Golf Babe

74 Shots Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy – This is a Par 68 for me!

The Greatest Apparel and Accessories in Golf:

If I am to reach the score of 72 in a round of golf consistently, I will need to work on some things…which I probably won’t do, but I should.

1. Putting inside 12 feet. I need to convert putts when i have the chances for birdie.
2. Avoid bunkers in the wet season because the sand goes haywire
3. Get better with the 58° which would entail practice, which I don’t like.
4. Formulate a better plan and commit to it better. I wish I could have someone follow me around and film for me, but that would entail paying for a caddie, cart and partial green fee plus a caddie tip, despite the person not even playing any shots.
5. Be more lethal inside 140 yards. This is the key to all of golf