Explore Disc Golf's course design process in Peabody, MA

Full-service disc golf design-build firm

This video comes from our recent site visit at a 14 acre parcel in Peabody, MA. The City recently purchased the parcel to help mitigate current flooding issues with a detention basin that will cover more than half the site. One of the stipulations of the project was that a “recreational element” must be included in the installation, and while the site is unfit for basketball courts, soccer fields and many other traditional activities that would require severe site clearing, disc golf fit in perfectly!

This video gives a glimpse into Explore Disc Golf’s design process. Our first few visits are STRICTLY thorough site analyses, with the occasional rough flagging of holes or pin locations that stick out. Disc golf is a wonderful form of moving people through the landscape, so we take our time in noting all significant-onsite features that we’d like to connect to.

In addition to noting all significant on-site features, we denote parcel boundaries, high and low points on-site, prevailing winds and all surrounding land uses. While it’s out of our control if those surrounding uses are to be connected to or not, it’s worth noting what is around you — be it trail systems, residential housing, downtown districts, etc. Whenever you can connect to the greater context, it’s always suggested.

We will be back on site several times this summer, and will provide more videos of our design process as we move into rough flagging and then down to the scale of locating tees and baskets. Contruction is slated to begin in early July, with the completion of the course and detention basin scheduled for early Fall 2013. Stay tuned!

If you’d like to bring disc golf to your location — be it through basket/disc rentals or course design and site planning — contact us today at!