Challenging My Approach Shot Strategy- Golf with Gen



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  1. Very interesting video Gen. Enjoyed that. Obviously you're always thinking about how you can refine your game to save those precious shots. There's always something else to try in this game!

  2. Gen, are you going to do an update video on your plans for playing on a tour? Are you coming back to the US or staying in Malaysia?

  3. So much thinking and adjusting in nine holes Gen. It was great to hear your thinking through the challenges ahead of you. I love the way you then evaluate and go with what you learned from each shot too. One thing I noticed in some of your chips was the use of your hands. So great to watch and would love to learn more about this and your stable stance. A pleasure as usual😊. Thank you Gen.

  4. Great video Gen! I find it impressive that you have so much variation or at least the ability to hit 3 different shots with any club. Personally i mostly hit stock shots and when i'm in between clubs i go by feel and wing it hahaha, works out decently. For some reason trying to hit a half shot always kills my swing and rhythm 😅 i do wanna work on that though, it just makes it so much easier to have that variety

  5. Back in the day this was “Grip it and Rip it”. This vlog had a nice “vibe” to it almost pre USA. Do you plans for any of the Access tour events in Europe this year?

  6. Back in the day this was “Grip it and Rip it”. This vlog had a nice “vibe” to it almost pre USA. Do you plans for any of the Access tour events in Europe this year?

  7. Fab video, to me it looked like the shots which were marginal in terms of which club to choose, you got good results from the full shot. Do you have a large gap between lowest iron and first hybrid, it seemed that shot on par 3 at 169 was hardest to get full shot.. so interesting, 😊

  8. Just curious, do you do anything different on par-5’s or long par-4’s
    … such as swing harder, or do you just hit your stock (80% swing) distance?

    Being up in years, I’m not hitting it as far as I once did, so reaching those in regulation is a challenge for me. Any suggestions for playing these long holes with shorter distances off the tee?

    Would love to see a video where you hit something shorter off EVERY tee and see how your strategy changes. ☝🏻

    Keep up the good work 🙏🏻
    I love your videos on “How to play golf” vs “swing mechanics” that most YouTubers focus on.

    p.s. I could also use some help on putting ☝🏻

  9. For a single camera self shot and edited video, your play videos have evolved to pro level, so polished and watchable on content. And the dead battery makes it funny and keeps it real at the end. 😁

  10. Genevieve, Your swing is looking better and better! … Great Video … Are you going to give LPGA Q school another attempt? … Your swing and putting looks right up there with the best of them to me.

  11. I am in love with you😍 , sorry, in love with your swing !!🏌️‍♀️ Waddaplaya 👌🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿⛳

  12. Been watching you for a while now and I think your ball striking is getting better and better. Great video. Keep it up!

  13. Your hair grew back so fast!! JK sometimes its confusing when you post these videos out of sequence.

  14. Hey Fast Hips. Obviously there's the right (and wrong) time for every kind of shot, but your swing looks very well syncronised when you hit full shots. Maybe you should try using them more often 🙂

  15. Love the new intro 🙂 you're amazing, your shots are always so flawless even your mistakes look good. Keep it up!

  16. funny you always looking for your tee after teeing off, people saying when you hit the driver right, the tee always in the back, is that right?

  17. hmmm interesting didn't know you did half shots mostly. I will on par 3's sometimes if it's in between clubs but mostly do full shots.
    Should give half shots a try. I do like hitting punch shots

  18. You pick the ball vs compressing your irons. IMO I feel you are losing distance with your irons in general. Girls onLPGA are compressing and divots fly…you have similar distance as them… Considering you play in a warm climate, ball carries well. I think your game would evolve if you actually compress a 7 or 6 iron instead of flying a green with a hybrid… compressing your irons has nothing to do with loss of control!

  19. I just got done watching several of your previous videos, and there seemed to be less right to left or left to right movement on all your shots this video, not sure if this was a result of using full shots….the lesser movement was on drives too.

  20. Love the challenge to commit to full shots. I struggle with that all the time knowing it's the right thing to do. You're looking in tip top shape. what do you do to stay strong?

  21. This was a good video. I definitely learned to think about using my clubs in more than one way (half-shot vs full-shot). Good to get your insight into approaching different shots. This will help me for sure. I have a question. Do I need to carry both a 5 wood and a 5 hybrid? Thank you. I enjoyed the video.

  22. Unfortunately, you don't seem to be very good at puttingter. Why aren't you on tour?

  23. I'm confused. When I hit the ball harder (and purely…) I spin it more, not less. So I can understand the 5 hybrid backspinning. Plus, the landing angle is probably steeper with your full shot, making the spin more effective in a way.

  24. Mz. Gen
    Your driver is just magical to watch.
    This is a wonderful video.

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