In this tip I am explain how to snap your wrists for serious power with irons and driver. This snap is the wrist release as you swing the club down and through.

So many people are just trying to hit the ball as hard as they can with the arms. The problem is, the harder the person hits, the tighter their wrists. In no way do they feel the snap of the wrists that you need to for serious power as you hit the golf ball.

To snap your wrists for serious power requires you to loosen up but also to get used to a new feeling. This snapping sensation is something my students have told me they feel for years as they loosen up their wrist release.

So if they tell me they feel this snap then you need to feel it too. Once you snap your wrists as I show in this tip you will finally start to get serious power in your golf swing.

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  1. After years of listening to you, I am finally getting it and…getting results!! Thanks Paul. Will keep working the swing! 👍

  2. Sensation of snapping wrists while swinging golf club = good, sensation of snapping wrists while skateboarding = bad. Love the tips Paul, I'm working diligently to improve my swing, thanks for all you do!

  3. Paul, thanks for the tip, always great to see new videos from you. There are times when I was just doing practice swings, trying to hinge and rehinge, and that feeling of a snap was present. I was afraid that I was using too much arms so I then backed off. When practicing, do you try and snap at full speed or do you just let it snap naturally?

  4. Great man Paul thanks for all your feed. I like to see you upload a video of you playing your course. Like a shot by shot video. It can only be front 9 only. 😂

  5. this is correct golf distance in wrist i am parlized waist down still hitting par 4's at club the first whole is over 461 yards at back tees i can hit green from normal tees just cause i cocking wrist..but since i been watching you i am in the 70's now i have shot par rounds i think this is year i become a scratch golfer again since i crushed my spine in accident

  6. Tried this in the range today Paul BEFORE I watched this. Was getting some great strikes with irons but I hooked a few too. If you go at it too much aren't you in danger of turning the face over to close at impact ? Lovin your vids by the way 👍

  7. Hello Paul – in my 76th year you have shown me how to hit some of the best shots of my life with more consistency. I play 6100 yards and currently carry an 11 handicap. Thank you, sir – your Body Swing Course is excellent.

  8. Just to add, I am hitting my irons with confidence and with the distances I had 30 years ago. I smile inwardly when the younger players tell me my swing looks great, I have picked ul swing speed and I'm hitting great shots too.

  9. Thank you Paul For the great lessons you give us,. I have a Question about our Golf course Golf Range.we have Mat's I'm trying to figure out how we know we are getting a Ball strike with a divot.what can we do on mat's hitting Golf ball's should I tee it up?.thank you the way you have a great name.

  10. "hi, my name is Paul Wilson. I am the director of the school of common sense, stop trying to hard, stop throwing out your back, stop pulling muscles, stop using bengay, start playing easy golf. That is what my school is. So if you don't want any of that, please do not come to my school" that is who this guy is.

  11. I'm happy you indirectly mention opening and closing the clubface with your hands (AJ Bonar teaches this). As someone with a bad lower back, I can't fire my hips as it hurts way too much. But I can open and close the clubface with my hands and get pretty decent yardage.

  12. This is the first time I've heard it explained this way. I finally understand the term loose hands. Thank you so much! Love your videos!!

  13. This is pure gold…its automatic for me with irons..unfortunately with driver my swing is stiffer until I remember to loosen the wrists to release..

  14. Snap, crackle, and pop are the 4th, 5th, & 6th derivatives of position with respect to time. Velocity, acceleration, and jerk are the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. So if you really want to generate some clubhead speed, put some pop in it!

  15. As Paul says, it takes work to get it right. But when you do, that snap makes the most wonderful ball compression sound you've ever heard and most beautiful ball flight you've ever seen – and all so effortlessly. It's that momentary essence of golf that keeps you hooked.

  16. Hey Paul thanks for the tip and other tips. Love your channel. Lately I’ve been hitting off the toe and I know I’ve been tensing up and my right shoulder is causing me to not have an inside out swing. I’m right handed. I’m gonna try this tip in the morning. I noticed the whip sound was very noticiable while at home practice your tip. Will this drill on my transition down ever make me cast? Thanks Paul you’re great!

  17. Paul, love your content! Watched so many of your videos! Do you offer online coaching/feedback? I am based in the UK, as much as I would love to come over to the states for a lesson!

  18. I have been following body swing since 2019 was a 15 hcp- thanks to Paul I am a 6hcp and if there was a body swing putt style I would be much lower – can’t put

  19. I just recently realised my wrists/forearms and elbows need to be relaxed and what a difference it’s made.

  20. THIS IS THE BEST VIDEO THAT PAUL HAS EVER POSTED!!! I just took it to the driving range and I've gotten my distance back! Irons are pretty easy to snap, fairway woods are straightforward, the driver is a little more difficult.

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