitely try and be more natural and swing with in yourself 👍

  9. Totally agree 👍 I concentrate on my wrist hinge & 90 degree angle on my right elbow bend, I now can control the ball strike much more consistently than my old one piece take away

  10. I watched this yesterday and took it to the course today. It really does work! Thank you for simplifying the backswing and eliminating so much of that technical nonesense that the average Club golfer can never hope to perform.

  11. Creepy how YouTube suggested this video because I just literally figured out on my own, in my head never speaking it or typing it, exactly what is contained in this video. Anyways, this affirms I was on the right track of correcting my poor and rigid takeaway and now I have drills help that. Thank you!

  12. Thanks for all the great video! I had some of my best range and golf rounds last few weeks. More power and distance. Back is still a problem working on conditioning old injuries, 54 yr old golfer. Toe touches are the worst. Mobility is excellent ortherwise. I have a question. Why would 90 degree feet, no foot flare help my swing. I have flared my feet in hope of freeing up my hips with minimal results. Feet 90 degrees to the target line appears to have transformed my swing. Actually less strain with no flare. Would love to hear why this may work for my body type, movement tendencies. I experimented and really strike the ball way better with squared feet. Thoughts?

  13. My swing 'feels' different every day!
    An old pro said that he would see what swing he had for that day and work with that, rather than always expect to hit it the same!
    Great video and really sound and simple advice, as always, for us hackers!

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