Golf Players

Athlete Racial Abuse Is COMPLETELY Out Of Control

A bigoted Tottenham Hotspur fan took aim at star winger Son Heung-min in a gross, yet sadly common attack on footballers of non-white ethnicities. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. It is only a small minority of people doing this and often on line they are not even football fans..please don`t make it sound like this happens at every match, fans hate it just as much

  2. You’re talking about a bunch of miserable people that hate their own lives.

  3. Life will always put you in front of obstacles, but don't throw yourself away!! You're amazing, and only you know how much effort you're doing to walk your path of life.

  4. It’s always the same ignorant racist people!!!! In my opinion, at games ban the fans ZERO TOLERANCE It’s their choice!!! The athletes, no one should put up with those who refuse to assimilate in modern society PERIOD

  5. If Americans think they have it bad in sports, England is so much worse, they throw bananas on the pitch and other stuff !!!

  6. I was at a soccer tournament last weekend and a parent made a Atomic Bomb joke about an Asian girl on the other team. I shut him up quickly, and then thought…. what f ing year are we living in?!?!

  7. Heung min (first name) Son (last name). Please correct what you say. You complain that others are doing wrong but you yourself aren't following the proper etiquette of calling somebody by their 1st name in western culture. You call LeBron James… LeBron . You call Stef Cury … Stef right. So I ask you to correct your error. You're complaining that they're being abused which they are, but you yourself aren't giving them the respect that you say they are due.

    There are lots of countries that use less name 1st than family name then 1st name order of naming. We don't make fun of countries that use day 1st month and then year so why can't we honor the respect by calling them by their name.

  8. So many men acting like spoiled children at sports and seemingly no cap on alcohol so it's a recipe for disaster! best you can hope for is the removal and banning of fans which never seems to happen at these events

  9. The usual pathetic behind the screen trolling racists who act all bs and apologetic if they are caught, at least the Football Clubs are doing more than the Social Media companies to name and shame these people, by catching them on CCTV taking them to Court and Banning them for Life from the ground.

  10. Online abuse needs to be scrutinised further. You'll find many of these trolls IP addresses are located off shore.

    But those idiot Spurs fans in the beginning is just typical of Spurs in general.

  11. People have and will continue to make fun of each other forever. It’s not that big of a deal. Don’t be so sensitive

  12. This is absolutely crazy nobody should have to put up with this type of 🦇💩Craziness, if I were the athletes I would go on strike until they do something about this because online threats can escalate into real harm until that's why they need to step up and do something about this.

  13. As a Tottenham supporter am not surprised by this West Ham are renowned racists along with Chelsea. Absolutely disgusting. We stand by Sonny. COYS

  14. If the only card you can pull out to make fun of somebody is a racist card, then it just proves the great character of the victim!

  15. Funny how the most racist sports fans are from Europe that the Left loves so much. Looks like the Dems just cannot ever forget their roots

  16. So accounts can be shut down for certain infractions and language but IG and Facebook won’t shut down these racist towards these athletes?? Wow. 🥹

  17. Suck it up buttercup your paid and paid well. Use the off button then you won't see anything.

  18. What's sad is that lots of these Asians suffer from self-hate! They worship white people and they get the eye-opening surgeries and they often reproduce with white people, this is what they really think about you,

  19. Wow…. Make fun of him by by saying he likes Chicken fried rice. Great material. You're a comedic genius. 🙄

  20. If he was a trans they would have acted so fast and made sure they got those guys cancelled and arrested.

  21. Cyberbullies, and just bullies in general, are often used by people as defense mechanism. It maybe because they don’t feel any power in their lives or suffer from low self-esteem. They feed on the fear and negative responses to their abuse, which they get from social interactions because it covers their own insecurities and gives them a sense of control, which is lacking in their own life.

    These social media platforms are becoming bystanders in the face of bigotry, hate, injustice, and discrimination. Instead of playing an important role in the prevention and ending of bullying, their inactions or lack thereof, only encourages and empowers a bully. And instead of helping break the chain, they are reinforcing a message that these types of behaviour are acceptable and have a place in our community.

  22. The more you give this crap air time, the more it will happen. Hmmm. Now I get it.
    By the way, any professional athlete that hears this nonsense and lets it affect them is playing right into moron’s hands.

  23. Racism against pro athletes is one of the dumbest things fans can do. It's one thing to not like an opposing team but, racism? Makes very little sense.

  24. TYT constantly searches for negativity but then never talks about how to resolve that negativity except hating people back…2 wrong dont make a right…

  25. Racism in football will never end. The fans often act like hooligans before, during and after the games. All around the world, fans behave abhorrently toward the opposition and using racist slurs or mannerisms is common. It’s terrible. It’s ignorant. It reprehensible but it’s sports fans. 👎🏼

  26. If all the teams protest, and don't play, then those racist will have nothing..eventually there will be. So to all the racist, once it's taken away what will you do.. probably still be racist crap holes…just watch at home, and keep your racist views within your shitty families…I love every good man and women no matter where there from, and I love futbol…

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