Ball Throw Drill – stop early shoulder turn (378)

The early shoulder turn – rears it’s ugly head every time people try to get more distance. They put more speed into the swing which often manifests itself in the shoulders turning early. i.e. turning from the top half of the body.

There are two problems that can occur in Cassie’s swing:
1. A pull to the left (Cassie’s main struggle)
2. A very out-to-in swing path causing the club to cut across the ball. This when combined with a pull can work back to the middle, but when hit straighter usually drifts to the right or severely slices to the right.

So today’s drill is back to one we have used over the years – the ball throw drill. To throw a ball into the ground (where the golf ball lies) requires the arms and hands to move down without the shoulders turning – if you turn your shoulders you brain knows it won’t be able to hit the spot where you are aiming the throw.

So the task is very simple, and the result is a movement that everyone can make without having to think about swing mechanics. Throw the ball down at the floor (where the golf ball lies) and then let the swing and body react to this action – they will cause you no problems trust me!