High, Soft Pitch shot (282)

In the last Course Vlog at Oceanview GC, we saw Cassie was struggling on pitches from 40 yds and in on the wet and heavy ground (mind you she putted and was swinging well so made 99 anyway).

The struggle was partly because we have been practicing the low trajectory pitches where she hits down through the ball to get the ball to pitch out lower – so in these conditions the club was getting sucked down and not continuing through to a full finish. So today we worked on a fuller swing pitch which sweeps the ball more and ensures the swing is finished all the way round without getting jammed up on impact.

This is a High, soft landing pitch, of the Freddie Couples style, tension-free, early and full wrist hinge on the back swing, letting the tempo of the swing (gravity and momentum producing a lovely delivered club face which has not got such a steep angle of descent through the ball) release the club at the the bottom of the swing and delivering a more open club face so the ball comes out higher.

It is a useful shot to be able to play and adds a finesse to a players game for certain shots.