Best Lesson On Grip EVER! – Stop Coming Over The Top

(한국어 버전➫ Are you slicing, or hooking because of an out-to-in downswing plane? If that’s the case, you’re in luck! I’m starting an over-the-top series that will take you through step by step to help you fix your downswing forever! Today’s lesson is on the grip. You can find the rest of the series on my website in a few days!

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  1. ফেলিসিডেস, এটি মিনাংকাবাউ উদাহরণ। 250 sentadillas son unos Youngstars.Quest muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Dadi dejal ver que hay muy buenos ফলাফল 😍👍

  2. Hi Aimee, I❤️Aimeefy. I learnt golf bak in 2000 and I start my grip with my three lower fingers from my pinky of my lead hand first, then place the base of my thumb on top(12 o’clock) hence I can literally pick up my club and cock and uncock with just that one hand. Next place my trail hand at 3 o’clock and form an interlocking grip and the lead hand forefingger locked like holding a trigger and inline with the club face so that I can “feel” the clubface direction with this forefingger. In general, my grip is somewhat neutral or slightly strong so the club face does tend to face a bit to the left of target (I am right handed). Am I gripping my club the old fashion way or modern?

  3. Love the way you teach the different aspects of the game, making it easier to understand as well as fun 🤩😍🏌🏻

  4. Love it! Quite the refresher for your grip vids from years back. I'd also been using the ledbetter grip-grip mounted on a drumstick to help me form my grip. And then i adjusted for some core-dex aspects (really helps with aiming). THANKS! p.s. i broke 90 2 rounds ago!

  5. Hi Aimee! This is indeed the best lesson on ´how to grip the club´ i ever saw! I´m just trying it out. It feels bit wierd, but when i hit the ball… contact feels so much better/smoother? and the ballflight is much more straighter 🙂 so thanks a lot, i love it! 🤩👍👍👍

  6. I didn’t notice, did you have an overlapping grip or interlocking grip? Or does it matter?

  7. Tried it today while practicing on the driving range. Just a slight adjustment of the first placement on the twelve. It feels so in control! It helped immediately to make better ball contact. Good lesson at the right time for me. Thanks!

  8. While I applaud your description and effort to explain grip and a lot I agree with your concept of the so called classical grip is incorrect… no instructor or professional has ever taught or played with the grip in the palm… it is the same grip you correctly explained but with the handle in a straight line with the left arm and with many good reasons… I'm a teaching professional myself and while I agree you can grip and position the club many ways successfully your explanation of why this is better is flawed because of this misconception… other than that some good info here.

  9. I think I have a pretty good consistent grip with my left hand (my glove hand), but I find my RIGHT HAND occasionally will slip into a stronger grip too, where the “V” of thumb & forefinger starts pointing to outside my right shoulder 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Is this bad?
    I then think the hands are complimenting themselves (both strong), and when I grip with the right hand more ON TOP, the hands feel like they’re fighting each other.

    Can the right hand be a stronger grip as well?

  10. I was not familiar with the modern grip so thank you for explaining it. I will try it for sure to help my swing but I’ll have to watch your video a few more times to make sure I do it how you explained it.

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