Golf Hook Fix – Part 2 – Check your Grip

Golf Hook Fix Part 2 – Golf lesson and golf tips on how your grip and specifically your grip strength may explain why you are hooking the ball.

► Golf Hook Fix – Video Golf Lesson Summary

A too strong grip is often associated with hooking the ball.

Ideally, you should be able to see two and a half knuckles on your top – left – hand. If you are gripping the club in a too strong position you are likely to see 3 or even all 4 knuckles on your left hand. The problem with such a grip is that it tends to close the clubface at impact when your hands return to a more neutral and natural position.

The right hand can also be in a too strong position. Ideally you will want to set that hand so that the V formed between your thumb and index finger to point towards your chin.

Making sure your grip strength is correct is a crucial step towards getting rid of hooks in your game.

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