If You Get Tight Calves After Running – WATCH THIS…

If you get tight calves after running, check out these five tips to help you fix the tightness and run without calf pain.

WATCH NEXT – Calf Strengthening Exercises for Runners:

Here’s a quick summary:

1. Often runners who suffer from tight calves do so because they are weak in their calf muscles, leaving the muscles unable to tolerate the demands of training. Either the weak calves are too weak for the training load, or the training load is too much for the healthy muscle tissue. Either way, the tightness we as runners often feel is a protective mechanism for the calf muscles.

2. If you struggle with calf pain after running and know you have tight hips and/or weak glutes and hamstrings, these imbalances might be the reason why your calf muscles are overworked as you run, and you end up with tight calves after running.

Here’s a great glute workout for you to try:

3. Any runner with tight calves should consider regular foam rolling to help reduce the tension in the muscle tissue.

You can find foam rolling tutorials for your calf muscles right here:

4. Your running technique is a big part of the picture when trying to determine why you get tight calves after running. If you run with either a low running cadence, or an overly aggressive forefoot strike, running high up on your toes, you should consider increasing your cadence and working on more of a midfoot strike. As a forefoot runner training for longer distances, your heel should come down to touch the ground shortly after landing on the balls of your feet. This will help prevent calf pain after running.

5. If you know your running shoes have seen too many miles and are ready to be retired, tight calves can be one of the warning signs that you need to replace your running shoes.

I’m sure these tips will help to stop you from getting tight calves after running.






Music by Epidemic Sound:


ABOUT ME: I’m a runner, sports rehabilitation specialist and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I’ve been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics has become a geeky little passion of mine!


#Running #JamesDunne #KineticRevolution