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Ice Queens Official Trailer

An NHL Original Productions special feature, Ice Queens is a one hour documentary celebrating the past, present and future contributions of women of color in the sport of Hockey. Featuring interviews with Angela James, Kim Davis, Mikyla Grant-Mentis, Sarah Nurse, and many more, the full documentary debuts on March 8th on ESPN+, SN, NHL Network, TVA, and the NHL’s YouTube channel.

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  1. Bless those ladies. Chicago has queens on ice, just they're referred to as Blackhawks. Go Blues.

  2. If you don't have a womens league then what is the actually point in this other than pandering to this modern day North American trend.

  3. Why does everything have to be about race? Especially when female hockey altogether is so underappreciated. You don't even have a league for women.

  4. Lot of angry white boys in the comments… it’s free not to watch, fellas.

  5. yawn. boring. more woke garbage. everyday we here about black people. its sooooo boring and unrealistic.
    ANY woman who calls herself a queen is a huge RED FLAG

  6. Nobody cares about your color this is just a bunch of B.S .I'm a lebanese goaltender never had a issue about my color or anything . Just play hockey and have fun . This is so made up .

  7. It’s not diversity if you’re only focusing on one group. Why not make a documentary on international hockey, and include all the races and diverse groups who play? Or maybe take the money you used to make this garbage fire and invest it in creating a better professional women’s league. You’re pushing a product nobody is interested in. Make it better before you shove it down peoples throat.

  8. Blame women for the failure of women's sports. They don't watch them either. Just like none of them will watch this virtue signaling, racist trash. There aren't a lot of black hockey players, because blacks choose to play different sports. Nobody is telling them they can't play hockey.

  9. Oh good, more stupid woke trash from the NHL. Just what this organization and its fans needed.

  10. Let's get rid of exclusion and racism! I know, let's make a show solely about supporting one race! 🙄

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