Golf Babe

Channel Update

An update on the channel.


  1. All the best with your recovery 1.05 k subs
    We will be patient with the patient, looking forward to your content in the future, no rush Simon
    re adverts Sir Nick is me favourite

  2. Sorry to here about your set back but glad you had the operation to make you better than new
    John 🏌️‍♂️

  3. Glad you have had the op done as in the long run it should be benificial but, sorry to hear you will be laid up and not golfing for a while. I know how that feels as I am unable to play but it's due to my wifes health and not mine. I got new clubs in lockdown and have only managed to go to the range a few times. I am yet to use them on the course. Get well soon and back to match fitness. There are rounds of golf to be played and I get my golf fix through you tube (mainly you). All ther best Simon, take care.

  4. I wish you the best on your recovery!
    If you need some “bad golf” to watch you can continue to watch my progress… or regression (hopefully not)!

  5. glad your back and missed all that turmoil from north korea sending out 🚀 into the sea, I think Taiwan is in that general area. Health wise gets lots of rest and rehab and you'll be fine and ready to go. You could be playing before I will still a foot of ❄❄❄❄ here in Manitoba Canada 🇨🇦. last year first game was April 2nd

  6. FYI: I did start the video on the toilet, but finished it out away from dumping. 😂
    I watch so many videos that I pay for no ads and it is absolutely wonderful!

  7. Rest up Simon. Looking forward to seeing you back out on the course soon. I'm going to give the new guy the benefit of the doubt & give him a try…I can't get much worse tbh! Heard he's a decent bloke

  8. Get well soon Simon! I'm very glad that you've had your operation and it has been successful.

    I quite understand prioritising your boys, and abandoning the idea of a YouTube Day, as your health, your family, and your day-to-day life is far more important than us lot!!! Yes, seriously, it is!

    So take care, recover quickly and get back to golf as soon as you feel fit.

    I'm off the St Pierre at Chepstow for an overnighter with the lads from Devon tomorrow. I'm sure you must have played there, if so, any tips?

    Method teachers are, indeed, a waste of space, and all golfers need to be taught as individuals, based on improving their own golf, rather than being adapted to swing the club in a set way. That's madness! As for a wall of ladies clothes……!!!!! He seems a cocky so-and-so to think that he's right and the Lilley Brook membership are wrong!

    Cheers mate!

  9. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
    Method teachers are ok for beginners but I'd never have lessons with one, to be honest I've not seen a pro that I'd be happy to have lessons from at all. I'd only really be interested in having lessons on the course with maybe just the odd check up and reset on the range now and then. There's so much more to getting better at golf than swing technique.

  10. Had me worried a bit when I saw the thumbnail. Thought you might have broken your leg or something worse. That's still very unfortunate and I hope you have a speedy recovery. At least you got a ton of golf in before this happened. You may want to consider getting one of those rising desks so you can stand up and work for a few hours instead of being stuck in the chair. I can't image how you feel. Your off work but you can't golf, can't lay down properly, and can't even edit all that footage that you just got. I guess nothing to do but binge watch Netflix.
    Your so right about the method teaching. I totally agree with you that everyone is unique, built different, different feels and habits. From all the years the golf swing has been analyzed there still and will never be just one way to swing the club.
    I hope you get to play some golf with your sons soon! It would be cool to see them in some vids.
    Well I'm sorry that your gonna be down for a bit. Get well soon Simon!

  11. G’Day Simon
    Had both my legs done at same time and know your situation but you will benefit in the long term
    Hope your recovery is swift and your back on the hallowed turf asap
    In the mean time keep safe I will keep watching

  12. Have a great recovery Simon. I hope all will go smoothly and you can hit some balls again. 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

  13. We all need a lazy boy looking after us at home lol be patient and get yourself better my friend. It must be a great relief to get things sorted.

  14. I’ve had two hip replacements so know how it feels to be sat there unable to go out. The only advice I can give you is to follow any exercises given by your physio religiously.. it will pay untold dividends. Have a speedy recovery Simon

  15. Adverts normally annoy me but I rewatched some of your Monmouthshire trips, I was really pleased to see the adverts, it's a great sign that your channel is growing. Hope your recovery is quick. Are you doing a Painswick trip this year?

  16. Speedy recovery Simon, I'll be thinking of you when i'm hacking up the course on Saturday. Take care.

  17. GET WELL SOON 🙏 I'm 70 now and started golf at 30. I took two lessons to learn grip and setup and I taught myself everything after that. I'm a 12 HC and play for the enjoyment of the game and never had any dreams of making the Tour 😉😀

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