How to get the PERFECT P4 Golf Backswing Position!

We all want that perfect backswing position! But what you’ve been told to do V.S. what your body actually wants to do can be two very different things… For more info or to book onto our Turkey coaching trip, email:

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🎵 Music used:
▶ Leave Me Alone – Elro
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Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.


  1. It’s been a long time since I rode a motorbike. Memory is fading fast but surely your not revving the bike rather your slowing the bike down

  2. Is the open or closing of the club face done by wrist position or is the actual handle rotated accordingly and then gripped ?

  3. Will give this a go I suffer a slice. I also suffer from coming over the top and swinging left. Lose so much distance cutting across the ball. Lucky if I get 170 out my 5i.

  4. You just keep upping the bar Marcus 👏 A very, very good explanation and demonstration 👍 For those out there just watching the videos and thinking "you'll get it", if you do, well done! Go and get a lesson with any of the Zen Team, and, I absolutely guarantee your game will ascend to a level you thought you couldn't get to.

    I'm out to Turkey before you guys and have: Faldo X2, Lykia Links, Carya, PGA Sultan & Nobilis Robinson. My Zen Team (Sam Skeldon) instruction has made my season prosperous; so I look forward to a Golf Tour with 23 other mates 👍⛳

  5. Just fixed a flat tire on my Harley so I can ride to the golf course tomorrow. I will get some extra practice on the way to the course 😂

  6. I’m new to the zen golf channel been watching for a couple of weeks and I’m very impressed I have built my own zen training aids and am trying to use them as you demonstrate, I’m a weak short hitter no matter how hard or easy I swing 8 iron goes 120y and 7 iron 130y, I’m desperate to find the golden sequence that will unlock some club head speed, thanks for the content Marcus

  7. Discovered this concept this year after 10 years of slicing. Completely eliminated my slice and gained yards with a penetrating ball flight. The common terminology used by golf pros is “releasing the club”. I was always confused by this. The motorcycle throttle analogy is an easier one to picture and apply for me. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I'm so glad your showing how rotating the club can help with your shots. I've been experimenting with the exact same thing, I find the flat left wrist works best for me. So far I can hit whopping hooks or scary slices. Thanks for sharing. And by the way, I use to road race motor bikes some years ago.

  9. Brilliant Vid Marcus and a must for ALL the slicers & hookers out there in Golf World!
    I have to confess that until I had my lesson with the Zen Master I hadn't got a scooby about changing the clubface angle with my wrist rotation.
    I have been experimenting with this for several months now and seem to get the best results if I preset my wrist position (50% bowed) before I set up to take the shot as it then free's me up to take the shot without any internal brain clutter. Do you think that this is ok??

  10. What type of grip pressure are you using? I tend to strangle it to hold the face which creates a lot of tension and strain. Do you have a video on grip pressure?

  11. Marcus do you rotate wrist at setup then swing or rotate wrist during swing. This is what is confusing me. If I do it at setup obviously the club face sits all wrong. Or are you meant to practise like your video and it will happen naturally eventually thanks

  12. Marcus mate that only works for lefties , the throttles always on the right mate ..
    That said , I’m playing around with trigger finger placement atm to close face through impact and having a very nice honeymoon 👍 broom broom

  13. Marcus, this was what I have struggled with for years – can not find a consistent grip as the fix – my missed was hooked too much. The more I aimed right, the more I flipped my hand – the more it hooked, then I started to swing right and up follow-through swings (instead of swinging around by body or letting the hands rotate for a nature release) – that helps to draw ball (vs hook), but it was not consistent and no power.
    My question was to bow the wrist vs pre-grip-closed-clubface (flat wrist)? – I have tried them both and must do them wrong.
    When you said keeping the same grip and clubface relationship – you meant keeping the same left-hand rotation (with right hand on) and letting it bow at the top, right?
    Do we ever pre-grip-closed-clubface at the address? (from the other video, in order to aim right – we rotate right a bit with our feet, body and shoulder around the ball for a draw shot. And the clubface pointed to the target line – in this case, at the address, the clubface did look like pre-grip-closed-clubface) – did you see that I was confused?

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