Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor (PREVIEW)

The Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor (MLM) is the only golf launch monitor that uses the power of your mobile device to provide immediate feedback on LAUNCH DATA, instant VIDEO REPLAY and active SHOT TRACE. Known for its PROFESSIONAL-LEVEL ACCURACY for shot distance, ball speed, club speed, shot shape, smash factor, launch angle and launch direction, the MLM is TRUSTED BY TOP GOLF INSTRUCTORS. The MLM gives you the tools you need to transform your golf game!

============= KEY FEATURES =============
✅ SET UP IN UNDER 30 SECONDS- Simply open the app, connect your device via bluetooth and start hitting
✅ PROFESSIONAL-LEVEL ACCURACY- Distance accuracy is within 2.5% of Trackman at just 2.5% of the price
✅ INSTANT FEEDBACK – The real-time video feedback comes with a SHOT TRACE and DATA OVERLAY making it easier than ever to understand cause and effect. Access your stat history to view ✅ AVERAGES, DISPERSION, TRAJECTORY and STANDARD DEVIATION for each club.
✅ GPS SATELLITE VIEW – Use your phone’s GPS to see where all of your shots land on your actual range or course
✅ OUTDOOR USE ONLY – Cannot be used hitting into a net (Indoor capabilities not yet available)
NOTE: Software Update to include Indoor compatibility expected May 2020

Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor is NOW Available at GolfBox: